1. 程式人生 > >瀏覽器訪問設備出現白條


this web spa != var win rom code err

 *                          瀏覽器訪問設備出現白條
 * 說明:
 *     使用Chrome訪問設備的Web Server,右、下方都出現白條,查找一下webvisu.js中
 * 的原因。
 *                                                        2017-5-3 臺灣 中和區
*/ var Oa; Oa = function(a, b, c, d) { this.a = a; a = this.zf(b); c = this.zf(c); (a.width !== c.width || a.height !== c.height) && h(Error("Expected two canvasses of the same size")); z.Nh(a, c); if (d) a.width = c.width = window.innerWidth - 20, // 減了20 a.height = c.height = window.innerHeight - 20
; // 減了20 this.ra = this.Af(a); this.z = this.Af(c); this.yd = new Ta; this.xf = new Ua(this.z); this.Ve = new Ua(this.ra); this.nc = p; this.Ff = new Va; this.Dd = new Wa(this.a); this.Pd = new Xa(this); this.nd = p };
