1. 程式人生 > >Linux 實時性能測試工具——Cyclictest 的使用與分析

Linux 實時性能測試工具——Cyclictest 的使用與分析



  Cyclictest is a high resolution test program, written by User:Tglx, maintained by Clark Williams and John Kacur

Documentation Installation
  Get the latest sources from the git repository, do a git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/rt-tests/rt-tests.git or fetch a released tarball from the archive, untar into a directory of your choice and run make in the source directory. If you want to cross compile, just run make CROSS_COMPILE= (for example make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-v4t-linux-gnueabi-).

  You can run the resulting binary from there or install it.

yum install numactl-devel
git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/rt-tests/rt-tests.git
cd rt-tests
git checkout stable/v1.0
make all
make install
make cyclictest 

Run it

Make sure to be root or use sudo to run cyclictest.

Without parameters cyclictest creates one thread with a 1ms interval timer.
cyclictest -h provides help text for the various options

[root@localhost rt-tests]# ./cyclictest  --help
cyclictest V 1.00
cyclictest <options>

-a [CPUSET] --affinity     Run thread #N on processor #N, if possible, or if CPUSET
                           given, pin threads to that set of processors in round-
                           robin order.  E.g. -a 2 pins all threads to CPU 2,
                           but -a 3-5,0 -t 5 will run the first and fifth
                           threads on CPU (0),thread #2 on CPU 3, thread #3
                           on CPU 4, and thread #5 on CPU 5.
-A USEC  --aligned=USEC    align thread wakeups to a specific offset
-b USEC  --breaktrace=USEC 當延時大於USEC指定的值時,發送停止跟蹤。USEC,單位為謬秒(us)。
-B       --preemptirqs     both preempt and irqsoff tracing (used with -b)
-c CLOCK --clock=CLOCK     選擇時鐘  cyclictest -c 1
                           0 = CLOCK_MONOTONIC (默認)
                           1 = CLOCK_REALTIME 
-C       --context         context switch tracing (used with -b)
-d DIST  --distance=DIST   distance of thread intervals in us, default=500
-D       --duration=TIME   specify a length for the test run.
                           Append ‘m‘, ‘h‘, or ‘d‘ to specify minutes, hours or days.
         --latency=PM_QOS  write PM_QOS to /dev/cpu_dma_latency
-E       --event           event tracing (used with -b)
-f       --ftrace           ftrace函數跟蹤(通常與-b 配套使用,其實通常使用 -b 即可,不使用 -f )
-F       --fifo=<path>     create a named pipe at path and write stats to it
-h       --histogram=US    在執行完後在標準輸出設備上畫出延遲的直方圖(很多線程有相同的權限)US為最大的跟蹤時間限制,這個在下面介紹實例時可以用到,結合gnuplot 可以畫出我們測試的結果圖。
-H       --histofall=US    same as -h except with an additional summary column
         --histfile=<path> dump the latency histogram to <path> instead of stdout
-i INTV  --interval=INTV    基本線程間隔,默認為1000(單位為us)
-I       --irqsoff         Irqsoff tracing (used with -b)
-l LOOPS --loops=LOOPS     循環的個數,默認為0(無窮個),與 -i 間隔數結合可大致算出整個測試的時間,比如 -i 1000  -l 1000000 ,總的循環時間為1000*1000000=1000000000 us =1000s ,所以大致為16分鐘多。
         --laptop          Save battery when running cyclictest
                           This will give you poorer realtime results
                           but will not drain your battery so quickly
-m       --mlockall       鎖定當前和將來的內存分配
-M       --refresh_on_max  delay updating the screen until a new max
                           latency is hit. Userful for low bandwidth.
-n       --nanosleep       使用 clock_nanosleep
         --notrace         suppress tracing
-N       --nsecs           print results in ns instead of us (default us)
-o RED   --oscope=RED      oscilloscope mode, reduce verbose output by RED
-O TOPT  --traceopt=TOPT   trace option
-p PRIO  --priority=PRIO   最高優先級線程的優先級  使用方法: -p 90 /  --prio=90
-P       --preemptoff      Preempt off tracing (used with -b)
         --policy=NAME     policy of measurement thread, where NAME may be one
                           of: other, normal, batch, idle, fifo or rr.
         --priospread      spread priority levels starting at specified value
-q       --quiet           使用-q 參數運行時不打印信息,只在退出時打印概要內容,結合-h HISTNUM參數會在退出時打印HISTNUM 行統計信息以及一個總的概要信息。
-r       --relative        use relative timer instead of absolute
-R       --resolution      check clock resolution, calling clock_gettime() many
                           times.  List of clock_gettime() values will be
                           reported with -X
         --secaligned [USEC] align thread wakeups to the next full second
                           and apply the optional offset
-s       --system          use sys_nanosleep and sys_setitimer
-S       --smp             Standard SMP testing: options -a -t -n and
                           same priority of all threads
        --spike=<trigger>  record all spikes > trigger
        --spike-nodes=[num of nodes]
                           These are the maximum number of spikes we can record.
                           The default is 1024 if not specified
         --smi             Enable SMI counting
-t       --threads         one thread per available processor
-t [NUM] --threads=NUM     number of threads:
                           without NUM, threads = max_cpus
                           without -t default = 1
         --tracemark       write a trace mark when -b latency is exceeded
-T TRACE --tracer=TRACER   set tracing function
    configured tracers: unavailable (debugfs not mounted)
-u       --unbuffered      force unbuffered output for live processing
-U       --numa            Standard NUMA testing (similar to SMP option)
                           thread data structures allocated from local node
-v       --verbose         output values on stdout for statistics
                           format: n:c:v n=tasknum c=count v=value in us
-w       --wakeup          task wakeup tracing (used with -b)
-W       --wakeuprt        rt task wakeup tracing (used with -b)
         --dbg_cyclictest  print info useful for debugging cyclictest


