1. 程式人生 > >CF1039E Summer Oenothera Exhibition

CF1039E Summer Oenothera Exhibition

Summer Oenothera Exhibition

While some people enjoy spending their time solving programming contests, Dina prefers taking beautiful pictures. As soon as Byteland Botanical Garden announced Summer Oenothera Exhibition she decided to test her new camera there.

The exhibition consists of l=10100l=10^{100}

0100 Oenothera species arranged in a row and consecutively numbered with integers from 00 to l1l−1. Camera lens allows to take a photo of ww species on it, i.e. Dina can take a photo containing flowers with indices from xx to x+w1x+w−1 for some integer xx between 00 and lwl−w. We will denote such photo with [

She has taken nn photos, the ii-th of which (in chronological order) is [xi,xi+w1][x_i,x_i+w−1] in our notation. She decided to build a time-lapse video from these photos once she discovered that Oenothera blossoms open in the evening.

Dina takes each photo and truncates it, leaving its segment containing exactly k

k flowers, then she composes a video of these photos keeping their original order and voilà, a beautiful artwork has been created!

A scene is a contiguous sequence of photos such that the set of flowers on them is the same. The change between two scenes is called a cut. For example, consider the first photo contains flowers [1,5][1,5], the second photo contains flowers [3,7][3,7] and the third photo contains flowers [8,12][8,12]. If k=3k=3, then Dina can truncate the first and the second photo into [3,5][3,5], and the third photo into [9,11][9,11]. First two photos form a scene, third photo also forms a scene and the transition between these two scenes which happens between the second and the third photos is a cut. If k=4k=4, then each of the transitions between photos has to be a cut.

Dina wants the number of cuts to be as small as possible. Please help her! Calculate the minimum possible number of cuts for different values of kk.


The first line contains three positive integer n,w,q(1n,q100000,1w109)n, w, q (1≤n,q≤100000, 1≤w≤10^9) — the number of taken photos, the number of flowers on a single photo and the number of queries.

Next line contains nn non-negative integers xi(0xi109)x_i (0≤x_i≤10^9) — the indices of the leftmost flowers on each of the photos.

Next line contains qq positive integers ki(1kiw)k_i (1≤k_i≤w) — the values of kk for which you have to solve the problem.

It’s guaranteed that all kik_i are distinct.


Print qq integers — for each width of the truncated photo kik_i, the minimum number of cuts that is possible.


3 6 5 2 4 0 1 2 3 4 5


0 0 1 1 2


6 4 3 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 2 3


0 1 2












據說修修有個O(O(n53+n43logn))O(O(n^{\frac{5}{3}} + n^{\frac{4}{3}}\log n))的優秀做法,然而我DZYOO(n32log2n)O(n^{\frac{3}{2}}\log_2n)CFCF最快,一手LCT\mathcal{LCT}彈飛綿羊代替路徑壓縮跑的飛快,吊錘所有演算法。



using namespace std;
const int M=1e5+5;
struct sd{int id,r;}ask[M<<6];
bool operator <(sd a,sd b){return a.r==b.r?a.id>b.id:a.r<b.r;}
int st[20][M][2],que[M],nxt[M],blo[M][2],jmp[M][2],ans[M],n,w,q,siz,tot;
void in()
	for(int i=1;i<=n;++i)scanf("%d",&que[i]),st[0][i][0]=st[0][i][1]=que[i];
	for(int i=1,k;i<=q;++i)scanf("%d",&k),ask[++tot]=(sd){i-q,w-k};
void up(int v){(nxt[v]==n+1||(nxt[v]-1)%siz==0)?(jmp[v][0]=1,jmp[v][1]=v):(jmp[v][0]=jmp[nxt[v]][0]+1,jmp[v][1]=jmp[nxt[v]][1]);}
void ac()
	for(int j=1;(1<<j)<=n;++j)for(int i=1;i+(1<<j)<=n+1;++i)
	for(int i=n;i>=1;--i)
		for(int j=i+1,mn=que[i],mx=que[i];j<=n&&(j-1)%siz>0;++j)mn=min(mn,que[j]),mx=max(mx,que[j]),ask[++tot]=(sd){i,mx-mn};
	for(int i=1,pos,cst,mn,mx,k,to,maxn,minn;i<=tot;++i)


[CF1039E]Summer Oenothera Exhibition[根號分治+lct]

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