1. 程式人生 > >解決Unity的 The file 'MemoryStream' is corrupted! Remove it and launch 崩潰問題

解決Unity的 The file 'MemoryStream' is corrupted! Remove it and launch 崩潰問題

onos editor mef wid enum search repl das have

孫廣東 2015.7.30

問題: 在項目平時刪除資源或者腳本資源時產生的prefab的腳本引用丟失,特別是在場景scene中丟了
/// 1、又一次Clone項目
/// 2、刪除項目的 Library 目錄(推薦、解決緊急問題)
/// 3、使用這個腳本解決全部問題(這個當然推薦了)


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

/// <summary>
/// 查看 prefab的腳本引用丟失
/// 像 : The file ‘MemoryStream‘ is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again!  [Position out of bounds! 20 > 16]  崩潰問題
/// http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unity-4-5-memory-stream-is-corrupted.248356/
/// http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/editor-want-to-check-all-prefabs-in-a-project-for-an-attached-monobehaviour.253149/#post-1673716
/// </summary>
public class SearchForComponents : EditorWindow
    [MenuItem("DajiaGame/Search For Components")]
    static void Init()
        SearchForComponents window = (SearchForComponents)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(SearchForComponents));
        window.position = new Rect(20, 80, 550, 500);

    string[] modes = new string[] { "Search for component usage", "Search for missing components" };
    string[] checkType = new string[] { "Check single component", "Check all components" };

    List<string> listResult;
    List<ComponentNames> prefabComponents, notUsedComponents, addedComponents, existingComponents, sceneComponents;
    int editorMode, selectedCheckType;
    MonoScript targetComponent;
    string componentName = "";

    bool showPrefabs, showAdded, showScene, showUnused = true;
    Vector2 scroll, scroll1, scroll2, scroll3, scroll4;

    class ComponentNames
        public string componentName;
        public string namespaceName;
        public string assetPath;
        public List<string> usageSource;
        public ComponentNames(string comp, string space, string path)
            this.componentName = comp;
            this.namespaceName = space;
            this.assetPath = path;
            this.usageSource = new List<string>();
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            return ((ComponentNames)obj).componentName == componentName && ((ComponentNames)obj).namespaceName == namespaceName;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return componentName.GetHashCode() + namespaceName.GetHashCode();

    void OnGUI()
        GUILayout.Label(position + "");
        int oldValue = GUI.skin.window.padding.bottom;
        GUI.skin.window.padding.bottom = -20;
        Rect windowRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1, 17);
        windowRect.x += 4;
        windowRect.width -= 7;
        editorMode = GUI.SelectionGrid(windowRect, editorMode, modes, 2, "Window");
        GUI.skin.window.padding.bottom = oldValue;

        switch (editorMode)
            case 0:
                selectedCheckType = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(selectedCheckType, checkType, 2, "Toggle");
                GUI.enabled = selectedCheckType == 0;
                targetComponent = (MonoScript)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(targetComponent, typeof(MonoScript), false);
                GUI.enabled = true;

                if (GUILayout.Button("Check component usage"))
                    switch (selectedCheckType)
                        case 0:
                            componentName = targetComponent.name;
                            string targetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(targetComponent);
                            string[] allPrefabs = GetAllPrefabs();
                            listResult = new List<string>();
                            foreach (string prefab in allPrefabs)
                                string[] single = new string[] { prefab };
                                string[] dependencies = AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(single);
                                foreach (string dependedAsset in dependencies)
                                    if (dependedAsset == targetPath)
                        case 1:
                            List<string> scenesToLoad = new List<string>();
                            existingComponents = new List<ComponentNames>();
                            prefabComponents = new List<ComponentNames>();
                            notUsedComponents = new List<ComponentNames>();
                            addedComponents = new List<ComponentNames>();
                            sceneComponents = new List<ComponentNames>();

                            if (EditorApplication.SaveCurrentSceneIfUserWantsTo())
                                string projectPath = Application.dataPath;
                                projectPath = projectPath.Substring(0, projectPath.IndexOf("Assets"));

                                string[] allAssets = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths();