[root@localhost rt-tests]# sudo ./cyclictest -p 90 - m -c 0 -i 200 -n -h 100 -q -l 1000000

我們使用 -p 90給cyclictest 賦優先級90,使用-m參數鎖定內存分配,使用  -c 0指定使用默認的MONOTONIC 時鐘, -i 200 指定一個循環為200us,結合 -l 1000000為總共1000000個循環,此外-n 為使用nanosleep 而不是簡單的sleep,-q為在運行時不打印即時信息,-h 100 為總共統計100個信息在最後的結果中。

#/dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
-------------(下面都是結束測試/終端測試後打印的信息,這就是 -q 的功效!)
000000 000000
000001 000000
000002 000000
000003 000000
000004 000000
000005 000002       -- 延時為5us的在1000000次循環中占2次(下面每行都是這個意思)
000006 000009       
000099 000005      -- 我們使用 -h 100 ,所以在結果中記錄了延時為 0us ~ 99us 的次數
#Total: 000999914
#Min Latencies: 00005       -- 最小延時 5 us
#Avg Latencies: 00012       -- 平均延時 12us
#Max Latencies: 19920      -- 最大延時19920 us,那麽我們指定histogram = 100也就是只記錄了0us~99us的值而最大延時為19920 也就是說肯定有很多此延時超過99 us,那麽記錄到哪了?答案是,沒有記錄具體的超過99us的延時值,只在下面記錄了超過99us 的延時次數(記錄在Overflows),以及第幾次超過了(記錄在Thread 0)。
#Histogram Overflows: 00086      -- 超過99 us的次數
#Histogram Overflow at cycle number:
#Thread 0: 65668 162024 164458 166533 171828 174546 179471 182538 188257 198415 202689 209055
211934 224529 227292 239809 267144 311992 312072 335066 341986 353395 355217 355295 355297 385017
411492 417012 443642 453450 453463 453478 453492 453504 453505 453522 453540 482063 482116 482797
483077 486153 515557 517062 517066 522812 538214 560636 574301 574500 598338 602175 610697 620924
678231 692237 692242 692247 713557 779826 797948 851442 860635 860642 860654 860661 861147 875755
880618 883622 884128 884238 885915 887215 887457 896442 925069 928998 942590 947161 947871 955507
955508 982245 982250 992192  //這裏記錄的是第幾次循環的延時超過了99us。
$ sudo cyclictest -t 2  // 使用兩個測試線程
policy: other/other: loadavg: 0.00 0.01 0.05 1/346 2595
T: 0 ( 2594) P: 0 I:1000 C:  14090 Min:     32 Act:  200 Avg:  177 Max:    2855 
T: 1 ( 2595) P: 0 I:1500 C:   9397 Min:     23 Act:  202 Avg:  170 Max:    2863

T: 0 序號為0的線程
P: 0 線程優先級為0
C: 9397 計數器。線程的時間間隔每達到一次,計數器加1
I: 1000 時間間隔為1000微秒(us)
Min: 最小時延(us)
Act: 最近一次的時延(us)
Max: 最大時延(us)

Expected Results

tglx’s reference machine

  All tests have been run on a Pentium III 400MHz based PC.
  The tables show comparisons of vanilla Linux 2.6.16, Linux-2.6.16-hrt5 and Linux-2.6.16-rt12. The tests for intervals less than the jiffy resolution have not been run on vanilla Linux 2.6.16. The test thread runs in all cases with SCHED_FIFO and priority 80. All numbers are in microseconds.

