1. 程式人生 > >linux設備驅動之misc驅動框架源碼分析(一)





 * linux/drivers/char/misc.c
 * Generic misc open routine by Johan Myreen
 * Based on code from Linus
 * Teemu Rantanen‘s Microsoft Busmouse support and Derrick Cole‘s
 *   changes incorporated into 0.97pl4
 *   by Peter Cervasio ([email protected]
/* */) (08SEP92) * See busmouse.c for particulars. * * Made things a lot mode modular - easy to compile in just one or two * of the misc drivers, as they are now completely independent. Linus. * * Support for loadable modules. 8-Sep-95 Philip Blundell <[email protected]> * * Fixed a failing symbol register to free the device registration * Alan Cox <[email protected]
/* */> 21-Jan-96 * * Dynamic minors and /proc/mice by Alessandro Rubini. 26-Mar-96 * * Renamed to misc and miscdevice to be more accurate. Alan Cox 26-Mar-96 * * Handling of mouse minor numbers for kerneld: * Idea by Jacques Gelinas <[email protected]>, * adapted by Bjorn Ekwall <[email protected]
/* */> * corrected by Alan Cox <[email protected]> * * Changes for kmod (from kerneld): * Cyrus Durgin <[email protected]> * * Added devfs support. Richard Gooch <[email protected]> 10-Jan-1998 */ #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <linux/errno.h> #include <linux/miscdevice.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/major.h> #include <linux/mutex.h> #include <linux/proc_fs.h> #include <linux/seq_file.h> #include <linux/stat.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/device.h> #include <linux/tty.h> #include <linux/kmod.h> #include <linux/gfp.h> /* * Head entry for the doubly linked miscdevice list */ static LIST_HEAD(misc_list); static DEFINE_MUTEX(misc_mtx); /* * Assigned numbers, used for dynamic minors */ #define DYNAMIC_MINORS 64 /* like dynamic majors */ static DECLARE_BITMAP(misc_minors, DYNAMIC_MINORS); #ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS static void *misc_seq_start(struct seq_file *seq, loff_t *pos) { mutex_lock(&misc_mtx); return seq_list_start(&misc_list, *pos); } static void *misc_seq_next(struct seq_file *seq, void *v, loff_t *pos) { return seq_list_next(v, &misc_list, pos); } static void misc_seq_stop(struct seq_file *seq, void *v) { mutex_unlock(&misc_mtx); } static int misc_seq_show(struct seq_file *seq, void *v) { const struct miscdevice *p = list_entry(v, struct miscdevice, list); seq_printf(seq, "%3i %s\n", p->minor, p->name ? p->name : ""); return 0; } static const struct seq_operations misc_seq_ops = { .start = misc_seq_start, .next = misc_seq_next, .stop = misc_seq_stop, .show = misc_seq_show, }; static int misc_seq_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { return seq_open(file, &misc_seq_ops); } static const struct file_operations misc_proc_fops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .open = misc_seq_open, .read = seq_read, .llseek = seq_lseek, .release = seq_release, }; #endif static int misc_open(struct inode * inode, struct file * file) { int minor = iminor(inode); struct miscdevice *c; int err = -ENODEV; const struct file_operations *old_fops, *new_fops = NULL; mutex_lock(&misc_mtx); list_for_each_entry(c, &misc_list, list) { if (c->minor == minor) { new_fops = fops_get(c->fops); break; } } if (!new_fops) { mutex_unlock(&misc_mtx); request_module("char-major-%d-%d", MISC_MAJOR, minor); mutex_lock(&misc_mtx); list_for_each_entry(c, &misc_list, list) { if (c->minor == minor) { new_fops = fops_get(c->fops); break; } } if (!new_fops) goto fail; } err = 0; old_fops = file->f_op; file->f_op = new_fops; if (file->f_op->open) { file->private_data = c; err=file->f_op->open(inode,file); if (err) { fops_put(file->f_op); file->f_op = fops_get(old_fops); } } fops_put(old_fops); fail: mutex_unlock(&misc_mtx); return err; } static struct class *misc_class; static const struct file_operations misc_fops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .open = misc_open, }; /** * misc_register - register a miscellaneous device * @misc: device structure * * Register a miscellaneous device with the kernel. If the minor * number is set to %MISC_DYNAMIC_MINOR a minor number is assigned * and placed in the minor field of the structure. For other cases * the minor number requested is used. * * The structure passed is linked into the kernel and may not be * destroyed until it has been unregistered. * * A zero is returned on success and a negative errno code for * failure. */ int misc_register(struct miscdevice * misc) { struct miscdevice *c; dev_t dev; int err = 0; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&misc->list); mutex_lock(&misc_mtx); list_for_each_entry(c, &misc_list, list) { if (c->minor == misc->minor) { mutex_unlock(&misc_mtx); return -EBUSY; } } if (misc->minor == MISC_DYNAMIC_MINOR) { int i = find_first_zero_bit(misc_minors, DYNAMIC_MINORS); if (i >= DYNAMIC_MINORS) { mutex_unlock(&misc_mtx); return -EBUSY; } misc->minor = DYNAMIC_MINORS - i - 1; set_bit(i, misc_minors); } dev = MKDEV(MISC_MAJOR, misc->minor); misc->this_device = device_create(misc_class, misc->parent, dev, misc, "%s", misc->name); if (IS_ERR(misc->this_device)) { int i = DYNAMIC_MINORS - misc->minor - 1; if (i < DYNAMIC_MINORS && i >= 0) clear_bit(i, misc_minors); err = PTR_ERR(misc->this_device); goto out; } /* * Add it to the front, so that later devices can "override" * earlier defaults */ list_add(&misc->list, &misc_list); out: mutex_unlock(&misc_mtx); return err; } /** * misc_deregister - unregister a miscellaneous device * @misc: device to unregister * * Unregister a miscellaneous device that was previously * successfully registered with misc_register(). Success * is indicated by a zero return, a negative errno code * indicates an error. */ int misc_deregister(struct miscdevice *misc) { int i = DYNAMIC_MINORS - misc->minor - 1; if (list_empty(&misc->list)) return -EINVAL; mutex_lock(&misc_mtx); list_del(&misc->list); device_destroy(misc_class, MKDEV(MISC_MAJOR, misc->minor)); if (i < DYNAMIC_MINORS && i >= 0) clear_bit(i, misc_minors); mutex_unlock(&misc_mtx); return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(misc_register); EXPORT_SYMBOL(misc_deregister); static char *misc_devnode(struct device *dev, mode_t *mode) { struct miscdevice *c = dev_get_drvdata(dev); if (mode && c->mode) *mode = c->mode; if (c->nodename) return kstrdup(c->nodename, GFP_KERNEL); return NULL; } static int __init misc_init(void) { int err; #ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS proc_create("misc", 0, NULL, &misc_proc_fops); #endif misc_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "misc"); err = PTR_ERR(misc_class); if (IS_ERR(misc_class)) goto fail_remove; err = -EIO; if (register_chrdev(MISC_MAJOR,"misc",&misc_fops)) goto fail_printk; misc_class->devnode = misc_devnode; return 0; fail_printk: printk("unable to get major %d for misc devices\n", MISC_MAJOR); class_destroy(misc_class); fail_remove: remove_proc_entry("misc", NULL); return err; } subsys_initcall(misc_init);








