
在即將釋出的 .NET 6 runtime 中,預設的執行緒池實現從 C++ 程式碼改為了 C#,更方便我們學習執行緒池的設計了。


新的執行緒池實現位於 PortableThreadPool 中,原 ThreadPool 中的對外公開的介面會直接呼叫 PortableThreadPool 中的實現。

通過設定環境變數 ThreadPool_UsePortableThreadPool 為 0 可以設定成使用老的執行緒池實現。


本文以 .NET 6 runtime 原始碼作為學習材料,對執行緒池的設計進行介紹。從目前的理解上來看,其整體的設計與原來 C++ 的實現並沒有特別大的出入。


  • 本文不涉及細節的程式碼實現,主要為大家介紹其整體設計。所展示的程式碼並非原封不動的原始碼,而是為了方便理解的簡化版。
  • ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(int workerThreads, int completionPortThreads) 中的 completionPortThreads 所相關的 IOCP執行緒池 是 .NET Framework 時代的遺留產物,用於管理 Windows 平臺專有的 IOCP 的回撥執行緒池。目前沒看到有什麼地方在用它了,completionPortThreads 這個引數也已經沒有意義,底層IO庫是自己維護的IO等待執行緒池。本文只涉及 worker thread 池的介紹。
  • 本文理解並不完整也不一定完全正確,有異議的地方歡迎留言討論。
  • 為了解釋問題,一部分程式碼會執行在 .NET 6 之前的環境中。


執行緒池的待執行任務被存放在一個佇列系統中。這個系統包括一個 全域性佇列,以及繫結在每一個 Worker Thread 上 的 本地佇列 。而執行緒池中的每一個執行緒都在執行 while(true) 的迴圈,從這個佇列系統中領取並執行任務。

ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem 的過載方法 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem<TState>(Action<TState> callBack, TState state, bool preferLocal) 裡有一個 preferLocal 引數。

  • 呼叫不帶 preferLocal 引數的 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem 方法過載,任務會被放到全域性佇列。

  • preferLocal 為 true 的時候,如果呼叫 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem 程式碼的執行緒正好是個執行緒池裡的某個執行緒,則該任務就會進入該執行緒的本地佇列中。除此之外的情況則會被放到全域性佇列中等待未來被某個 Worker Thread 撿走。

  • 線上程池外的執行緒中呼叫,不管 preferLocal 傳的是什麼,任務都會被放到全域性佇列。


本地佇列和全域性佇列的元素型別被定義為 object,實際的任務型別分為兩類,在從佇列系統取到任務之後會判斷型別並執行對應的方法。

IThreadPoolWorkItem 實現類的例項。

/// <summary>Represents a work item that can be executed by the ThreadPool.</summary>
public interface IThreadPoolWorkItem
void Execute();

執行 Execute 方法也就代表著任務的執行。

IThreadPoolWorkItem 的具體實現有很多,例如通過 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callBack) 傳入的 callBack 委託例項會被包裝到一個 QueueUserWorkItemCallback 例項裡。QueueUserWorkItemCallbackIThreadPoolWorkItem 的實現類。


class Task
internal void InnerInvoke();

執行 InnerInvoke 會執行 Task 所包含的委託。


全域性佇列 是由 ThreadPoolWorkQueue 維護的,同時它也是整個佇列系統的入口,直接被 ThreadPool 所引用。

public static class ThreadPool
internal static readonly ThreadPoolWorkQueue s_workQueue = new ThreadPoolWorkQueue(); public static bool QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callBack, object state)
object tpcallBack = new QueueUserWorkItemCallback(callBack!, state); s_workQueue.Enqueue(tpcallBack, forceGlobal: true); return true;
} internal sealed class ThreadPoolWorkQueue
// 全域性佇列
internal readonly ConcurrentQueue<object> workItems = new ConcurrentQueue<object>(); // forceGlobal 為 true 時,push 到全域性佇列,否則就放到本地佇列
public void Enqueue(object callback, bool forceGlobal);