Test case: clock_nanosleep(TIME_ABSTIME), Interval 10000
microseconds,. 10000 loops, no load.

Commandline: cyclictest -t1 -p 80 -n -i 10000 -l 10000 
Kernel min max avg 
2.6.16 24 4043 1989 
2.6.16-hrt5 12 94 20 
2.6.16-rt12 6 40 10

1Test case: clock_nanosleep(TIME_ABSTIME), Interval 10000 micro
seconds,. 10000 loops, 100% load.

Commandline: cyclictest -t1 -p 80 -n -i 10000 -l 10000 
Kernel min max avg 
2.6.16 55 4280 2198 
2.6.16-hrt5 11 458 55 
2.6.16-rt12 6 67 29

Test case: POSIX interval timer, Interval 10000 micro seconds,. 10000
loops, no load.

Commandline: cyclictest -t1 -p 80 -i 10000 -l 10000 
Kernel min max avg 
2.6.16 21 4073 2098 
2.6.16-hrt5 22 120 35 
2.6.16-rt12 20 60 31

Test case: POSIX interval timer, Interval 10000 micro seconds,. 10000
loops, 100% load.

Commandline: cyclictest -t1 -p 80 -i 10000 -l 10000 
Kernel min max avg 
2.6.16 82 4271 2089 
2.6.16-hrt5 31 458 53 
2.6.16-rt12 21 70 35

Test case: clock_nanosleep(TIME_ABSTIME), Interval 500 micro
seconds,. 100000 loops, no load.

Commandline: cyclictest -t1 -p 80 -i 500 -n -l 100000 
Kernel min max avg 
2.6.16-hrt5 5 108 24 
2.6.16-rt12 5 48 7

Test case: clock_nanosleep(TIME_ABSTIME), Interval 500 micro
seconds,. 100000 loops, 100% load.

Commandline: cyclictest -t1 -p 80 -i 500 -n -l 100000 
Kernel min max avg 
2.6.16-hrt5 9 684 56 
2.6.16-rt12 10 60 22

Test case: POSIX interval timer, Interval 500 micro seconds,. 100000
loops, no load.

Commandline: cyclictest -t1 -p 80 -i 500 -l 100000 
Kernel min max avg 
2.6.16-hrt5 8 119 22 
2.6.16-rt12 12 78 16

Test case: POSIX interval timer, Interval 500 micro seconds,. 100000
loops, 100% load.

Commandline: cyclictest -t1 -p 80 -i 500 -l 100000 
Kernel min max avg 
2.6.16-hrt5 16 489 58 
2.6.16-rt12 12 95 29


ps shows the wrong scheduling class SCHED_OTHER

  Each cyclictest-task consist of one or more threads. ps -ce shows only the main-process not the threads of the main-process. ps -eLc | grep cyclic shows the main-process an the containing threads with the correct scheduler class SCHED_FIFO.

#>./cyclictest -t5 -p 80 -n -i 10000

#> ps -cLe | grep cyclic
 4764  4764 TS   19 pts/1    00:00:01 cyclictest
 4764  4765 FF  120 pts/1    00:00:00 cyclictest
 4764  4766 FF  119 pts/1    00:00:00 cyclictest
 4764  4767 FF  118 pts/1    00:00:00 cyclictest
 4764  4768 FF  117 pts/1    00:00:00 cyclictest
 4764  4769 FF  116 pts/1    00:00:00 cyclictest

chrt shows the wrong scheduling class SCHED_OTHER

  Don’t use the PID of the main-process, but the pid of one of the threads from the main-process. The threads are shown with ps -cLe | grep cyclic.

#> chrt -p 4766
pid 4766‘s current scheduling policy: SCHED_FIFO
pid 4766‘s current scheduling priority: 79

Linux 實時性能測試工具——Cyclictest 的使用與分析