1. 程式人生 > >Android 提示: The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.

Android 提示: The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.

又一 rac 重新啟動 clip 手機 text track bsp 列表

今天早上打開Eclipse,一直提示 The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured,無法執行程序。重新啟動Eclipse、手機又一次連接電腦都無法解決,打開DDMS界面,找不到設備。


1.進入DDMS界面,點擊例如以下圖的小三角(放在三角上提示view menu)


2.選擇下拉列表的Reset adb選項。問題解決。


Android 提示: The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.