執行緒池中的每一個執行緒都會繫結一個 ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals 例項,在 workStealingQueue 這個欄位上儲存著本地佇列。

internal sealed class ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals
// 繫結線上程池執行緒上
public static ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals threadLocals; // 持有全域性佇列的引用,以便能在需要的時候將任務轉移到全域性佇列上
public readonly ThreadPoolWorkQueue workQueue;
// 本地佇列的直接維護者
public readonly ThreadPoolWorkQueue.WorkStealingQueue workStealingQueue;
public readonly Thread currentThread; public ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals(ThreadPoolWorkQueue tpq)
workQueue = tpq;
workStealingQueue = new ThreadPoolWorkQueue.WorkStealingQueue();
// WorkStealingQueueList 會集中管理 workStealingQueue
currentThread = Thread.CurrentThread;
} // 提供將本地佇列中的任務轉移到全域性佇列中去的功能,
// 當 ThreadPool 通過後文將會介紹的 HillClimbing 演算法判斷得出當前執行緒是多餘的執行緒後,
// 會呼叫此方法對任務進行轉移
public void TransferLocalWork()
while (workStealingQueue.LocalPop() is object cb)
workQueue.Enqueue(cb, forceGlobal: true);
} ~ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals()
if (null != workStealingQueue)
// TransferLocalWork 真正的目的並非是為了在這裡被呼叫,這邊只是確保任務不會丟的 fallback 邏輯


這裡思考一個問題,為什麼本地佇列的名字會被叫做 WorkStealingQueue 呢?

所有 Worker ThreadWorkStealingQueue 都被集中在 WorkStealingQueueList 中。對執行緒池中其他所有執行緒可見。

Worker Threadwhile(true) 中優先會從自身的 WorkStealingQueue 中取任務。如果本地佇列已經被清空,就會從全域性佇列中取任務。例如下圖的 Thread1 取全域性佇列中領取了一個任務。

同時 Thread3 也沒活幹了,但是全域性佇列中的任務被 Thread1 搶走了。這時候就會去 從 Thread2 的本地佇列中搶 Thread2 的活。

Worker Thread 的生命週期管理

接下來我們把格局放大,關注點從 Worker Thread 的打工日常轉移到對它們的生命週期管理上來。


程式碼參考自 https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/performance-improvements-in-net-6/#threading。


Task.Run 會將 Task 排程到執行緒池中執行,下面的示例程式碼中等效於 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callBack),會把 Task 放到佇列系統的全域性佇列中(順便一提,如果在一個執行緒池執行緒中執行 Task.Run 會將 Task 排程到此執行緒池執行緒的本地佇列中)。

.NET 5 實驗一 預設執行緒池配置

static void Main(string[] args)
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource();
var tasks = new List<Task>();
for (int i = 1; i <= Environment.ProcessorCount * 2; i++)
int id = i;
Console.WriteLine($"Loop Id: {id:00} | {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.000} | Busy Threads: {GetBusyThreads()}");
tasks.Add(Task.Run(() =>
Console.WriteLine($"Task Id: {id:00} | {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.000} | Busy Threads: {GetBusyThreads()}");
} tasks.Add(Task.Run(() =>
Console.WriteLine($"Task SetResult | {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.000} | Busy Threads: {GetBusyThreads()}");
Console.WriteLine($"Done: | {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.000}");
} static int GetBusyThreads()
ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out var available, out _);
ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out var max, out _);
return max - available;

首先在程式碼在 .NET 5 環境中執行以下程式碼,CPU 邏輯核心數 12。

Loop Id: 01    | 0.000 | Busy Threads: 0
Loop Id: 02 | 0.112 | Busy Threads: 1
Loop Id: 03 | 0.112 | Busy Threads: 2
Loop Id: 04 | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 4
Loop Id: 05 | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 7
Loop Id: 06 | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 10
Loop Id: 07 | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 10
Task Id: 01 | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 11
Task Id: 02 | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 03 | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 07 | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 04 | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 05 | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 08 | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 10
Task Id: 08 | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 09 | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 11
Loop Id: 10 | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 11 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 12 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 13 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 14 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 15 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 16 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 17 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 18 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 19 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 20 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 21 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 22 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 23 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 24 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 09 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 06 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 10 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 11 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 12 | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 13 | 1.091 | Busy Threads: 13
Task Id: 14 | 1.594 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 15 | 2.099 | Busy Threads: 15
Task Id: 16 | 3.102 | Busy Threads: 16
Task Id: 17 | 3.603 | Busy Threads: 17
Task Id: 18 | 4.107 | Busy Threads: 18
Task Id: 19 | 4.611 | Busy Threads: 19
Task Id: 20 | 5.113 | Busy Threads: 20
Task Id: 21 | 5.617 | Busy Threads: 21
Task Id: 22 | 6.122 | Busy Threads: 22
Task Id: 23 | 7.128 | Busy Threads: 23
Task Id: 24 | 7.632 | Busy Threads: 24
Task SetResult | 8.135 | Busy Threads: 25
Done: | 8.136

