1. 程式人生 > >一篇預定未達標的Chat(沉迷機器人作業系統(ROS)的一個理由和四種修仙祕籍)







One reason to indulge in the Robot Operating System (ROS)and Four ways of shortcuts

-捷徑常誤人,欲速則不達(The longest way round is the nearest way home.) -



機器人作為製造業皇冠上的明珠,歷經500年的不斷髮展(從16世紀西班牙自動祈禱的機械僧侶起),目前已經全面進入“機器人+”時代,周圍湧現出各種新奇智慧的黑科技,如機械狗、無人機、自動駕駛汽車以及各類服務機器人……在這些機器人的大腦之中,都用到一個共同的軟體工具,將其視覺、聽覺、觸覺、四肢連通協調,用來完成複雜多變的任務,它就是機器人作業系統(Robot Operating System, ROS)。同時,它也是近百所高校機器人方向的專業核心課程。自2007年11月,在SourceForge上由斯坦福大學提交,到現在已經發展了11年,逐漸成為機器人領域使用最為廣泛的軟體平臺,擁有超過450萬行核心程式碼,支援天上飛,地上跑,水中游等各類機器人。然而使用ROS進行機器人軟體開發與設計並非易事,為什麼要學習研究ROS,有哪些主流的方式方法,這正是本次Chat的主題所在。

As the jewel in the crown of manufacturing, robots have been evolved over the past 500 years (from the mechanical monks who automatically prayed in Spain in the 16th century). At present, we have fully entered the era of “Robot+”, and there are all kinds of novel and intelligent black technologies, such as mechanical dogs, drones, self-driving cars and various service robots...... In the brains of these robots, a common software tool is used to coordinate the visual, auditory, tactile, and limbs to accomplish complex and varied tasks. It is the Robot Operating System (ROS). At the same time, it is also a professional core robotic course of nearly 100 colleges. Since November 2007, it has been submitted by Stanford University on SourceForge. It has been developed for 11 years and has gradually become the most widely used software platform in the robotics field. It has more than 4.5 million lines of core code, supporting robot for flying in the sky, running on the ground, and swimming in the water. However, using ROS for robot software development and design is not an easy task. Why should we study ROS, and what are the mainstream methods? This is the theme of this Chat.



1. 學習研究ROS的理由; 2. ROS案例簡述; 3. ROS特色優勢; 4. ROS與機器人理論; 5. ROS主流學習與開發路徑。

The Chat outline are as follows:

1. Reasons for learning and studying ROS; 2. A brief description of ROS robot; 3. The characteristics and advantages of ROS; 4. ROS and robotic theory; 5. Mainstream learning methods and typical development paths of ROS.
