1. 程式人生 > >SQL server 2000資料庫基礎程式設計(一)

SQL server 2000資料庫基礎程式設計(一)

以下所有內容適用於SQL server 2000,其他版本或型別資料庫可能會有部分不同,語句都差不多,請隨機應變,例:
sysdatabases <–> sys.databases
sysobjects <–> sys.objects

例如跳到 master資料庫

use master



if (exists (select * from sysdatabases where
name = 'studb')) drop database studb go create database studb on( name = 'studb', filename = 'c:\data\students.mdf' ) log on( name = 'studb_log', filename = 'c:\data\studb_log.ldf' ) go


if(exists(select *from
sysobjects where name = 'class')) drop table class go create table class( id int primary key identity(1,1), name varchar(22) not null, createDate datetime default getdate() ) go
if(exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 'student'))
drop table student

create table
student( id int identity(1,1) not null, name varchar(22), age int, sex bit ) go



alter table student add addr varchar(50)
alter table student alter column addr varchar(20)
alter table student drop column addr
alter table student 
add addr varchar(22),
    tel varchar(11),
    idCard varchar(3)
if (exists (select * from syscolumns where id = object_id('student') and name = 'idCard'))
alter table student drop column idCard

if (exists (select * from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'student' and column_name = 'tel'))
alter table student drop column tel


alter table student  
add constraint pk_id primary key(id)
alter table student 
add number varchar(20) null constraint no_uk unique
alter table student
add constraint name_uk unique(name)
alter table student
add constraint ck_age check (age >= 15 and age <= 50)
alter table student
add constraint sex_def default 1 for sex
----- 多個列、約束一起建立--------
alter table student add
    id int identity constraint id primary key,   
    number int null constraint uNumber references class(number),  
    createDate decimal(3, 3) constraint createDate default 2016-6-1  
alter table student  drop constraint no_uk


insert into class(name) values('1班');
insert into class values('2班', '2016-06-15');
insert into class values('3班', default);
insert into student values('ada', 22, 1, 1);
insert into student values('lucy', 25, 0, 1);
insert into student values('petter', 24, 1, 3);
insert into student values('bob', 23, 0, 3);
insert into student values('lilei', 21, 1, 5);
insert into student values('tom', 28, 0, 5);
insert into student values('jason', null, 0, 5);
insert into student values(null, null, 0, 5);

insert into student select 'bulise' name, age, sex, cid from student where name = 'tony';
insert into student
select 'jack', 23, 1, 5 union
select 'taomi', 24, 0, 3 union
select 'wendy', 25, 1, 3 union
select 'tony', 26, 0, 5;


select * from class;
select * from student;
select id, 'bulise' name, age, sex, cid from student where name = 'tony';
select *, (select max(age) from student) from student where name = 'tony';
update student set name = 'hehe', sex = 1 where id = 1;
delete from student where id = 1;
select * into stuBack from student;
select * into stu1 from (select * from stuBack);

select * from stuBack;
select * from stu1;