Task.Run 會把 Task 排程到執行緒池上執行,前 24 個 task 都會被阻塞住,直到第 25 個被執行。每次都會打印出當前執行緒池中正在執行任務的執行緒數(也就是建立完成的執行緒數)。


  • 前幾次迴圈,執行緒隨著 Task 數量遞增,後面幾次迴圈直到迴圈結束為止,執行緒數一直維持在 12 沒有發生變化。
  • 執行緒數在達到 12 之前,零間隔時間增加。第 12 到 第 13 執行緒間隔 1s 不到,往後約 500ms 增加一個執行緒。

.NET 5 實驗二 調整 ThreadPool 設定

在上面的程式碼最前面加入以下兩行程式碼,繼續在 .NET 5 環境執行一次。

ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out int defaultMinThreads, out int completionPortThreads);
Console.WriteLine($"DefaultMinThreads: {defaultMinThreads}");
ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(14, completionPortThreads);


DefaultMinThreads: 12
Loop Id: 01 | 0.000 | Busy Threads: 0
Loop Id: 02 | 0.003 | Busy Threads: 1
Loop Id: 03 | 0.003 | Busy Threads: 2
Loop Id: 04 | 0.003 | Busy Threads: 5
Loop Id: 05 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 8
Task Id: 01 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 10
Task Id: 03 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 10
Loop Id: 06 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 10
Task Id: 02 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 10
Task Id: 04 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 10
Task Id: 05 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 07 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 9
Loop Id: 08 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 10
Loop Id: 09 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 11
Loop Id: 10 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 08 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 06 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 09 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 10 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 11 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 12 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 13 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 14 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 15 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 16 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 17 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 18 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 19 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 20 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 21 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 22 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 11 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 23 | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 24 | 0.005 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 07 | 0.005 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 12 | 0.005 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 13 | 0.005 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 14 | 0.005 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 15 | 0.982 | Busy Threads: 15
Task Id: 16 | 1.486 | Busy Threads: 16
Task Id: 17 | 1.991 | Busy Threads: 17
Task Id: 18 | 2.997 | Busy Threads: 18
Task Id: 19 | 3.501 | Busy Threads: 19
Task Id: 20 | 4.004 | Busy Threads: 20
Task Id: 21 | 4.509 | Busy Threads: 21
Task Id: 22 | 5.014 | Busy Threads: 22
Task Id: 23 | 5.517 | Busy Threads: 23
Task Id: 24 | 6.021 | Busy Threads: 24
Task SetResult | 6.522 | Busy Threads: 25
Done: | 6.523

在調整完執行緒池的最小執行緒數量之後,執行緒注入速度發生轉折的時間點從第 12(預設min threads) 個執行緒換到了第 14(修改後的min threads)個執行緒。

整體時間也從 8s 縮到 6s。

.NET 5 實驗三 tcs.Task.Wait() 改為 Thread.Sleep

static void Main(string[] args)
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var tasks = new List<Task>();
for (int i = 1; i <= Environment.ProcessorCount * 2; i++)
int id = i;
$"Loop Id: {id:00} | {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.000} | Busy Threads: {GetBusyThreads()}");
tasks.Add(Task.Run(() =>
$"Task Id: {id:00} | {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.000} | Busy Threads: {GetBusyThreads()}");
Thread.Sleep(Environment.ProcessorCount * 1000);
} Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray()).ContinueWith(_ =>
Console.WriteLine($"Done: | {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.000}");
Loop Id: 01    | 0.000 | Busy Threads: 0
Loop Id: 02 | 0.027 | Busy Threads: 1
Loop Id: 03 | 0.027 | Busy Threads: 2
Loop Id: 04 | 0.027 | Busy Threads: 3
Loop Id: 05 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 4
Loop Id: 06 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 10
Loop Id: 07 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 9
Loop Id: 08 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 9
Loop Id: 09 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 10
Loop Id: 10 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 11 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 12 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 13 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 14 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 15 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 16 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 17 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 18 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 19 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 20 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 21 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 22 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 23 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 24 | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 01 | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 05 | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 03 | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 08 | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 09 | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 10 | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 06 | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 11 | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 12 | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 04 | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 02 | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 07 | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 13 | 1.018 | Busy Threads: 13
Task Id: 14 | 1.522 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 15 | 2.025 | Busy Threads: 15
Task Id: 16 | 2.530 | Busy Threads: 16
Task Id: 17 | 3.530 | Busy Threads: 17
Task Id: 18 | 4.035 | Busy Threads: 18
Task Id: 19 | 4.537 | Busy Threads: 19
Task Id: 20 | 5.040 | Busy Threads: 20
Task Id: 21 | 5.545 | Busy Threads: 21
Task Id: 22 | 6.048 | Busy Threads: 22
Task Id: 23 | 7.049 | Busy Threads: 23
Task Id: 24 | 8.056 | Busy Threads: 24
Done: | 20.060

