1. 程式人生 > >文件名稱排序 字符串序+數字序 python

文件名稱排序 字符串序+數字序 python

otherwise compare logs num ins prev last span utf

# -*-coding:utf8-*-


def is_number(s):
        return True
    except ValueError:

        import unicodedata
        return True
    except (TypeError, ValueError):

False def find_continuous_num(astr, c): """ :param astr: a string :param c: where to start looking for :return: num: int """ num = ‘‘ try: while not is_number(astr[c]) and c < len(astr): c += 1 while is_number(astr[c]) and c < len(astr): num +=
astr[c] c += 1 except: pass if num != ‘‘: return int(num) def comp2filename(file1, file2): """ compare 2 filename: if the prev part of 2 strings are the same, compare the next continuous number file1 < file2 : return True, otherwise False :param file1:
:param file2: :return: """ smaller_length = min(len(file1), len(file2)) continuous_num = ‘‘ for c in range(0, smaller_length): if not is_number(file1[c]) and not is_number(file2[c]): # print(‘both not number‘) if file1[c] < file2[c]: return True if file1[c] > file2[c]: return False if file1[c] == file2[c]: if c == smaller_length - 1: # print(‘the last bit‘) if len(file1) < len(file2): return True else: return False else: continue if is_number(file1[c]) and not is_number(file2[c]): return True if not is_number(file1[c]) and is_number(file2[c]): return False if is_number(file1[c]) and is_number(file2[c]): if find_continuous_num(file1, c) < find_continuous_num(file2, c): return True else: return False # if file1 < file2: # return True # else: # return False def sort_insert(lst): """ simple insert sort :param lst: :return: """ for i in range(1, len(lst)): x = lst[i] j = i while j > 0 and lst[j-1] > x: # while j > 0 and comp2filename(x, lst[j-1]): lst[j] = lst[j-1] j -= 1 lst[j] = x return lst def sort_insert_filename(lst): """ simple insert sort :param lst: :return: """ for i in range(1, len(lst)): x = lst[i] j = i # while j > 0 and lst[j-1] > x: while j > 0 and comp2filename(x, lst[j-1]): lst[j] = lst[j-1] j -= 1 lst[j] = x return lst def file_name_sort(all_file_list): """ :param all_file_list: list :return: new_list:list """ new_list = [] # all_file_list.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.split(‘.‘)[0].split(‘_‘)[2])) # for file in all_file_list: # pass return new_list if __name__ == "__main__": print(sort_insert_filename([‘a09‘, ‘a2‘, ‘b2‘, ‘a10‘,‘a100‘, ‘a01‘, ‘a010‘, ‘_a3‘, ‘a893‘, ‘a90‘]))

文件名稱排序 字符串序+數字序 python