1. 程式人生 > >Error:Cannot start process, the path specified for working directory is not a directory

Error:Cannot start process, the path specified for working directory is not a directory

If I open one file such as "hw3_prob4Sol.py", the code can run. However, there is an error: Cannot start process, the path specified for working directory is not a directory. I can use the following method to solve this problem.
PyCharm change working directory of consoleSettings -> Build Execution Deployment -> Console -> Python Console

However, if I change the working directory every time, this gives me much trouble. Zhengxia is inspired by
I finally solved the problem.

I think it all started because the first project that I opened with pycharm was in my "download" folder, so the working directory was automatically set to a temporal folder by default and although I moved the project to another folder and I manually changed the working directory from the terminal, it was not working.

The solution was creating a new project and giving a correct path to the new project. It seems very easy but it was not that obvious." from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28202273/working-directory-error/28975990.

He gave me the suggestion: File -> open, open the directory rather than open the file. Then a file "

.idea" will be created. In this way, all files of this folder will be seen as a part of this project. In the file ".idea", there will be the historical record, the path setting such as the interpreter. Generally, we do not use this file.



Error:Cannot start process, the path specified for working directory is not a directory

If I open one file such as "hw3_prob4Sol.py", the code can run. However, there is an error: Cannot start process, the path specified for working direc

IDEA Cannot start compiler the SDK specified for module

、 1.配置JDK。我的電腦裡已經下載好了,我在這裡就不在贅述 在IDEA的選單欄中選中File 選中Project Structure 然後,彈出來的對話方塊左邊有一個SDKs單擊它 在

intellij idea報Cannot start process, the working directory 'D:\' does not exist

解決方法:選擇Run-Edit configurations。然後點選Application左邊的向下箭頭,在Configuration下找到Working directory,刪除或者設定成合適dir

[IDEA]IntelliJ IDEA匯入JDK出現The selected directory is not a valid home for JDK問題的解決方法

昨天在實驗室的桌上型電腦上配置Java。之前一直在MAC上都是使用IntelliJ IDEA玩耍,這次也不能少了它。馬上上官網下載了一個Windows版的,用學生帳號註冊完之後,就可以直接使用了!但是在匯入JDK的時候遇到了問題 ,下圖是新增JDK的介面: 點選new按鈕後出現下圖:

IntelliJ IDEA The selected directory is not a valid home for JDK 錯誤解決辦法

最近想學java,安裝了IntelliJ IDEA,建立了一個hello world專案。 可是說需要我首先配置SDK,那就配吧 可是當我選擇了java安裝目錄時,IntelliJ IDEA卻提示錯誤 The selected directory is not a valid home for JDK

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IDEA錯誤:Cannot start compilation: the output path is not specified for module "Test". Specify the out

錯誤是發生在從github上checkout自己的專案時。因為沒有將配置檔案一起上傳,所以在執行java程式時有了這個報錯: Cannot start compilation: the output path is not specified for module “Tes

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從coding上checkout自己的專案時,沒有將配置檔案一起上傳,所以在執行java程式時有了這個錯誤 解決辦法: 1、File->Project Setting->Modules->勾選 Inherit project compile path” 2、在Pr

Cannot start compilation: the output path is not specified for module "..." Specify the output path

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IDEA:Cannot start compiler:the SDK is not specified for module...錯誤修復

IDEA出現報錯 解決方法: 一、在Project Structure中選擇SDKs,點選右側的+號 二、選擇JDK,後找到JDK的安裝位置,點選應用。 三、在Project中的Project SDK中選擇剛剛新增的JDK,點選應用 問題解決

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學習MYBATIS過程中遇見的問題:Cannot start process

** intellij idea報Cannot start process, the working directory ‘D:’ does not exist ** 很明顯專案路徑不對,從D盤開啟路徑又是對的。 這是我看一篇部落格的解決辦法,但是我的不適用。 解決方法:選擇

Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository錯誤的解決

今天重新做了系統,然後各種重新安裝,可是突然發現一個問題,進行yumupdate的時候出現錯誤: Error: Cannot retrieve repositorymetadata (repomd.xml) for repository:goog......後面貌似是和go

解決yum報錯:Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: base. Please verify

一、報錯資訊:       二、解決方法:        1、進入 yum.repos.d資料夾下                    2、修改CentOS6-Base-163.repo                    3、配置檔案,如下: # CentOS-B

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由#error引起 解決方法: 修改如下設定:工程(Project)->屬性(Properties)->配置屬性(Configuration Properties) ->c/c++->程式碼生成(Code Generation)->執行時庫