1. 程式人生 > >Resolve Definer Errors When Using mysqldump

Resolve Definer Errors When Using mysqldump

3.    Create or re-create the dump file without the definer option.

The MySQL dump utility doesn't provide the option to remove a DEFINER. Some MySQL clients provide the option to ignore the definer when creating a logical backup, but this doesn't occur by default. Review the documentation for your preferred MySQL client to see if the option to ignore the DEFINER is available. The MySQL command line client is unable to exclude the definer; however, the client can be used with third-party tools to remove the DEFINER or to find and replace the user name and host.


Resolve Definer Errors When Using mysqldump

3.    Create or re-create the dump file without the definer option. The MySQL dump utility doesn't provide the option to remove a DE

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