1. 程式人生 > >(轉)Xcode中LLDB的基本命令的使用(Swift)




(lldb) p/o person.age

(UInt32) $R2 = 030

(lldb) p/d person.age

(UInt32) $R3 = 24

3:列印Raw value,-R ( --raw-output ) Don't use formatting options.

(lldb) e -R -- person

(LLDBDemo.Person) $R7 = 0x00007fd20a706be0 {

ObjectiveC.NSObject = {}

name = {

_core = {

_baseAddress = {

_rawValue = 0x000000011321e4e0


_countAndFlags = {

_value = 3


_owner = None {

Some = {

instance_type = 0x0000000000000000





age = {

_value = 24



4:顯示變數型別, -T ( --show-types ) Show variable types when dumping values.

(lldb) e -T -- person

(LLDBDemo.Person) $R9 = 0x00007fd20a706be0 {

(NSObject) ObjectiveC.NSObject = {}

(String) name = "hua"

(UInt32) age = 24


5:顯示變數位置資訊, -L ( --location ) Show variable location information.

(lldb) e -L -- person

scalar(0x00007fd20a706be0): (LLDBDemo.Person) $R10 = 0x00007fd20a706be0 {

scalar(0x00007fd20a706be0): ObjectiveC.NSObject = {}

0x00007fd20a706bf0: name = "hua"

0x00007fd20a706c08: age = 24



(lldb) e -RTL -- person

scalar(0x00007fd20a706be0): (LLDBDemo.Person) $R11 = 0x00007fd20a706be0 {

scalar(0x00007fd20a706be0): (ObjectiveC.NSObject) ObjectiveC.NSObject = {}

0x00007fd20a706bf0: (Swift.String) name = {

0x00007fd20a706bf0: (Swift._StringCore) _core = {

0x00007fd20a706bf0: (Swift.COpaquePointer) _baseAddress = {

0x00007fd20a706bf0: (Builtin.RawPointer) _rawValue = 0x000000011321e4e0


0x00007fd20a706bf8: (Swift.UInt) _countAndFlags = {

0x00007fd20a706bf8: (Builtin.Int64) _value = 3


0x00007fd20a706c00: (Swift.Optional) _owner = None {

0x00007fd20a706c00: (AnyObject) Some = {

0x00007fd20a706c00: (Builtin.RawPointer) instance_type = 0x0000000000000000





0x00007fd20a706c08: (Swift.UInt32) age = {

0x00007fd20a706c08: (Builtin.Int32) _value = 24




(lldb) e

Enter expressions, then terminate with an empty line to evaluate:

1 struct Compass{var dirction = "N";var angle = 16.5}

2 var c = Compass()

3 print(c)


(Compass #1)(dirction: "N", angle: 16.5)

(lldb) e

Enter expressions, then terminate with an empty line to evaluate:

1 func add(a:Int,b:Int)->Int {return a+b }

2 let c = add(3,b:4)

3 print(c)





(lldb) p import MapKit



(lldb) e var $a = Person(name:"Jenny",age:24)

(lldb) p $a

(LLDBDemo.Person) $R12 = 0x00007fd20a512ba0 {

ObjectiveC.NSObject = {}

name = "Jenny"

age = 24



(lldb) help breakpoint

The following subcommands are supported:

clear -- Clears a breakpoint or set of breakpoints in the executable.

command -- A set of commands for adding, removing and examining bits of

code to be executed when the breakpoint is hit (breakpoint


delete -- Delete the specified breakpoint(s). If no breakpoints are

specified, delete them all.

disable -- Disable the specified breakpoint(s) without removing them. If

none are specified, disable all breakpoints.

enable -- Enable the specified disabled breakpoint(s). If no breakpoints

are specified, enable all of them.

list -- List some or all breakpoints at configurable levels of detail.

modify -- Modify the options on a breakpoint or set of breakpoints in

the executable. If no breakpoint is specified, acts on the

last created breakpoint. With the exception of -e, -d and -i,

passing an empty argument clears the modification.

name -- A set of commands to manage name tags for breakpoints

set -- Sets a breakpoint or set of breakpoints in the executable.

For more help on any particular subcommand, type 'help










(lldb) br disable 1.*

1 breakpoints disabled.

(lldb) br disable 2.*

1 breakpoints disabled.



3:我們也可以使用 enable恢復斷點

(lldb) br enable 1.*

1 breakpoints enabled.

(lldb) br enable 2.*

1 breakpoints enabled.


(lldb) br delete 1

1 breakpoints deleted; 0 breakpoint locations disabled.

