1. 程式人生 > >PS-Scan ports掃描網絡端口

PS-Scan ports掃描網絡端口

powershell 端口掃描

用PS寫出端口掃描 TCP139/445 AND UDP 137/138





This script can be used to Scan port TCP139/445 AND UDP 137/138

Need to modify Ip address under C:\temp\Target.txt first



function Test-PortUDP{



Tests port on computer.


Tests port on computer.

.PARAMETER computer

Name of server to test the port connection on.


Port to test


Use tcp port


Use udp port


Sets a timeout for UDP port query. (In milliseconds, Default is 1000)


Sets a timeout for TCP port query. (In milliseconds, Default is 1000)


Name: Test-Port.ps1

Author: Boe Prox

DateCreated: 18Aug2010

List of Ports: http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers

To Do:

Add capability to run background jobs for each host to shorten the time to scan.




Test-Port -computer ‘server‘ -port 80

Checks port 80 on server ‘server‘ to see if it is listening


‘server‘ | Test-Port -port 80

Checks port 80 on server ‘server‘ to see if it is listening


Test-Port -computer @("server1","server2") -port 80

Checks port 80 on server1 and server2 to see if it is listening


Test-Port -comp dc1 -port 17 -udp -UDPtimeout 10000

Server : dc1

Port : 17

TypePort : UDP

Open : True

Notes : "My spelling is Wobbly. It‘s good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters

get in the wrong places." A. A. Milne (1882-1958)



Queries port 17 (qotd) on the UDP port and returns whether port is open or not


@("server1","server2") | Test-Port -port 80

Checks port 80 on server1 and server2 to see if it is listening


(Get-Content hosts.txt) | Test-Port -port 80

Checks port 80 on servers in host file to see if it is listening


Test-Port -computer (Get-Content hosts.txt) -port 80

Checks port 80 on servers in host file to see if it is listening


Test-Port -computer (Get-Content hosts.txt) -port @(1..59)

Checks a range of ports from 1-59 on all servers in the hosts.txt file



DefaultParameterSetName = ‘‘,

ConfirmImpact = ‘low‘




Mandatory = $True,

Position = 0,

ParameterSetName = ‘‘,

ValueFromPipeline = $True)]



Position = 1,

Mandatory = $True,

ParameterSetName = ‘‘)]



Mandatory = $False,

ParameterSetName = ‘‘)]



Mandatory = $False,

ParameterSetName = ‘‘)]



Mandatory = $False,

ParameterSetName = ‘‘)]



Mandatory = $False,

ParameterSetName = ‘‘)]



Begin {

If (!$tcp -AND !$udp) {$tcp = $True}

#Typically you never do this, but in this case I felt it was for the benefit of the function

#as any errors will be noted in the output of the report

$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

$report = @()


Process {

ForEach ($c in $computer) {

ForEach ($p in $port) {

If ($tcp) {

#Create temporary holder

$temp = "" | Select Server, Port, TypePort, Open, Notes

#Create object for connecting to port on computer

$tcpobject = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.TcpClient

#Connect to remote machine‘s port

$connect = $tcpobject.BeginConnect($c,$p,$null,$null)

#Configure a timeout before quitting

$wait = $connect.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($TCPtimeout,$false)

#If timeout

If(!$wait) {

#Close connection


Write-Verbose "Connection Timeout"

#Build report

$temp.Server = $c

$temp.Port = $p

$temp.TypePort = "TCP"

$temp.Open = "False"

$temp.Notes = "Connection to Port Timed Out"

} Else {


$tcpobject.EndConnect($connect) | out-Null

#If error


#Begin making error more readable in report

[string]$string = ($error[0].exception).message

$message = (($string.split(":")[1]).replace(‘"‘,"")).TrimStart()

$failed = $true


#Close connection


#If unable to query port to due failure


#Build report

$temp.Server = $c

$temp.Port = $p

$temp.TypePort = "TCP"

$temp.Open = "False"

$temp.Notes = "$message"

} Else{

#Build report

$temp.Server = $c

$temp.Port = $p

$temp.TypePort = "TCP"

$temp.Open = "True"

$temp.Notes = ""



#Reset failed value

$failed = $Null

#Merge temp array with report

$report += $temp


If ($udp) {

#Create temporary holder

$temp = "" | Select Server, Port, TypePort, Open, Notes

#Create object for connecting to port on computer

$udpobject = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.Udpclient

#Set a timeout on receiving message

$udpobject.client.ReceiveTimeout = $UDPTimeout

#Connect to remote machine‘s port

Write-Verbose "Making UDP connection to remote server"


#Sends a message to the host to which you have connected.

Write-Verbose "Sending message to remote host"

$a = new-object system.text.asciiencoding

$byte = $a.GetBytes("$(Get-Date)")


#IPEndPoint object will allow us to read datagrams sent from any source.

