1. 程式人生 > >linux環境下編譯運行OpenCV程序的兩種方法


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一、命令行Command Line

1 g++ opencv_test.cpp -o opencv_test `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv`
2 ./opencv_test test.jpg

--cflags 它是用來指定程序在編譯時所需要頭文件所在的目錄
--libs 則是指定程序在鏈接時所需要的動態鏈接庫的目錄



 1 #文件地址(下載源碼安裝包中):/opencv-3.4.1/samples/cpp/example_cmake/
3 # cmake needs this line 4 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) 5 6 # Define project name 7 project(opencv_example_project) 8 9 # Find OpenCV, you may need to set OpenCV_DIR variable 10 # to the absolute path to the directory containing OpenCVConfig.cmake file 11 # via the command line or GUI
12 find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED) 13 14 # If the package has been found, several variables will 15 # be set, you can find the full list with descriptions 16 # in the OpenCVConfig.cmake file. 17 # Print some message showing some of them 18 message(STATUS "OpenCV library status:") 19 message(STATUS "
version: ${OpenCV_VERSION}") 20 message(STATUS " libraries: ${OpenCV_LIBS}") 21 message(STATUS " include path: ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}") 22 23 if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "2.8.11") 24 # Add OpenCV headers location to your include paths 25 include_directories(${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}) 26 endif() 27 28 # Declare the executable target built from your sources 29 add_executable(opencv_example example.cpp) 30 31 # Link your application with OpenCV libraries 32 target_link_libraries(opencv_example ${OpenCV_LIBS})


1 cmake . 
2 make 
3 ./opencv_example test.jpg