達到 min threads (預設12)之後,執行緒注入速度明顯變慢,最快間隔 500ms。

.NET 6 實驗一 預設 ThreadPool 設定

將 .NET 5 實驗一的程式碼在 .NET 6 執行一次

Loop Id: 01    | 0.001 | Busy Threads: 0
Loop Id: 02 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 1
Loop Id: 03 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 3
Loop Id: 04 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 6
Loop Id: 05 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 4
Loop Id: 06 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 5
Loop Id: 07 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 6
Loop Id: 08 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 8
Task Id: 01 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 11
Task Id: 04 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 11
Task Id: 03 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 11
Task Id: 02 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 11
Task Id: 05 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 11
Loop Id: 09 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 10 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 11 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 12 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 13 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 09 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 14 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 15 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 16 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 17 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 06 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 18 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 19 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 20 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 21 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 22 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 23 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 24 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 10 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 07 | 0.019 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 11 | 0.019 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 08 | 0.019 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 12 | 0.019 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 13 | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 16
Task Id: 14 | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 17
Task Id: 15 | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 18
Task Id: 16 | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 19
Task Id: 17 | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 20
Task Id: 18 | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 21
Task Id: 19 | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 22
Task Id: 20 | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 23
Task Id: 21 | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 24
Task Id: 23 | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 24
Task Id: 22 | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 24
Task Id: 24 | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 24
Task SetResult | 0.045 | Busy Threads: 25
Done: | 0.046

與實驗一相比,雖然執行緒數仍然停留在 12 了一段時間,但隨後執行緒就立即增長了,後文會介紹 .NET 6 在這方面做出的改進。

.NET 6 實驗二 調整 ThreadPool 設定

將 .NET 5 實驗二的程式碼在 .NET 6 中執行一次

DefaultMinThreads: 12
Loop Id: 01 | 0.001 | Busy Threads: 0
Loop Id: 02 | 0.014 | Busy Threads: 1
Loop Id: 03 | 0.014 | Busy Threads: 2
Loop Id: 04 | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 5
Loop Id: 05 | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 4
Loop Id: 06 | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 5
Loop Id: 07 | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 7
Loop Id: 08 | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 8
Loop Id: 09 | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 11
Task Id: 06 | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 9
Task Id: 01 | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 9
Task Id: 02 | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 9
Task Id: 05 | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 9
Task Id: 03 | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 9
Task Id: 04 | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 9
Task Id: 07 | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 9
Task Id: 08 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 9
Task Id: 09 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 9
Loop Id: 10 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 9
Loop Id: 11 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 10
Loop Id: 12 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 11
Loop Id: 13 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 13
Task Id: 10 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 14 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 15 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 16 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 11 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 17 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 18 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 19 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 20 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 21 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 22 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 23 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 24 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 12 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 13 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 14 | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 15 | 0.017 | Busy Threads: 18
Task Id: 16 | 0.017 | Busy Threads: 19
Task Id: 17 | 0.017 | Busy Threads: 20
Task Id: 18 | 0.017 | Busy Threads: 21
Task Id: 19 | 0.017 | Busy Threads: 22
Task Id: 20 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 23
Task Id: 21 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 24
Task Id: 22 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 25
Task Id: 23 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 26
Task Id: 24 | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 26
Task SetResult | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 25
Done: | 0.019