(lldb) br list

Current breakpoints:

2: file = '/Users/longshihua/Desktop/LLDBDemo/LLDBDemo/ViewController.swift', line = 28, exact_match = 0, locations = 1, resolved = 1, hit count = 1

2.1: where = LLDBDemo`LLDBDemo.ViewController.testPerson () -> () + 12 at ViewController.swift:28, address = 0x000000010b4f3d5c, resolved, hit count = 1

3: file = '/Users/longshihua/Desktop/LLDBDemo/LLDBDemo/ViewController.swift', line = 30, exact_match = 0, locations = 1, resolved = 1, hit count = 1

3.1: where = LLDBDemo`LLDBDemo.ViewController.testPerson () -> () + 204 at ViewController.swift:30, address = 0x000000010b4f3e1c, resolved, hit count = 1


(lldb) br set -f ViewController.swift -l26

Breakpoint 4:where = LLDBDemo`LLDBDemo.ViewController.testPerson () -> () +12 at ViewController.swift:28, address =0x000000010b4f3d5c

命令中的-f ViewController.swift和-l26

-f ( --file ) 具體的檔案

-l ( --line ) 檔案的位置,即具體哪一行


(lldb) br set -F testPerson

Breakpoint 3:2 locations.






(lldb) br modify -c i==800

(lldb) po i



-c ( --condition )

The breakpoint stops onlyifthis condition expression evaluates to


記住一點,多利用help,查詢命令和幫助資訊,所以這裡我們可以通過help br set來檢視更多資訊。




Debug的時候,也許會因為各種原因,我們不想讓程式碼執行某個方法,或者要直接返回一個想要的值。這時候就該thread return上場了。thread return可以接受一個表示式,呼叫命令之後直接從當前的堆疊中返回表示式的值。我們只需在方法的開始位置加一個斷點,當程式中斷的時候,輸入命令即可。

2:thread step-over單步執行,執行下一行程式碼

thread step-in 進入函式體,單步執行

thread step-out 退出當前函式體

3:thread backtrace顯示堆疊資訊

(lldb) thread backtrace

* thread #1: tid = 0x35a80, 0x0000000105b62d5c LLDBDemo`ViewController.testPerson(self=0x00007fab09d2bf00) -> () + 12 at ViewController.swift:28, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1

* frame #0: 0x0000000105b62d5c LLDBDemo`ViewController.testPerson(self=0x00007fab09d2bf00) -> () + 12 at ViewController.swift:28




(lldb) help type

The following subcommands are supported:

category -- A set of commands for operating on categories

filter -- A set of commands for operating on type filters

format -- A set of commands for editing variable value display options

lookup -- Lookup a type by name in the select target. This command

takes 'raw' input (no need to quote stuff).

summary -- A set of commands for editing variable summary display


synthetic -- A set of commands for operating on synthetic type


For more help on any particular subcommand, type 'help



(lldb) type lookup Person

@objc class Person : ObjectiveC.NSObject {

@objc var name: Swift.String

@objc var age: Swift.UInt32

@objc init(name: Swift.String, age: Swift.UInt32)

@objc override var description: Swift.String {

@objc override get {}


@objc func personException() throws

@objc deinit

@objc @objc init()



作用:frame -- A set of commandsfor operating on the current thread's frames.

(lldb) help frame

The following subcommands are supported:

info -- List information about the currently selected frame in the

current thread.

select -- Select a frame by index from within the current thread and

make it the current frame.

variable -- Show frame variables. All argument and local variables that

are in scope will be shown when no arguments are given. If

any arguments are specified, they can be names of argument,

local, file static and file global variables. Children of

aggregate variables can be specified such as 'var->child.x'.

For more help on any particular subcommand, type 'help


(lldb) frame variable person

(LLDBDemo.Person) person = 0x00007fab09e13790 {

ObjectiveC.NSObject = {}

name = "Jack"

age = 24


我們可以使用frame info檢視當前frame的資訊:

(lldb) frame info

frame #0:0x0000000105b62e1c LLDBDemo`ViewController.testPerson(self=0x00007fab09d2bf00) -> () +204 at ViewController.swift:30


對於target這個命令,我們用得最多的可能就是target modules lookup。由於LLDB給 target modules取了個別名image,所以這個命令我們又可以寫成image lookup.

1:當我們想檢視一個型別的時候,可以使用image lookup --type,簡寫為image lookup -t,比如我們可以看看自己的Person型別資訊:

(lldb) image lookup -t Person

2:當我們想查詢一個方法或者符號的資訊,比如所在檔案位置等。我們可以使用image lookup --name,簡寫為 image lookup -n,這裡我們就直接查詢我們的testPerson函式,我們可以看到如下資訊:

(lldb) image lookup -n testPerson

2 matches found in /Users/longshihua/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/LLDBDemo-fxvhyqfwhdszpwdegllmmmsjcohz/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/LLDBDemo.app/LLDBDemo:

Address: LLDBDemo[0x0000000100003d50] (LLDBDemo.__TEXT.__text + 9872)

Summary: LLDBDemo`LLDBDemo.ViewController.testPerson () -> () at ViewController.swift:26 Address: LLDBDemo[0x0000000100003e30] (LLDBDemo.__TEXT.__text + 10096)

Summary: LLDBDemo`@objc LLDBDemo.ViewController.testPerson () -> () at ViewController.swift

3:當我們有一個地址,想查詢這個地址具體對應的檔案位置,可以使用 image lookup --address,簡寫為image lookup -a.