1. 程式人生 > >2018-2019 前期任務(一):資料閱讀&Python入門

2018-2019 前期任務(一):資料閱讀&Python入門

2018-2019 前期任務(一):資料閱讀&Python入門

資料原文地址:Dumbcoin - An educational python implementation of a bitcoin-like blockchain【本文詳細解讀了比特幣的基礎技術,實現了Python中類比特幣區塊鏈中的大部分概念。雖不是真正的區塊鏈,但有助於對其技術的理解。】


# - pycryptodome (pycrypto for 3.6)
# - numpy /scipy / matplotlib
# - pandas

import hashlib #包含常見hash演算法的標準庫
import random #生成隨機數
import string #字串運算
import json #檔案格式處理
import binascii #進位制轉換
import numpy as np #陣列操作
import pandas as pd #此處用於建立資料框
import pylab as pl #繪圖
import logging #日誌輸出
%matplotlib inline #生成影象




def sha256(message):
    return hashlib.sha256(message.encode('ascii')).hexdigest()
  • digest()和hexdigest():




import hashlib

md5 = hashlib.md5()
print(u"digest返回的摘要:%s"% md5.digest())
print(u"hexdigest返回的摘要:%s"% md5.hexdigest())



挖礦的過程可以描述為:給定一個任意字串X,找到一個隨機數nonce,使得hash(x + nonce)


如下程式碼所示,我們將“挖掘”到一個nonce,使得訊息“hello bitcoin”的雜湊值與隨機數nonce連線時,值至少含有兩個前導字元:

message = 'hello bitcoin'
for nonce in range(1000):
    digest = sha256(message + str(nonce))
    if digest.startswith('11'):
        print('Found nonce = %d' % nonce)
print(sha256(message + str(nonce)))


Found nonce = 32




def dumb_hash(message):
    return sha256(message)

def mine(message, difficulty=1):
    assert difficulty >= 1, "Difficulty of 0 is not possible"
    i = 0
    prefix = '1' * difficulty
    while True:
        nonce = str(i)
        digest = dumb_hash(message + nonce)
        if digest.startswith(prefix):
            return nonce, i
        i += 1

輸入字串,將會返回一個隨機數nonce,滿足hash(string + nonce)以規定難度的字串開頭。


nonce, niters = mine('42', difficulty=1)
print('Took %d iterations' % niters)

nonce, niters = mine('42', difficulty=3)
print('Took %d iterations' % niters)


`Took 23 iterations Took 2272 iterations




def random_string(length=10):
    return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(length))

strings = [random_string() for i in range(50)]

levels = range(1, 5)
# An array of results with a row for each difficulty and a column for each test string
results = pd.DataFrame(index=strings, columns=levels, dtype=np.int)

#results = np.zeros((N_LEVELS, len(strings)), dtype=np.int)
for level in levels:
    for s in strings:
        _, niters = mine(s, difficulty=level)
        results[level][s] = niters



pl.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
ax = pl.subplot(111)
ax.set_title('Number of iterations to mine a nonce for various difficulty')
results.plot.box(showfliers=False, ax=ax)





import Crypto
import Crypto.Random
from Crypto.Hash import SHA
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5

class Wallet(object):
    def __init__(self):
        random_gen = Crypto.Random.new().read
        self._private_key = RSA.generate(1024, random_gen)
        self._public_key = self._private_key.publickey()
        self._signer = PKCS1_v1_5.new(self._private_key)
    def address(self):
        return binascii.hexlify(self._public_key.exportKey(format='DER')).decode('ascii')
    def sign(self, message):
        h = SHA.new(message.encode('utf8'))
        return binascii.hexlify(self._signer.sign(h)).decode('ascii')
def verify_signature(wallet_address, message, signature):
    pubkey = RSA.importKey(binascii.unhexlify(wallet_address))
    verifier = PKCS1_v1_5.new(pubkey)
    h = SHA.new(message.encode('utf8'))
    return verifier.verify(h, binascii.unhexlify(signature))

functionality works
w1 = Wallet()
signature = w1.sign('foobar')
assert verify_signature(w1.address, 'foobar', signature)
assert not verify_signature(w1.address, 'rogue message', signature)