.NET 6 實驗三 tcs.Task.Wait() 改為 Thread.Sleep

將 .NET 5 實驗三的程式碼在 .NET 6 中執行一次

Loop Id: 01    | 0.003 | Busy Threads: 0
Loop Id: 02 | 0.024 | Busy Threads: 1
Loop Id: 03 | 0.025 | Busy Threads: 2
Loop Id: 04 | 0.025 | Busy Threads: 3
Loop Id: 05 | 0.025 | Busy Threads: 7
Loop Id: 06 | 0.025 | Busy Threads: 5
Loop Id: 07 | 0.025 | Busy Threads: 6
Loop Id: 08 | 0.025 | Busy Threads: 7
Loop Id: 09 | 0.025 | Busy Threads: 9
Loop Id: 10 | 0.025 | Busy Threads: 10
Loop Id: 11 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 10
Loop Id: 12 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 11
Loop Id: 13 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 14 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 15 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 16 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 17 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 18 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 19 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 20 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 21 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 22 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 23 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 24 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 01 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 02 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 05 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 04 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 06 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 08 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 09 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 03 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 11 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 10 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 07 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 12 | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 13 | 1.026 | Busy Threads: 13
Task Id: 14 | 2.027 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 15 | 3.028 | Busy Threads: 15
Task Id: 16 | 4.030 | Busy Threads: 16
Task Id: 17 | 5.031 | Busy Threads: 17
Task Id: 18 | 6.032 | Busy Threads: 18
Task Id: 19 | 6.533 | Busy Threads: 19
Task Id: 20 | 7.035 | Busy Threads: 20
Task Id: 21 | 8.036 | Busy Threads: 21
Task Id: 22 | 8.537 | Busy Threads: 22
Task Id: 23 | 9.538 | Busy Threads: 23
Task Id: 24 | 10.039 | Busy Threads: 24
Done: | 22.041

結果與 .NET 5 的實驗三相差不大。


對照上述的幾組實驗結果,接下來以 .NET 6 中 C# 實現的 ThreadPool 作為資料來理解一下執行緒注入的幾個階段(按個人理解進行的劃分,僅供參考)。

1. 第一個執行緒的出現


下面是執行緒池在執行第一個任務的時候的程式碼摘要,涉及到計數的並執行相關處理的地方,程式碼都使用了 while(xxx) + Interlocked 的方式來進行併發控制,可以理解成樂觀鎖。這一階段,實際上我們只需要關注到 ThreadPoolWorkQueue.EnsureThreadRequested 方法就行了。