                                foreach (string asset in allAssets)
                                    int indexCS = asset.IndexOf(".cs");
                                    int indexJS = asset.IndexOf(".js");
                                    if (indexCS != -1 || indexJS != -1)
                                        ComponentNames newComponent = new ComponentNames(NameFromPath(asset), "", asset);
                                            System.IO.FileStream FS = new System.IO.FileStream(projectPath + asset, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite);
                                            System.IO.StreamReader SR = new System.IO.StreamReader(FS);
                                            string line;
                                            while (!SR.EndOfStream)
                                                line = SR.ReadLine();
                                                int index1 = line.IndexOf("namespace");
                                                int index2 = line.IndexOf("{");
                                                if (index1 != -1 && index2 != -1)
                                                    line = line.Substring(index1 + 9);
                                                    index2 = line.IndexOf("{");
                                                    line = line.Substring(0, index2);
                                                    line = line.Replace(" ", "");
                                                    newComponent.namespaceName = line;


                                            System.IO.FileStream FS = new System.IO.FileStream(projectPath + asset, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite);
                                            System.IO.StreamReader SR = new System.IO.StreamReader(FS);

                                            string line;
                                            int lineNum = 0;
                                            while (!SR.EndOfStream)
                                                line = SR.ReadLine();
                                                int index = line.IndexOf("AddComponent");
                                                if (index != -1)
                                                    line = line.Substring(index + 12);
                                                    if (line[0] == ‘(‘)
                                                        line = line.Substring(1, line.IndexOf(‘)‘) - 1);
                                                    else if (line[0] == ‘<‘)
                                                        line = line.Substring(1, line.IndexOf(‘>‘) - 1);
                                                    line = line.Replace(" ", "");
                                                    line = line.Replace("\"", "");
                                                    index = line.LastIndexOf(‘.‘);
                                                    ComponentNames newComp;
                                                    if (index == -1)
                                                        newComp = new ComponentNames(line, "", "");
                                                        newComp = new ComponentNames(line.Substring(index + 1, line.Length - (index + 1)), line.Substring(0, index), "");
                                                    string pName = asset + ", Line " + lineNum;
                                                    index = addedComponents.IndexOf(newComp);
                                                    if (index == -1)
                                                        if (!addedComponents[index].usageSource.Contains(pName)) addedComponents[index].usageSource.Add(pName);
                                    int indexPrefab = asset.IndexOf(".prefab");

                                    if (indexPrefab != -1)
                                        string[] single = new string[] { asset };
                                        string[] dependencies = AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(single);
                                        foreach (string dependedAsset in dependencies)
                                            if (dependedAsset.IndexOf(".cs") != -1 || dependedAsset.IndexOf(".js") != -1)
                                                ComponentNames newComponent = new ComponentNames(NameFromPath(dependedAsset), GetNamespaceFromPath(dependedAsset), dependedAsset);
                                                int index = prefabComponents.IndexOf(newComponent);
                                                if (index == -1)
                                                    if (!prefabComponents[index].usageSource.Contains(asset)) prefabComponents[index].usageSource.Add(asset);
                                    int indexUnity = asset.IndexOf(".unity");
                                    if (indexUnity != -1)

                                for (int i = addedComponents.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
                                    addedComponents[i].assetPath = GetPathFromNames(addedComponents[i].namespaceName, addedComponents[i].componentName);
                                    if (addedComponents[i].assetPath == "") addedComponents.RemoveAt(i);


                                foreach (string scene in scenesToLoad)
                                    GameObject[] sceneGOs = GetAllObjectsInScene();
                                    foreach (GameObject g in sceneGOs)
                                        Component[] comps = g.GetComponentsInChildren<Component>(true);
                                        foreach (Component c in comps)

                                            if (c != null && c.GetType() != null && c.GetType().BaseType != null && c.GetType().BaseType == typeof(MonoBehaviour))
                                                SerializedObject so = new SerializedObject(c);
                                                SerializedProperty p = so.FindProperty("m_Script");
                                                string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(p.objectReferenceValue);
                                                ComponentNames newComp = new ComponentNames(NameFromPath(path), GetNamespaceFromPath(path), path);
                                                int index = sceneComponents.IndexOf(newComp);
                                                if (index == -1)
                                                    if (!sceneComponents[index].usageSource.Contains(scene)) sceneComponents[index].usageSource.Add(scene);

