1. 程式人生 > >【Sublime】Sublime Text 2集成TortoiseSVN插件

【Sublime】Sublime Text 2集成TortoiseSVN插件

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  作者:zhanhailiang 日期:2014-09-30

1. 下載TortoiseSVN。將其安裝在默認位置


2. 使用Sublime包管理器下載安裝TortoiseSVN Plugin,安裝後註意閱讀Package Control Messages,須要註意下面事項


If TortoiseSVN is not installed at `C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseSVN\\bin\\TortoiseProc.exe`, specify the correct path by setting property “tortoiseproc_path

” in your TortoiseSVN.sublime-settings file.

If your TortoiseProc.exe path is not the default, please modify the path by selecting “Preferences→Package Settings→TortoiseSVN→Settings - User” in the menu.

The default setting is:

  // Auto close update dialog when no errors, conflicts and merges
: false, "tortoiseproc_path": "C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseSVN\\bin\\TortoiseProc.exe" }

3. 快捷鍵說明:

  1. [alt+c] : commit current file.
  2. [alt+u] : update current file.
  3. [alt+r] : revert current file.

相同也能夠通過側邊欄Folders→Folder|file右鍵菜單來進行SVN操作(You can also call TortoiseSVN commands when right-clicking folders or files in the side bar.):


【Sublime】Sublime Text 2集成TortoiseSVN插件