1. 程式人生 > >【電腦科學】【2016.10】多目標優化的模擬退火演算法研究


本文為英國埃克塞特大學(作者:Kevin Ian Smith)的電腦科學博士論文,共137頁。





Many areas in which computational optimisation may be applied aremulti-objective optimization problems; those where multiple objectives must beminimised (for minimisation problems) or maximised (for maximisation problems).Where (as is usually the case) these are competing objectives, the optimisationinvolves the discovery of a set of solutions the quality of which cannot be distinguishedwithout further preference information regarding the objectives. A large bodyof literature exists documenting the study and application of evolutionaryalgorithms to multi-objective optimisation, with particular focus being givento evolutionary strategy techniques which demonstrate the ability to convergeto desired solutions rapidly on many problems.

Simulated annealing is a single-objective optimisationtechnique which is provably convergent, making it a tempting technique forextension to multi-objective optimisation. Previous proposals for extendingsimulated annealing to the multi-objective case have mostly taken the form of atraditional single-objective simulated annealer optimising a composite (oftensummed) function of the objectives. The first part of this thesis deals withintroducing an alternate method for multiobjective simulated annealing, dealingwith the dominance relation which operates without assigning preferenceinformation to the objectives. Non-generic improvements to this algorithm arepresented, providing methods for generating more desirable suggestions for newsolutions. This new method is shown to exhibit rapid convergence to the desiredset, dependent upon the properties of the problem, with empirical results on arange of popular test problems with comparison to the popular NSGA-II geneticalgorithm and a leading multi-objective simulated annealer from the literature.The new algorithm is applied to the commercial optimisation of CDMA mobiletelecommunication networks and is shown to perform well upon this problem.

The second section of this thesis contains aninvestigation into the effects upon convergence of a range of optimiserproperties. New algorithms are proposed with the properties desired to investigate.The relationship between evolutionary strategies and the simulated annealingtechniques is illustrated, and explanation of the differing performance of thepreviously proposed algorithms across a standard test suite is given. Theproperties of problems on which simulated annealer approaches are desirable areinvestigated and new problems proposed to best provide comparisons betweendifferent simulated annealing techniques.