  • 一位消費者:對交易簽名;花錢
  • 許多輸入:是其他交易的輸出,收件人為消費者的錢包
  • 許多輸出:每個輸出都指定了金額和收件人


class TransactionInput(object):
    An input for a transaction. This points to an output of another transaction
    def __init__(self, transaction, output_index):
        self.transaction = transaction
        self.output_index = output_index
        assert 0 <= self.output_index < len(transaction.outputs)
    def to_dict(self):
        d = {
            'transaction': self.transaction.hash(),
            'output_index': self.output_index
        return d
    def parent_output(self):
        return self.transaction.outputs[self.output_index]

class TransactionOutput(object):
    An output for a transaction. This specifies an amount and a recipient (wallet)
    def __init__(self, recipient_address, amount):
        self.recipient = recipient_address
        self.amount = amount
    def to_dict(self):
        d = {
            'recipient_address': self.recipient,
            'amount': self.amount
        return d

def compute_fee(inputs, outputs):
    Compute the transaction fee by computing the difference between total input and total output
    total_in = sum(i.transaction.outputs[i.output_index].amount for i in inputs)
    total_out = sum(o.amount for o in outputs)
    assert total_out <= total_in, "Invalid transaction with out(%f) > in(%f)" % (total_out, total_in)
    return total_in - total_out

class Transaction(object):
    def __init__(self, wallet, inputs, outputs):
        Create a transaction spending money from the provided wallet
        self.inputs = inputs
        self.outputs = outputs
        self.fee = compute_fee(inputs, outputs)
        self.signature = wallet.sign(json.dumps(self.to_dict(include_signature=False)))
    def to_dict(self, include_signature=True):
        d = {
            "inputs": list(map(TransactionInput.to_dict, self.inputs)),
            "outputs": list(map(TransactionOutput.to_dict, self.outputs)),
            "fee": self.fee
        if include_signature:
            d["signature"] = self.signature
        return d
    def hash(self):
        return dumb_hash(json.dumps(self.to_dict()))
class GenesisTransaction(Transaction):
    This is the first transaction which is a special transaction
    with no input and 25 bitcoins output
    def __init__(self, recipient_address, amount=25):
        self.inputs = []
        self.outputs = [
            TransactionOutput(recipient_address, amount)
        self.fee = 0
        self.signature = 'genesis'
    def to_dict(self, include_signature=False):
        # TODO: Instead, should sign genesis transaction will well-known public key ?
        assert not include_signature, "Cannot include signature of genesis transaction"
        return super().to_dict(include_signature=False)


alice = Wallet()
bob = Wallet()

t1 = GenesisTransaction(alice.address)
t2 = Transaction(
    [TransactionInput(t1, 0)],
    [TransactionOutput(bob.address, 2.0), TransactionOutput(alice.address, 22.0)]
assert np.abs(t2.fee - 1.0) < 1e-5


alice = Wallet()
bob = Wallet()
walter = Wallet()

# This gives 25 coins to Alice
t1 = GenesisTransaction(alice.address)

# Of those 25, Alice will spend
# Alice -- 5 --> Bob
#       -- 15 --> Alice
#       -- 5 --> Walter
t2 = Transaction(
    [TransactionInput(t1, 0)],
    [TransactionOutput(bob.address, 5.0), TransactionOutput(alice.address, 15.0), TransactionOutput(walter.address, 5.0)]

# Walter -- 5 --> Bob
t3 = Transaction(
    [TransactionInput(t2, 2)],
    [TransactionOutput(bob.address, 5.0)])

# Bob -- 8 --> Walter
#     -- 1 --> Bob
#        1 fee
t4 = Transaction(
    [TransactionInput(t2, 0), TransactionInput(t3, 0)],
    [TransactionOutput(walter.address, 8.0), TransactionOutput(bob.address, 1.0)]

transactions = [t1, t2, t3, t4]
def compute_balance(wallet_address, transactions):
    Given an address and a list of transactions, computes the wallet balance of the address
    balance = 0
    for t in transactions:
        # Subtract all the money that the address sent out
        for txin in t.inputs:
            if txin.parent_output.recipient == wallet_address:
                balance -= txin.parent_output.amount
        # Add all the money received by the address
        for txout in t.outputs:
            if txout.recipient == wallet_address:
                balance += txout.amount
    return balance

print("Alice  has %.02f dumbcoins" % compute_balance(alice.address, transactions))
print("Bob    has %.02f dumbcoins" % compute_balance(bob.address, transactions))
print("Walter has %.02f dumbcoins" % compute_balance(walter.address, transactions))


