1. 程式人生 > >一個很變態的SQL


state opened ati status closed des mat col connect

select max(s.operat_time) as pzTime
  from ws_state_record s
 where s.status = (select p1.node_id
                     from WS_PROCESS p1
                    where p1.role_id =
                          (select max(p2.role_id)
                             from WS_PROCESS p2
where p2.node_id in (10001,10002)))//業務表流程足跡 and s.operat_orgtype = review //------------------------測試01 -------------------------------- select t.id, substr(t.team_id, 2, 4) as a, substr(t.team_id, 7, 4) as b, d.name as team_type_text, t.throughnodes, (select
max(s.operat_time) as pzTime from ws_state_record s where s.status = (select p1.node_id from WS_PROCESS p1 where p1.role_id = (select max(p2.role_id) from WS_PROCESS p2 where p2.node_id in (t.throughnodes))) and s.bizdata_id =
t.id and s.operat_orgtype = review) as pz_time from WS_TEAM_INFORMATION t left join DICT d on t.team_type = d.code --------------------------------------------------------- select max(s.operat_time) as pzTime from ws_state_record s where s.status = (select p1.node_id from WS_PROCESS p1 where p1.role_id = (select max(p2.role_id) from WS_PROCESS p2 where p2.node_id in ( SELECT SUBSTR(throughnodes,0,INSTR(throughnodes,,)-1) FROM ws_team_information UNION SELECT SUBSTR(throughnodes,INSTR(throughnodes,,,1,ROWNUM)+1,5) FROM ws_team_information CONNECT BY ROWNUM<=LENGTH(throughnodes)-LENGTH(REPLACE(throughnodes,,,‘‘))))) and s.operat_orgtype = review -----------------------------------------最終版--------------------------------------------- select m1.id, m2.pzTime from (select t.id, substr(t.team_id, 2, 4) as a, substr(t.team_id, 7, 4) as b, t.throughnodes, d.name as team_type_text from WS_TEAM_INFORMATION t left join DICT d on t.team_type = d.code) m1 left join (select s.bizdata_id, max(s.operat_time) as pzTime from ws_state_record s where s.status = (select p1.node_id from WS_PROCESS p1 where p1.role_id = (select max(p2.role_id) from WS_PROCESS p2 where p2.node_id in (SELECT SUBSTR(throughnodes, 0, INSTR(throughnodes, ,) - 1) FROM ws_team_information UNION SELECT SUBSTR(throughnodes, INSTR(throughnodes, ,, 1, ROWNUM) + 1, 5) FROM ws_team_information CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= LENGTH(throughnodes) - LENGTH(REPLACE(throughnodes, ,, ‘‘))))) and s.operat_orgtype = review group by s.bizdata_id) m2 on m1.id = m2.bizdata_id
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