Write-Verbose "Creating remote endpoint"

$remoteendpoint = New-Object system.net.ipendpoint([system.net.ipaddress]::Any,0)

Try {

#Blocks until a message returns on this socket from a remote host.

Write-Verbose "Waiting for message return"

$receivebytes = $udpobject.Receive([ref]$remoteendpoint)

[string]$returndata = $a.GetString($receivebytes)

If ($returndata) {

Write-Verbose "Connection Successful"

#Build report

$temp.Server = $c

$temp.Port = $p

$temp.TypePort = "UDP"

$temp.Open = "True"

$temp.Notes = $returndata



} Catch {

If ($Error[0].ToString() -match "\bRespond after a period of time\b") {

#Close connection


#Make sure that the host is online and not a false positive that it is open

If (Test-Connection -comp $c -count 1 -quiet) {

Write-Verbose "Connection Open"

#Build report

$temp.Server = $c

$temp.Port = $p

$temp.TypePort = "UDP"

$temp.Open = "False"

$temp.Notes = ""

} Else {


It is possible that the host is not online or that the host is online,

but ICMP is blocked by a firewall and this port is actually open.


Write-Verbose "Host maybe unavailable"

#Build report

$temp.Server = $c

$temp.Port = $p

$temp.TypePort = "UDP"

$temp.Open = "False"

$temp.Notes = "Unable to verify if port is open or if host is unavailable."


} ElseIf ($Error[0].ToString() -match "forcibly closed by the remote host" ) {

#Close connection


Write-Verbose "Connection Timeout"

#Build report

$temp.Server = $c

$temp.Port = $p

$temp.TypePort = "UDP"

$temp.Open = "False"

$temp.Notes = "Connection to Port Timed Out"

} Else {




#Merge temp array with report

$report += $temp





End {

#Generate Report




function Test-PortTCP{



Tests port on computer.


Tests port on computer.

.PARAMETER computer

Name of server to test the port connection on.


Port to test


Use tcp port


Use udp port


Sets a timeout for UDP port query. (In milliseconds, Default is 1000)


Sets a timeout for TCP port query. (In milliseconds, Default is 1000)


Name: Test-Port.ps1

Author: Boe Prox

DateCreated: 18Aug2010

List of Ports: http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers

To Do:

Add capability to run background jobs for each host to shorten the time to scan.




Test-Port -computer ‘server‘ -port 80

Checks port 80 on server ‘server‘ to see if it is listening


‘server‘ | Test-Port -port 80

Checks port 80 on server ‘server‘ to see if it is listening


Test-Port -computer @("server1","server2") -port 80

Checks port 80 on server1 and server2 to see if it is listening


Test-Port -comp dc1 -port 17 -udp -UDPtimeout 10000

Server : dc1

Port : 17

TypePort : UDP

Open : True

Notes : "My spelling is Wobbly. It‘s good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters

get in the wrong places." A. A. Milne (1882-1958)



Queries port 17 (qotd) on the UDP port and returns whether port is open or not


@("server1","server2") | Test-Port -port 80

Checks port 80 on server1 and server2 to see if it is listening


(Get-Content hosts.txt) | Test-Port -port 80

Checks port 80 on servers in host file to see if it is listening


Test-Port -computer (Get-Content hosts.txt) -port 80

Checks port 80 on servers in host file to see if it is listening


Test-Port -computer (Get-Content hosts.txt) -port @(1..59)

Checks a range of ports from 1-59 on all servers in the hosts.txt file



DefaultParameterSetName = ‘‘,

ConfirmImpact = ‘low‘




Mandatory = $True,

Position = 0,

ParameterSetName = ‘‘,

ValueFromPipeline = $True)]



Position = 1,

Mandatory = $True,

ParameterSetName = ‘‘)]



Mandatory = $False,

ParameterSetName = ‘‘)]



Mandatory = $False,

ParameterSetName = ‘‘)]



Mandatory = $False,

ParameterSetName = ‘‘)]



Mandatory = $False,

ParameterSetName = ‘‘)]



Begin {

If (!$tcp -AND !$udp) {$tcp = $True}

#Typically you never do this, but in this case I felt it was for the benefit of the function

#as any errors will be noted in the output of the report

$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

$report = @()


Process {

ForEach ($c in $computer) {

ForEach ($p in $port) {

If ($tcp) {

#Create temporary holder

$temp = "" | Select Server, Port, TypePort, Open, Notes

#Create object for connecting to port on computer

$tcpobject = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.TcpClient

#Connect to remote machine‘s port

$connect = $tcpobject.BeginConnect($c,$p,$null,$null)

#Configure a timeout before quitting

$wait = $connect.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($TCPtimeout,$false)

#If timeout

If(!$wait) {

#Close connection


Write-Verbose "Connection Timeout"

#Build report

$temp.Server = $c

$temp.Port = $p

$temp.TypePort = "TCP"

$temp.Open = "False"

