1. 程式人生 > >Unable to build: the file dx.jar was not loaded from the SDK folder!

Unable to build: the file dx.jar was not loaded from the SDK folder!

eclipse 執行 android 時失敗了,提示 Unable to build: the file dx.jar was not loaded from the SDK folder!確保dx.jar這個檔案在platform-tools\lib和選擇的開發版本lib中的檔案一致就可以;我用的 Android SDk build-tools 版本是 28,安裝的Andriod SDK Tools版本是25.2.5,兩個版本要一致,所以我用Android SDk build-tools 25.0.3版本的dx.jar檔案覆蓋最新版本28的dx.jar檔案,然後重啟Eclipse就可以了。說明:dx.jar檔案目錄在android-sdk/build-tools/lib資料夾下