Alice  has 15.00 dumbcoins
Bob    has 1.00 dumbcoins
Walter has 8.00 dumbcoins


  • 使用者只能花自己的錢。這意味著檢查所有輸入是否由交易所有者擁有;
  • 確保花費不會超過擁有的錢。這由上面的compute_fee函式檢查。
def verify_transaction(transaction):
    Verify that the transaction is valid.
    We need to verify two things :
    - That all of the inputs of the transaction belong to the same wallet
    - That the transaction is signed by the owner of said wallet
    tx_message = json.dumps(transaction.to_dict(include_signature=False))
    if isinstance(transaction, GenesisTransaction):
        # TODO: We should probably be more careful about validating genesis transactions
        return True
    # Verify input transactions
    for tx in transaction.inputs:
        if not verify_transaction(tx.transaction):
            logging.error("Invalid parent transaction")
            return False
    # Verify a single wallet owns all the inputs
    first_input_address = transaction.inputs[0].parent_output.recipient
    for txin in transaction.inputs[1:]:
        if txin.parent_output.recipient != first_input_address:
                "Transaction inputs belong to multiple wallets (%s and %s)" %
                (txin.parent_output.recipient, first_input_address)
            return False
    if not verify_signature(first_input_address, tx_message, transaction.signature):
        logging.error("Invalid transaction signature, trying to spend someone else's money ?")
        return False
    # Call compute_fee here to trigger an assert if output sum is great than input sum. Without this,
    # a miner could put such an invalid transaction.
    compute_fee(transaction.inputs, transaction.outputs)
    return True

t1 = GenesisTransaction(alice.address)
# This is an invalid transaction because bob is trying to spend alice's money
# (alice was the recipient of the input - t1)
t2 = Transaction(
    [TransactionInput(t1, 0)],
    [TransactionOutput(walter.address, 10.0)]
# This is valid, alice is spending her own money
t3 = Transaction(
    [TransactionInput(t1, 0)],
    [TransactionOutput(walter.address, 10.0)]




  • 定義錢包的方法(作為公私鑰對)
  • 在錢包之間建立交易的方法
  • 驗證交易的方法(通過檢查簽名是否匹配)


  • 驗證區塊中的交易
  • 查詢一個nonce,使得區塊的雜湊值以0開頭


BLOCK_INCENTIVE = 25 # The number of coins miners get for mining a block

def compute_total_fee(transactions):
    """Return the total fee for the set of transactions"""
    return sum(t.fee for t in transactions)

class Block(object):
    def __init__(self, transactions, ancestor, miner_address, skip_verif=False):
            transactions: The list of transactions to include in the block
            ancestor: The previous block
            miner_address: The address of the miner's wallet. This is where the block
                           incentive and the transactions fees will be deposited
        reward = compute_total_fee(transactions) + BLOCK_INCENTIVE
        self.transactions = [GenesisTransaction(miner_address, amount=reward)] + transactions
        self.ancestor = ancestor
        if not skip_verif:
            assert all(map(verify_transaction, transactions))
        json_block = json.dumps(self.to_dict(include_hash=False))
        self.nonce, _ = mine(json_block, DIFFICULTY)
        self.hash = dumb_hash(json_block + self.nonce)
    def fee(self):
        """Return transaction fee for this block"""
        return compute_total_fee(self.transactions)
    def to_dict(self, include_hash=True):
        d = {
            "transactions": list(map(Transaction.to_dict, self.transactions)),
            "previous_block": self.ancestor.hash,
        if include_hash:
            d["nonce"] = self.nonce
            d["hash"] = self.hash
        return d
class GenesisBlock(Block):
    The genesis block is the first block in the chain.
    It is the only block with no ancestor
    def __init__(self, miner_address):
        super(GenesisBlock, self).__init__(transactions=[], ancestor=None, miner_address=miner_address)

    def to_dict(self, include_hash=True):
        d = {
            "transactions": [],
            "genesis_block": True,
        if include_hash:
            d["nonce"] = self.nonce
            d["hash"] = self.hash
        return d