$temp.Notes = "Connection to Port Timed Out"

} Else {


$tcpobject.EndConnect($connect) | out-Null

#If error


#Begin making error more readable in report

[string]$string = ($error[0].exception).message

$message = (($string.split(":")[1]).replace(‘"‘,"")).TrimStart()

$failed = $true


#Close connection


#If unable to query port to due failure


#Build report

$temp.Server = $c

$temp.Port = $p

$temp.TypePort = "TCP"

$temp.Open = "False"

$temp.Notes = "$message"

} Else{

#Build report

$temp.Server = $c

$temp.Port = $p

$temp.TypePort = "TCP"

$temp.Open = "True"

$temp.Notes = ""



#Reset failed value

$failed = $Null

#Merge temp array with report

$report += $temp


If ($udp) {

#Create temporary holder

$temp = "" | Select Server, Port, TypePort, Open, Notes

#Create object for connecting to port on computer

$udpobject = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.Udpclient

#Set a timeout on receiving message

$udpobject.client.ReceiveTimeout = $UDPTimeout

#Connect to remote machine‘s port

Write-Verbose "Making UDP connection to remote server"


#Sends a message to the host to which you have connected.

Write-Verbose "Sending message to remote host"

$a = new-object system.text.asciiencoding

$byte = $a.GetBytes("$(Get-Date)")


#IPEndPoint object will allow us to read datagrams sent from any source.

Write-Verbose "Creating remote endpoint"

$remoteendpoint = New-Object system.net.ipendpoint([system.net.ipaddress]::Any,0)

Try {

#Blocks until a message returns on this socket from a remote host.

Write-Verbose "Waiting for message return"

$receivebytes = $udpobject.Receive([ref]$remoteendpoint)

[string]$returndata = $a.GetString($receivebytes)

If ($returndata) {

Write-Verbose "Connection Successful"

#Build report

$temp.Server = $c

$temp.Port = $p

$temp.TypePort = "UDP"

$temp.Open = "True"

$temp.Notes = $returndata



} Catch {

If ($Error[0].ToString() -match "\bRespond after a period of time\b") {

#Close connection


#Make sure that the host is online and not a false positive that it is open

If (Test-Connection -comp $c -count 1 -quiet) {

Write-Verbose "Connection Open"

#Build report

$temp.Server = $c

$temp.Port = $p

$temp.TypePort = "UDP"

$temp.Open = "True"

$temp.Notes = ""

} Else {


It is possible that the host is not online or that the host is online,

but ICMP is blocked by a firewall and this port is actually open.


Write-Verbose "Host maybe unavailable"

#Build report

$temp.Server = $c

$temp.Port = $p

$temp.TypePort = "UDP"

$temp.Open = "False"

$temp.Notes = "Unable to verify if port is open or if host is unavailable."


} ElseIf ($Error[0].ToString() -match "forcibly closed by the remote host" ) {

#Close connection


Write-Verbose "Connection Timeout"

#Build report

$temp.Server = $c

$temp.Port = $p

$temp.TypePort = "UDP"

$temp.Open = "False"

$temp.Notes = "Connection to Port Timed Out"

} Else {




#Merge temp array with report

$report += $temp





End {

#Generate Report




Get-Content "C:\Temp\Target.txt" | ForEach-Object {

$tmp = Test-Connection $_ -Count 1 -Quiet

if ($tmp){

write-host $_" Target Can access"

$re1 = Test-PortTCP -computer $_ -port 139 -TCP -WarningAction Ignore -TCPtimeout 10000

$result1 = $re1.Open -eq "True"

# write-host $result1

if ($result1) {

write-host $_ "TCP 139 Port is opening"


$re2 = Test-PortTCP -computer $_ -port 445 -TCP -WarningAction Ignore -TCPtimeout 10000

$result2 = $re2.Open -eq "True"

# write-host $result2

if ($result2) {

write-host $_ "TCP 445 Port is opening"


$re3 = Test-PortUDP -computer $_ -port 138 -UDP -UDPtimeout 10000

$result3 = $re3.Open -eq "True"

# write-host $result3

if ($result3) {

write-host $_ "UDP 138 Port is opening"


$re4 = Test-PortUDP -computer $_ -port 137 -UDP -UDPtimeout 10000

$result4 = $re4.Open -eq "True"

# write-host $result4

if ($result4) {

write-host $_ "UDP 137 Port is opening"


$Total = $result1 -or $result2 -or $result3 -or $result4

if (-not $Total) {

write-host $_ "Related Ports are not opening"


del variable:re1 -Force

del variable:re2 -Force

del variable:re3 -Force

del variable:re4 -Force

del variable:result1 -Force

del variable:result2 -Force

del variable:result3 -Force

del variable:result4 -Force

del variable:Total -Force



本文出自 “Erick WAY” 博客,謝絕轉載!

PS-Scan ports掃描網絡端口