1. 程式人生 > >侵入式單鏈表的簡單實現


== uri new cast amp typedef all 內存地址 類型


typedef struct foo_s {
        int             data;
        struct foo_s    *next;
} foo_t;

結構體裏包含了鏈表指針next; 而侵入式單鏈表卻不同,讓結構體包含一個通用的鏈表。看起來是這個樣兒滴,

typedef struct list_s {
        struct list_s *next;
} list_t;

typedef struct foo_s {
        int     data;
        list_t  link;
} foo_t;

所有包含了list_t link的結點構成一個單鏈表。前一節我們詳細分析了offsetof, typeof和container_of, 下面給出一個最簡單的侵入式單鏈表實現。

1. list.h

 1 #ifndef _LIST_H
 2 #define _LIST_H
 4 #ifdef  __cplusplus
 5 extern "C" {
 6 #endif
 8 /**
 9  * offsetof - offset of a structure member
10  * @TYPE:       the type of the struct.
11  * @MEMBER:     the name of the member within the struct.
12 */ 13 #define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t)(&(((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER))) 14 15 /** 16 * container_of - cast a member of a structure out to the containing structure 17 * @ptr: the pointer to the member. 18 * @type: the type of the container struct this is embedded in. 19 * @member: the name of the member within the struct.
20 * 21 */ 22 #define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({ 23 const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr); 24 (type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type, member) );}) 25 26 typedef struct list_s { 27 struct list_s *next; 28 } list_t; 29 30 typedef void (*list_handler_t)(void *arg); 31 32 extern void list_init(list_t **head, list_t *node); 33 extern void list_fini(list_t *head, list_handler_t fini); 34 extern void list_show(list_t *head, list_handler_t show); 35 36 #ifdef __cplusplus 37 } 38 #endif 39 40 #endif /* _LIST_H */

2. list.c

 1 /*
 2  * Generic single linked list implementation
 3  */
 4 #include <stdio.h>
 5 #include "list.h"
 7 void
 8 list_init(list_t **head, list_t *node)
 9 {
10         static list_t *tail = NULL;
12         if (*head == NULL) {
13                 *head = tail = node;
14                 return;
15         }
17         tail->next = node;
18         tail = node;
19         node->next = NULL;
20 }
22 void
23 list_show(list_t *head, list_handler_t show)
24 {
25         for (list_t *p = head; p != NULL; p = p->next)
26                 show(p);
27 }
29 void
30 list_fini(list_t *head, list_handler_t fini)
31 {
32         list_t *p = head;
33         while (p != NULL) {
34                 list_t *q = p;
35                 p = p->next;
36                 fini(q);
37         }
38 }

3. foo.c

 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <stdlib.h>
 3 #include "list.h"
 5 typedef struct foo_s {
 6         int     data;
 7         list_t  link;
 8 } foo_t;
10 static void
11 foo_show(void *arg)
12 {
13         list_t *q = (list_t *)arg;
14         foo_t  *p = container_of(q, foo_t, link);
16         printf("show (list) %p next (list) %p \t: "
17             "show (node) %p = {0x%x, %p}\n",
18             q, p->link.next, p, p->data, p->link.next);
19 }
21 static void
22 foo_fini(void *arg)
23 {
24         list_t *q = (list_t *)arg;
25         foo_t  *p = container_of(q, foo_t, link);
27         foo_t *next_nodep = NULL;
28         if (p->link.next != NULL)
29                 next_nodep = container_of(p->link.next, foo_t, link);
31         printf("free (node) %p next (node) %p\n", p, next_nodep);
32         p->link.next = NULL;
33         free(p);
34 }
36 int
37 main(int argc, char *argv[])
38 {
39         if (argc != 2) {
40                 fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <num>\n", argv[0]);
41                 return -1;
42         }
44         list_t *head = NULL;
45         for (int i = 0; i < atoi(argv[1]); i++) {
46                 foo_t *p = (foo_t *)malloc(sizeof (foo_t));
47                 if (p == NULL) /* error */
48                         return -1;
49                 p->data = 0x1001 + i;
51                 printf("init (node) %p\n", p);
52                 list_init(&head, &p->link);
53         }
55         list_show(head, foo_show);
57         list_fini(head, foo_fini);
59         return 0;
60 }

4. Makefile

CC    = gcc
CFLAGS    = -g -Wall -m32 -std=gnu99

all: foo

foo: foo.o list.o
    ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o $@ $^

foo.o: foo.c
    ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $<

list.o: list.c list.h
    ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $<

    rm -f *.o

clobber: clean
    rm -f foo
cl: clobber

5. 編譯並運行

$ make
gcc -g -Wall -m32 -std=gnu99 -c foo.c
gcc -g -Wall -m32 -std=gnu99 -c list.c
gcc -g -Wall -m32 -std=gnu99 -o foo foo.o list.o

$ ./foo 3
init (node) 0x88a1008
init (node) 0x88a1018
init (node) 0x88a1028
show (list) 0x88a100c next (list) 0x88a101c     : show (node) 0x88a1008 = {0x1001, 0x88a101c}
show (list) 0x88a101c next (list) 0x88a102c     : show (node) 0x88a1018 = {0x1002, 0x88a102c}
show (list) 0x88a102c next (list) (nil)         : show (node) 0x88a1028 = {0x1003, (nil)}
free (node) 0x88a1008 next (node) 0x88a1018
free (node) 0x88a1018 next (node) 0x88a1028
free (node) 0x88a1028 next (node) (nil)

小結: 在類型為foo_t的結構體中包含了成員變量list_t link, 那麽根據link.next的值(本質上是內存地址)就能使用container_of()計算出結構體變量的內存首地址。一旦拿到了結構體變量的內存首地址,訪問其內容就易如反掌。