                                foreach (ComponentNames c in existingComponents)
                                    if (addedComponents.Contains(c)) continue;
                                    if (prefabComponents.Contains(c)) continue;
                                    if (sceneComponents.Contains(c)) continue;

            case 1:
                if (GUILayout.Button("Search!"))
                    string[] allPrefabs = GetAllPrefabs();
                    listResult = new List<string>();
                    foreach (string prefab in allPrefabs)
                        UnityEngine.Object o = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(prefab);
                        GameObject go;
                            go = (GameObject)o;
                            Component[] components = go.GetComponentsInChildren<Component>(true);
                            foreach (Component c in components)
                                if (c == null)
                            Debug.Log("For some reason, prefab " + prefab + " won‘t cast to GameObject");
        if (editorMode == 1 || selectedCheckType == 0)
            if (listResult != null)
                if (listResult.Count == 0)
                    GUILayout.Label(editorMode == 0 ? (componentName == "" ?

"Choose a component" : "No prefabs use component " + componentName) : ("No prefabs have missing components!\nClick Search to check again")); } else { GUILayout.Label(editorMode == 0 ? ("The following prefabs use component " + componentName + ":") : ("The following prefabs have missing components:")); scroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll); foreach (string s in listResult) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(s, GUILayout.Width(position.width / 2)); if (GUILayout.Button("Select", GUILayout.Width(position.width / 2 - 10))) { Selection.activeObject = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(s); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); } } } else { showPrefabs = GUILayout.Toggle(showPrefabs, "Show prefab components"); if (showPrefabs) { GUILayout.Label("The following components are attatched to prefabs:"); DisplayResults(ref scroll1, ref prefabComponents); } showAdded = GUILayout.Toggle(showAdded, "Show AddComponent arguments"); if (showAdded) { GUILayout.Label("The following components are AddComponent arguments:"); DisplayResults(ref scroll2, ref addedComponents); } showScene = GUILayout.Toggle(showScene, "Show Scene-used components"); if (showScene) { GUILayout.Label("The following components are used by scene objects:"); DisplayResults(ref scroll3, ref sceneComponents); } showUnused = GUILayout.Toggle(showUnused, "Show Unused Components"); if (showUnused) { GUILayout.Label("The following components are not used by prefabs, by AddComponent, OR in any scene:"); DisplayResults(ref scroll4, ref notUsedComponents); } } } int SortAlphabetically(ComponentNames a, ComponentNames b) { return a.assetPath.CompareTo(b.assetPath); } GameObject[] GetAllObjectsInScene() { List<GameObject> objectsInScene = new List<GameObject>(); GameObject[] allGOs = (GameObject[])Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(GameObject)); foreach (GameObject go in allGOs) { //if ( go.hideFlags == HideFlags.NotEditable || go.hideFlags == HideFlags.HideAndDontSave ) // continue; string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(go.transform.root.gameObject); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath)) continue; objectsInScene.Add(go); } return objectsInScene.ToArray(); } void DisplayResults(ref Vector2 scroller, ref List<ComponentNames> list) { if (list == null) return; scroller = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroller); foreach (ComponentNames c in list) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(c.assetPath, GUILayout.Width(position.width / 5 * 4)); if (GUILayout.Button("Select", GUILayout.Width(position.width / 5 - 30))) { Selection.activeObject = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(c.assetPath); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (c.usageSource.Count == 1) { GUILayout.Label(" In 1 Place: " + c.usageSource[0]); } if (c.usageSource.Count > 1) { GUILayout.Label(" In " + c.usageSource.Count + " Places: " + c.usageSource[0] + ", " + c.usageSource[1] + (c.usageSource.Count > 2 ? ", ..." : "")); } } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); } string NameFromPath(string s) { s = s.Substring(s.LastIndexOf(‘/‘) + 1); return s.Substring(0, s.Length - 3); } string GetNamespaceFromPath(string path) { foreach (ComponentNames c in existingComponents) { if (c.assetPath == path) { return c.namespaceName; } } return ""; } string GetPathFromNames(string space, string name) { ComponentNames test = new ComponentNames(name, space, ""); int index = existingComponents.IndexOf(test); if (index != -1) { return existingComponents[index].assetPath; } return ""; } public static string[] GetAllPrefabs() { string[] temp = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths(); List<string> result = new List<string>(); foreach (string s in temp) { if (s.Contains(".prefab")) result.Add(s); } return result.ToArray(); } }


解決Unity的 The file &#39;MemoryStream&#39; is corrupted! Remove it and launch 崩潰問題