1. 程式人生 > >python編程快速上手之第15章實踐項目參考答案(17.7.2)


col ges code sid documents mod 編程 bsp tof

#! python3
# Import modules and write comments to describe this program.
import zipfile, os
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageFile

#os.chdir(‘D:\\My Documents\\‘)
for foldername, subfolders, filenames in os.walk(D:\\My Documents\\):
= 0 numNonPhotoFiles = 0 for filename in filenames: # Check if file extension isn‘t .png or .jpg. if not (filename.endswith(.png) or filename.endswith(.jpg) or filename.endswith(.PNG) or filename.endswith(.JPG) or filename.endswith(.gif)or filename.endswith(.GIF
)): numNonPhotoFiles += 1 continue # skip to next filename # Open image file using Pillow. os.chdir(foldername) try: im = Image.open(filename) im = im.convert(RGB) width, height = im.size except: continue # Check if width & height are larger than 500.
if max(width,height) > 500 : # Image is large enough to be considered a photo. numPhotoFiles += 1 else: # Image is too small to be a photo. numNonPhotoFiles += 1 # If more than half of files were photos, # print the absolute path of the folder. if numPhotoFiles > 10 and numPhotoFiles > numNonPhotoFiles: print(foldername)