可利用 Rider 的反編譯 Debug 功能幫助我們學習。

下面是第一個 Task.Run 的程式碼執行路徑

注意:執行環節是 Main Thread

public static class ThreadPool
internal static readonly ThreadPoolWorkQueue s_workQueue = new ThreadPoolWorkQueue(); public static bool QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callBack, object state)
object tpcallBack = new QueueUserWorkItemCallback(callBack!, state); s_workQueue.Enqueue(tpcallBack, forceGlobal: true); return true;
} internal sealed class ThreadPoolWorkQueue
private struct CacheLineSeparated
private readonly Internal.PaddingFor32 pad1; public volatile int numOutstandingThreadRequests; private readonly Internal.PaddingFor32 pad2;
} private CacheLineSeparated _separated; public void Enqueue(object callback, bool forceGlobal)
// 執行緒池中執行的任務有兩種:IThreadPoolWorkItem、Task
Debug.Assert((callback is IThreadPoolWorkItem) ^ (callback is Task)); if (loggingEnabled && FrameworkEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
FrameworkEventSource.Log.ThreadPoolEnqueueWorkObject(callback); ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals? tl = null;
if (!forceGlobal)
// 獲取本地佇列,如果執行改程式碼的執行緒不是執行緒池執行緒,
// 那這邊是獲取不到的,就算 forceGlobal 是 false,
// 也會把任務放到全域性佇列
tl = ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals.threadLocals; if (null != tl)
// 放到本地佇列
// 當道全域性佇列
} EnsureThreadRequested();
} internal void EnsureThreadRequested()
// If we have not yet requested #procs threads, then request a new thread.
// CoreCLR: Note that there is a separate count in the VM which has already been incremented
// by the VM by the time we reach this point.
int count = _separated.numOutstandingThreadRequests;
while (count < Environment.ProcessorCount)
int prev = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _separated.numOutstandingThreadRequests, count + 1, count);
if (prev == count)
count = prev;
} public static class ThreadPool
{ /// <summary>
/// This method is called to request a new thread pool worker to handle pending work.
/// </summary>
internal static void RequestWorkerThread() => PortableThreadPool.ThreadPoolInstance.RequestWorker();
} internal sealed class PortableThreadPool
public static readonly PortableThreadPool ThreadPoolInstance = new PortableThreadPool(); internal void RequestWorker()
// The order of operations here is important. MaybeAddWorkingWorker() and EnsureRunning() use speculative checks to
// do their work and the memory barrier from the interlocked operation is necessary in this case for correctness.
Interlocked.Increment(ref _separated.numRequestedWorkers);
// 初始化 GateThread
} /// <summary>
/// The worker thread infastructure for the CLR thread pool.
/// </summary>
private static class WorkerThread
internal static void MaybeAddWorkingWorker(PortableThreadPool threadPoolInstance)
ThreadCounts counts = threadPoolInstance._separated.counts;
short numExistingThreads, numProcessingWork, newNumExistingThreads, newNumProcessingWork;
// 這個 while (true) 是確保計算出正確的待建立執行緒數
while (true)
numProcessingWork = counts.NumProcessingWork;
if (numProcessingWork >= counts.NumThreadsGoal)
} newNumProcessingWork = (short)(numProcessingWork + 1);
numExistingThreads = counts.NumExistingThreads;
newNumExistingThreads = Math.Max(numExistingThreads, newNumProcessingWork); ThreadCounts newCounts = counts;
newCounts.NumProcessingWork = newNumProcessingWork;
newCounts.NumExistingThreads = newNumExistingThreads; ThreadCounts oldCounts = threadPoolInstance._separated.counts.InterlockedCompareExchange(newCounts, counts); if (oldCounts == counts)
} counts = oldCounts;
} int toCreate = newNumExistingThreads - numExistingThreads;
int toRelease = newNumProcessingWork - numProcessingWork; if (toRelease > 0)
} while (toCreate > 0)
if (TryCreateWorkerThread())
} counts = threadPoolInstance._separated.counts;
while (true)
ThreadCounts newCounts = counts;
newCounts.SubtractNumExistingThreads((short)toCreate); ThreadCounts oldCounts = threadPoolInstance._separated.counts.InterlockedCompareExchange(newCounts, counts);
if (oldCounts == counts)
counts = oldCounts;
} private static bool TryCreateWorkerThread()
// Thread pool threads must start in the default execution context without transferring the context, so
// using UnsafeStart() instead of Start()
Thread workerThread = new Thread(s_workerThreadStart);
workerThread.IsThreadPoolThread = true;
workerThread.IsBackground = true;
// thread name will be set in thread proc
catch (ThreadStartException)
return false;
catch (OutOfMemoryException)
return false;
} return true;
} }

2. 達到 min threads 之前的執行緒數增長

細心的朋友會發現上面程式碼裡 EnsureThreadRequested 方法有一個終止條件,_separated.numOutstandingThreadRequests == Environment.ProcessorCount,每次新增一個 ThreadRequested,這個數就會 +1,似乎允許建立的最大 Worker Thread 是 Environment.ProcessorCount?

其實 ThreadPoolWorkQueue 維護的 NumOutstandingThreadRequests 這個值會線上程池執行緒真正跑起來之後,會在 ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch方法中 -1。也就是說,只要有一個執行緒真正執行起來了,就能建立第 Environment.ProcessorCount + 1 個Thread。當然,在向 ThreadPoolWorkQueue 加入第13個任務的時候,第13個 Worker Thread 就算不允許建立也沒關係,因為任務已經入隊了,會被執行起來的 Worker Thread 取走。

min threads 初始值為 執行環境 CPU 核心數,可通過 ThreadPool.SetMinThreads 進行設定,引數有效範圍是 [1, max threads]。

PortableThreadPool裡維護了一個計數器 PortableThreadPool.ThreadPoolInstance._separated.counts,記錄了 Worker Thread 相關的三個數值:

