1. 程式人生 > >subsystem request failed on channel 0 Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer

subsystem request failed on channel 0 Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer

sftp [email protected]:


subsystem request failed on channel 0

Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer

Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server




subsystem request failed on channel 0 Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer

sftp [email protected]: 提示錯誤: subsystem request failed on channel 0Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer 解決辦法: /etc/ssh/ssh

Git push Access denied exec request failed on channel 0 fatal: Could not read from remote repository

Git push 和pull時沒有許可權首先去碼雲/git下 檢視是不新增 公鑰 如果沒有,把開發環境中的.ssh/id_pub進行貼上 至 碼雲那邊的git公鑰,再重新pull即可其次可以去專案中的 .Git資料夾下 config下 進行檢視url是否和遠端倉庫的的url一

docker exec failed!!error from pipe caused \"read parent: connection reset by peer\"問題

一、復現報錯: docker exec -it  wsqtest  bash rpc error: code = 2 desc = oci runtime error: exec failed: container_linux.go:247: starting container p

nginx [error] 15644#0: *112680 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response

參考地址   https://serverfault.com/questions/543999/nginx-errors-recv-failed-104-connection-reset-by-peer-while-reading-respon/544106 網站登入的時候

LR回放https協議腳本失敗:[GENERAL_MSG_CAT_SSL_ERROR]connect to host "XXX" failed:[10054] Connection reset by peer [MsgId:MERR-27780]

網絡連接 advance sgid 服務器 vuser con run load sgi 最近做一個負載均衡項目的性能測試,使用LR錄制腳本協議為https協議,回放腳本時出現報錯: [GENERAL_MSG_CAT_SSL_ERROR]connect to host "

CentOS7使用ssh不能登錄,報錯:Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer

read from socket failed: connection reset by peer使用xshell登錄CentOS7,不能登錄,使用另外一臺Linux主機,telent 22端口是同的,ssh連接報以下錯誤:Read from socket failed: Connection reset b

Android Retrofit Post請求引數長度限制問題 retrofit sendto failed: ECONNRESET (Connection reset by peer)

retrofit sendto failed: ECONNRESET (Connection reset by peer)【android客戶端Post請求引數長度限制(引數過大)】解決辦法   一、問題的出現 post請求後臺,當引數字元太長超過900字時會報sendto

SSH error ( Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer ) and it's solution

ssh cann't connected ,event in localhost[[email protected] ssh]# ssh from socket failed: Connection reset by peertry the following refe

failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream, client: x.x.x.x

failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream, client: x.x.x.x,

【OpenStack】SSH登入虛擬機器出現"Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer"問題的解決辦法

宣告: 本部落格歡迎轉發,但請保留原作者資訊! 新浪微博:@孔令賢HW; 內容系本人學習、研究和總結,如有雷同,實屬榮幸! 1、問題現象 版本:Grizzly master分支程式碼2013.06.17 部署:三個節點(Controller/Compute + Netw

解決 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream

Nginx出現502 Bad Gateway 錯誤, 查了Nginx的錯誤日誌為: 2014/08/02 16:14:31 [error] 17029#0: *17941 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) whil

No space left on device: AH00023: Couldn't create the proxy mutex 解決方法

伺服器版本:CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) Apache版本: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) 因為業務原因,需要在定時不斷重啟Apache伺服器

svn: Can't read from connection: 遠端主機強迫關閉了一個現有的連線 的解決辦法

結論:svn的訪問地址通過外網設定的,因網路升級後做了限制,造成svn提交不成功。修改為內網,或解除限制夠均能解決問題 ==================================================================  org.apach

GNS3 0.8.6計算idle pc值時出現Failed to find a working Idle PC value. Can't set up hypervisor on等問題

idle 計算 是否 image src bubuko 一個 work find 這學期在學計算機網絡,實驗課要用到gns30.8.6模擬。但是按照老師所給教程在設置idle pc時出現Failed to find a working Idle PC value. Can‘

linux -mongodb 啟動問題(Error: couldn't connect to server, connection attempt failed : )

-bash-4.1# ./mongo MongoDB shell version v3.4.6 connecting to: mongodb:// 2017-09-20T20:02:14.620+0800 W NETWORK

安卓8.0系統notification適配Failed to post notification on channel “null”

所以要去對8.0系統進行適配: //程式碼省略 String name = "my_package_channel";//渠道名字 String id = "my_package_channel_1"; // 渠道ID

Mysql出現Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost’ (0)問題

如果你的mysql在連線時提示Mysql出現Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost’ (0)問題錯誤,你就可以進來參考以下。 1、檢視一下,迴路是否指向127.0.0.1 2、刪除(在C:/windows/下)my.ini,重新執行m

Nginx上傳檔案413錯誤Processing of multipart/form-data request failed. Unexpected EOF read on the socket

問題描述: 利用ajax通過nginx上傳檔案到tomcat時,前端url報413http錯誤。 後臺tomcat控制檯也輸出對應的異常資訊,如下。 解決方法: 新增上傳檔案大小的最大值。 修改nginx的配置檔案:nginx.conf。目錄一般在 /usr/local/n

pycharm遠端除錯:_tkinter.TclError: couldn't connect to display "localhost:10.0"

PyCharm遠端開發配置 背景 遠端伺服器上OS版本為Ubuntu16.04。準備用Win10進行遠端開發,按照上述教程配置完PyCharm後,可以正常呼叫遠端python直譯器,但是當我程式產生視窗或者圖片時,發現本地機器無法顯示加載出來視窗或者圖片。於是

關於dom.4j讀取安卓本地檔案不能開啟問題:org.dom4j.DocumentException: Couldn't open /storage/emulated/0/upload.xml

最近使用dom.4j來建立和讀寫安卓本地檔案出現的問題。 首先配置好許可權,重要的話說三遍以上,androidmanifest裡面 <!-- 允許應用程式寫資料到外部儲存裝置(主要是SD卡) --> <uses-permission andro