1. 程式人生 > >使用Zabbix + MPM全面監控MySQL

使用Zabbix + MPM全面監控MySQL

  • MPM Agent配置


    mysql> create user 'mpm'@'' identified by '123456';
    mysql> grant process, replication client on *.* to 'mpm'@'';
    mysql> flush privileges;

    配置MPM Agent:

    cd /usr/local/mysql_performance_monitor-agent/etc
    cp FromDualMySQLagent.conf.template FromDualMySQLagent.conf
    mkdir -p /var/log/zabbix
    mkdir -p /var/log/zabbix/cache
    touch /var/log/zabbix/FromDualMySQLagent.log
    chown -R zabbix:zabbix /var/log/zabbix
    chmod o+r /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid #這裡要根據自己實際情況進行修改
    vi FromDualMySQLagent.conf
    # cat FromDualMySQLagent.conf
    # Type of section:
    # mysqld for a normal MySQL database
    # ndbd   for a MySQL cluster
    Type         = mysqld
    # Debug levels are:
    # 1 is logging only errors
    # 2 is logging errors and warnings (this is the default)
    # 3 logs some informations messages as well
    # 4 logs everything (for debugging purposes only)
    Debug         = 2
    LogFile       = /var/log/zabbix/FromDualMySQLagent.log
    # Directory where the Cache files should be written to:
    CacheFileBase = /var/log/zabbix/cache/FromDualAgentCache
    # If you agent is not located in the same time zone as your server
    # TimeShift = +0.0
    # Information for MySQL connections: 下面的這幾項需要修改
    Username     = mpm
    Password     = 123456
    MysqlHost    =
    MysqlPort    = 3306
    # Zabbix Server IP address 需要修改
    ZabbixServer =
    # If section is disabled
    Disabled     = false
    # Possible modules for databases are:
    # process mysql myisam aria innodb pbxt ndb master slave drbd galera memcache
    # Possible modules for servers are:
    # mpm server
    # Usual modules are
    Modules      = process mysql myisam innodb
    # Special parameter which is used for module ndb and process
    ClusterLog   = /var/lib/mysql-cluster/ndb_1_cluster.log
    # MySQL Pid file, need read permission for zabbix user
    PidFile      = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid #這裡也需要修改
    Type         = mysqld
    Modules      = mpm server
    # All MySQL databases here
    # Try to avoid section names with spaces!
    []   # This MUST match Hostname in Zabbix! 注意:該行及以下的幾行需要取消註釋
    Type         = mysqld
    MysqlPort    = 3306
    Modules      = process mysql myisam innodb slave
    PidFile      = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
    Debug        = 1

    注:這裡監控的MySQL Server是MySQL主從複製的中的Slave機器.