def verify_block(block, genesis_block, used_outputs=None):
    Verifies that a block is valid :
    - Verifies the hash starts with the required amount of ones
    - Verifies that the same transaction output isn't used twice
    - Verifies all transactions are valid
    - Verifies the first transaction in the block is a genesis transaction with BLOCK_INCENTIVE + total_fee
        block: The block to validate
        genesis_block: The genesis block (this needs to be shared by everybody. E.g. hardcoded somewhere)
        used_outputs: list of outputs used in transactions for all blocks above this one
    if used_outputs is None:
        used_outputs = set()
    # Verify hash
    prefix = '1' * DIFFICULTY
    if not block.hash.startswith(prefix):
        logging.error("Block hash (%s) doesn't start with prefix %s" % (block.hash, prefix))
        return False
    if not all(map(verify_transaction, block.transactions)):
        return False
    # Verify that transactions in this block don't use already spent outputs
    # Note that we could move this in verify_transaction, but this would require some passing the used_outputs
    # around more. So we do it here for simplicity
    for transaction in block.transactions:
        for i in transaction.inputs:
            if i.parent_output in used_outputs:
                logging.error("Transaction uses an already spent output : %s" % json.dumps(i.parent_output.to_dict()))
                return False
    # Verify ancestors up to the genesis block
    if not (block.hash == genesis_block.hash):
        if not verify_block(block.ancestor, genesis_block, used_outputs):
            logging.error("Failed to validate ancestor block")
            return False
    # Verify the first transaction is the miner's reward
    tx0 = block.transactions[0]
    if not isinstance(tx0, GenesisTransaction):
        logging.error("Transaction 0 is not a GenesisTransaction")
        return False
    if not len(tx0.outputs) == 1:
        logging.error("Transactions 0 doesn't have exactly 1 output")
        return False
    reward = compute_total_fee(block.transactions[1:]) + BLOCK_INCENTIVE
    if not tx0.outputs[0].amount == reward:
        logging.error("Invalid amount in transaction 0 : %d, expected %d" % (tx0.outputs[0].amount, reward))
        return False
    # Only the first transaction shall be a genesis
    for i, tx in enumerate(block.transactions):
        if i == 0:
            if not isinstance(tx, GenesisTransaction):
                logging.error("Non-genesis transaction at index 0")
                return False  
        elif isinstance(tx, GenesisTransaction):
            logging.error("GenesisTransaction (hash=%s) at index %d != 0", tx.hash(), i)
            return False
    return True
alice = Wallet()
bob = Wallet()
walter = Wallet()

genesis_block = GenesisBlock(miner_address=alice.address)
print("genesis_block : " + genesis_block.hash + " with fee=" + str(genesis_block.fee()))

t1 = genesis_block.transactions[0]
t2 = Transaction(
    [TransactionInput(t1, 0)],
    [TransactionOutput(bob.address, 5.0), TransactionOutput(alice.address, 15.0), TransactionOutput(walter.address, 5.0)]
t3 = Transaction(
    [TransactionInput(t2, 2)],
    [TransactionOutput(bob.address, 5.0)])

t4 = Transaction(
    [TransactionInput(t2, 0), TransactionInput(t3, 0)],
    [TransactionOutput(walter.address, 8.0), TransactionOutput(bob.address, 1.0)]

block1 = Block([t2], ancestor=genesis_block, miner_address=walter.address)
print("block1        : " + block1.hash + " with fee=" + str(block1.fee()))

block2 = Block([t3, t4], ancestor=block1, miner_address=walter.address)
print("block2        : " + block2.hash + " with fee=" + str(block2.fee()))


genesis_block : 1162dce8ffec3acf13ce61109f121922eee8cceeea4784aa9d90dc6ec0e0fa92 with fee=0
block1        : 11af277c02c22a7e3c3a73102282ca5a0e01869b1d852527b6a842f0786ee8e3 with fee=0.0
block2        : 119e461d393b793478c7c7cb9fa6feb54fca35865a398d017e541027a78a2e9a with fee=1.0
def collect_transactions(block, genesis_block):
    """Recursively collect transactions in `block` and all of its ancestors"""
    # Important : COPY block.transactions
    transactions = [] + block.transactions
    if block.hash != genesis_block.hash:
        transactions += collect_transactions(block.ancestor, genesis_block)
    return transactions

transactions = collect_transactions(block2, genesis_block)

# Alice mined 25 (from the genesis block) and gave 5 to bob and 5 to walter
print("Alice  has %.02f dumbcoins" % compute_balance(alice.address, transactions))
# Bob received 5 from alice and 5 from walter, but then back 8 to walter with a transaction fee of 1
print("Bob    has %.02f dumbcoins" % compute_balance(bob.address, transactions))
# Walter mined 2 blocks (2 * 25), received 8 from bob and go a transaction fee of 1 on block2
print("Walter has %.02f dumbcoins" % compute_balance(walter.address, transactions))


Alice  has 15.00 dumbcoins
Bob    has 1.00 dumbcoins
Walter has 59.00 dumbcoins