static int __init misc_init(void)
	int err;

	proc_create("misc", 0, NULL, &misc_proc_fops);    //如果當前內核需要使用proc虛擬文件系統,那麽就在proc目錄下創建misc文件
#endif                                                    //proc虛擬文件系統實現的沒有sysfs文件系統實現的好,在內核為2.4版本的時候較為流行,
	misc_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "misc");    //創建一個類,名字叫做misc,在/sys/class/目錄中,此時創建完這個misc類後目錄的內
	err = PTR_ERR(misc_class);
	if (IS_ERR(misc_class))
		goto fail_remove;

	err = -EIO;
	if (register_chrdev(MISC_MAJOR,"misc",&misc_fops))    //這個register_chrdev是一個老接口,利用這接口註冊設備的時候是只有主設備號沒有
		goto fail_printk;
	misc_class->devnode = misc_devnode;
	return 0;

	printk("unable to get major %d for misc devices\n", MISC_MAJOR);
	remove_proc_entry("misc", NULL);
	return err;




int misc_register(struct miscdevice * misc)
	struct miscdevice *c;
	dev_t dev;
	int err = 0;


	list_for_each_entry(c, &misc_list, list) {
		if (c->minor == misc->minor) {
			return -EBUSY;

	if (misc->minor == MISC_DYNAMIC_MINOR) {
		int i = find_first_zero_bit(misc_minors, DYNAMIC_MINORS);
		if (i >= DYNAMIC_MINORS) {
			return -EBUSY;
		misc->minor = DYNAMIC_MINORS - i - 1;
		set_bit(i, misc_minors);

	dev = MKDEV(MISC_MAJOR, misc->minor);

	misc->this_device = device_create(misc_class, misc->parent, dev,
					  misc, "%s", misc->name);
	if (IS_ERR(misc->this_device)) {
		int i = DYNAMIC_MINORS - misc->minor - 1;
		if (i < DYNAMIC_MINORS && i >= 0)
			clear_bit(i, misc_minors);
		err = PTR_ERR(misc->this_device);
		goto out;

	 * Add it to the front, so that later devices can "override"
	 * earlier defaults
	list_add(&misc->list, &misc_list);
	return err;

這個函數的參數是struct miscdevice類型的結構體指針,這個結構體類型內容為:

struct miscdevice  {
	int minor;
	const char *name;
	const struct file_operations *fops;
	struct list_head list;
	struct device *parent;
	struct device *this_device;
	const char *nodename;
	mode_t mode;

看這個misc_register函數和提供的參數可以知道,驅動開發者要將一個設備註冊到misc驅動框架中就需要使用這個函數,需要填充struct miscdevice類型的變量,然後進行註冊,表示一個misc設備,註冊設備完畢後,會在/sys/class/misc/目錄中看到註冊的設備文件。udev或mdev會在/dev目錄下創建出設備文件節點來讓應用層進行操作。





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linux驅動開發misc設備驅動 1、misc設備驅動框架源碼部分是由內核開發者實現提供的,主要是創建misc類和為驅動開發者提供misc_register函數,來進行創建misc設備。 這部分的源碼在/drvier/char/misc.c裏,代碼如下:/* * linux/drivers/c


linux驅動開發misc設備驅動1、misc_open函數分析 該函數在driver/char/misc.c中,misc.c是驅動框架實現的,這裏面的misc_Open函數是misc驅動框架為應用層提供的一個打開misc設備的一個接口。 1、首先我們要知道在misc.c中的misc_init函數


linux 蜂鳴器 驅動 蜂鳴器的驅動源碼在/driver/char/buzzer/x210-buzzer.c文件中,源碼如下#include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux

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linux設備和驅動設備為數據,驅動為加工著1、以led-s3c24xx.c為例來分析platform設備和驅動的註冊過程其中關於led的驅動數據結構為:static struct platform_driver s3c24xx_led_driver = { .probe = s3c24xx_led_pr