  • NumProcessingWork:當前正在執行任務的 Worker Thread。
  • NumExistingThreads:當前執行緒池中實際有的 Worker Thread。
  • NumThreadsGoal:當前允許建立的最大 Worker Thread,初始值為 min threads
    internal class PortableThreadPool
{ public static readonly PortableThreadPool ThreadPoolInstance = new PortableThreadPool(); private CacheLineSeparated _separated; private struct CacheLineSeparated
public ThreadCounts counts;
} /// <summary>
/// Tracks information on the number of threads we want/have in different states in our thread pool.
/// </summary>
private struct ThreadCounts
/// <summary>
/// Number of threads processing work items.
/// </summary>
public short NumProcessingWork { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// Number of thread pool threads that currently exist.
/// </summary>
public short NumExistingThreads { get; set; } // <summary>
/// Max possible thread pool threads we want to have.
/// </summary>
public short NumThreadsGoal { get; set; }

3. 避免飢餓機制(Starvation Avoidance)

上面講到,隨著任務進入佇列系統,Worker Thread 將隨之增長,直到達到 NumThreadsGoal。

NumThreadsGoal 是12,前 12 個執行緒都被堵住了,加入到佇列系統的第 13 個任務沒辦法被這前 12 個執行緒領走執行。

在這種情況下,執行緒池的 Starvation Avoidance 機制就起到作用了。

在上述所說的第一個階段,除了執行緒池中的第一個執行緒會被建立之外,GateThread 也會隨之被初始化。在第一階段的程式碼摘錄中,可以看到 GateThread 的初始化。

internal sealed class PortableThreadPool
public static readonly PortableThreadPool ThreadPoolInstance = new PortableThreadPool(); internal void RequestWorker()
Interlocked.Increment(ref _separated.numRequestedWorkers);
// 初始化 GateThread

GateThread 是一個獨立的執行緒,每隔 500ms 進行檢查一下,如果 NumProcessingWork >= NumThreadsGoal(WorkerThread.MaybeAddWorkingWorker 不新增 Worker Thread 的判斷條件),就設定新的 NumThreadsGoal = NumProcessingWork + 1,並呼叫 WorkerThread.MaybeAddWorkingWorker,這樣新的 Worker Thread 就可以被 WorkerThread.MaybeAddWorkingWorker 建立。

這就解釋了,為什麼 .NET 5 實驗一、二線上程數達到min threads(NumThreadsGoal 的預設值)之後,後面 Worker Thread 的增長是每 500ms 一個。

由於在第三階段中,執行緒的增長會比較緩慢,有經驗的開發會在應用啟動的時候設定一個較大的 min threads,使其較晚或不進入第三階段。

執行緒注入在 .NET 6 中的改進

.NET 6 與 .NET 5 的實驗二相比,達到 min threads 之後,執行緒的增長速度有明顯的差異,而兩者的實驗三卻相差不大。

** .NET 6 對於 Task.Wait 導致執行緒池執行緒阻塞的場景進行了優化,但如果並非此原因導致的執行緒數不夠用,依舊是 Starvation Avoidance 的策略。**

新的 ThreadPool 提供了一個 ThreadPool.NotifyThreadBlocked 的內部介面,裡面會呼叫 GateThread.Wake 去喚醒 GateThread 本來 500ms 執行一次的邏輯,這 500ms 的間隔時間是通過 AutoResetEvent 實現的,所以 GateThread.Wake 也很簡單。


internal class PortableThreadPool
public bool NotifyThreadBlocked()
// ...
return true;
} private static class GateThread
private static readonly AutoResetEvent DelayEvent = new AutoResetEvent(initialState: false); // GateThread 入口方法
private static void GateThreadStart()
// ...
} public static void Wake(PortableThreadPool threadPoolInstance)

爬山演算法(Hill Climbing)

除了上述介紹的執行緒注入機制外,從CLR 4.0開始,執行緒池內實現了一個根據採集到執行緒池吞吐率資料(每次任務完成時記錄資料),推匯出該演算法認為最優的執行緒池執行緒數量。

演算法實現位於 HillClimbing.ThreadPoolHillClimber.Update,有興趣的朋友可以去看一下。

public (int newThreadCount, int newSampleMs) Update(int currentThreadCount, double sampleDurationSeconds, int numCompletions)
  • currentThreadCount:當前執行緒數

  • sampleDurationSeconds:取樣間隔

  • numCompletions:這段取樣時間間隔內完成的任務數

  • newThreadCount:新的執行緒數

  • newSample:新的取樣間隔時間




  • 在無法從佇列系統領取到任務時。
  • 通過爬山演算法認定當前執行緒屬於多餘執行緒時。




