1. 程式人生 > >在Glusterfs上創建distributed volume,replicated volume,dispersed volume,combined volume

在Glusterfs上創建distributed volume,replicated volume,dispersed volume,combined volume



1. 首先還是先介紹下實驗環境,今天共用到了5臺虛擬機,其中4個虛擬機做server端,分別是:








[[email protected] ~]# gluster pool list
UUID                        Hostname            State
d61aaee4-efe5-4f60-9216-c65fdb0b65f8    serverb.lab.example.com    Connected 
be6e1fe5-ae7d-40d1-901e-8b58fd0a4be3    serverc.lab.example.com    Connected 
25dda180-3285-47f6-8595-3cb9bdaab92f    serverd.lab.example.com    Connected 
860cd46c-390b-430f-8a01-d3433fa2775c    localhost            Connected


a. 實驗環境中每個server上已經提前做好了一個lvm group vg_bricks

[[email protected] ~]# vgs
VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree
vg_bricks 1 10 0 wz--n- 20.00g 9.97g
b. 創建瘦邏輯卷

[[email protected] ~]# for i in {1..5}; do lvcreate -L 2G -T vg_bricks/pool$i; done
  Logical volume "pool1" created.
  Logical volume "pool2" created.
  Logical volume "pool3" created.
  Logical volume "pool4" created.
  Logical volume "pool5" created.
[[email protected]
/* */ ~]# for i in {1..5}; do lvcreate -V 2G -T vg_bricks/pool$i -n thinvol$i; done Logical volume "thinvol1" created. Logical volume "thinvol2" created. Logical volume "thinvol3" created. Logical volume "thinvol4" created. Logical volume "thinvol5" created.

c. 格式化邏輯卷並掛載到指定目錄上,生產環境中掛載時建議將掛載命令寫入/etc/fstab中以實現開機自動掛載

[[email protected] ~]# for i in {1..5}; do mkfs -t xfs -i size=512 /dev/mapper/vg_bricks-thinvol$i; done
[[email protected] ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/thinvol{1..5}
[[email protected] ~]# for i in {1..5}; do mount -t xfs /dev/mapper/vg_bricks-thinvol$i /bricks/thinvol$i; done

d. 創建brick並設置selinux安全上下文,這裏默認selinux是打開的

[[email protected] ~]# for i in {1..5}; do mkdir /bricks/thinvol$i/brick; done
[[email protected] ~]# chcon -R -t glusterd_brick_t /bricks/thinvol{1..5}


3. 創建分布式卷Distributed volume

[[email protected] ~]# gluster volume create Test01 > servera.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol1/brick > serverb.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol1/brick > serverc.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol1/brick > serverd.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol1/brick
volume create: Test01: success: please start the volume to access data

查看volume的狀態,可以看到剛創建完後,volume處在“not started”狀態

[[email protected] ~]# gluster volume status Test01
Volume Test01 is not started

start volume

[[email protected] ~]# gluster volume start Test01
volume start: Test01: success

此時查看volume的詳細信息發現volume已started,volume 類型為distribute

[[email protected] ~]# gluster volume info Test01
Volume Name: Test01
Type: Distribute
Volume ID: f40beb82-81ae-42d2-bd1a-a7b9a24abe63
Status: Started
Number of Bricks: 4
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: servera.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol1/brick
Brick2: serverb.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol1/brick
Brick3: serverc.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol1/brick
Brick4: serverd.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol1/brick
Options Reconfigured:
performance.readdir-ahead: on

在workstation.lab.example.com上掛載volume Test01

[[email protected] ~]# yum install -y glusterfs-fuse
[[email protected] ~]# mkdir /mnt/Test01
[[email protected] ~]# mount -t glusterfs servera.lab.example.com:Test01 /mnt/Test01
[[email protected] ~]# df -h | grep Test01
servera.lab.example.com:Test01  8.0G  131M  7.9G   2% /mnt/Test01

這裏可以看到一些distributed volume的特點,有點類似raid0,volume的大小是組成volume的4個brick之和(每個brick大小為2G,共計2G*4=8G)


[[email protected] ~]# cd /mnt/Test01/
[[email protected] Test01]# touch {1..100}.file
[[email protected] ~]# ls /bricks/thinvol1/brick/
100.file  13.file  18.file  29.file  32.file  37.file  40.file  47.file  61.file  6.file   76.file  7.file   97.file
12.file   17.file  28.file  2.file   34.file  39.file  44.file  54.file  62.file  75.file  77.file  94.file
[[email protected] ~]# ls /bricks/thinvol1/brick/
10.file  1.file   25.file  38.file  42.file  52.file  56.file  59.file  66.file  80.file  86.file  98.file
14.file  24.file  26.file  41.file  50.file  53.file  57.file  5.file   74.file  83.file  87.file

4. 創建復制卷Replicated volume

[[email protected] ~]# gluster volume create Test02 replica 4 > servera.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol2/brick > serverb.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol2/brick > serverc.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol2/brick > serverd.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol2/brick
volume create: Test02: success: please start the volume to access data

start volume Test02並查看volume的詳細信息,可以看到volume的類型為Replicate即復制卷

[[email protected] ~]# gluster volume start Test02
volume start: Test02: success
[[email protected] ~]# gluster volume info Test02
Volume Name: Test02
Type: Replicate
Volume ID: 305f2c2f-8550-40e0-9d75-a2bc8149a333
Status: Started
Number of Bricks: 1 x 4 = 4
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: servera.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol2/brick
Brick2: serverb.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol2/brick
Brick3: serverc.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol2/brick
Brick4: serverd.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol2/brick
Options Reconfigured:
performance.readdir-ahead: on


[[email protected] Test01]# mkdir /mnt/Test02
[[email protected] Test01]# mount -t glusterfs servera.lab.example.com:Test02 /mnt/Test02
[[email protected] Test02]# df -h | grep Test02
servera.lab.example.com:Test02  2.0G   33M  2.0G   2% /mnt/Test02


在/mnt/Test02 下創建100個測試文件,會發現每個server的brick下都創建了100個測試文件

[[email protected] Test02]# touch {1..100}.file
[[email protected] ~]# ls /bricks/thinvol2/brick/
100.file  16.file  22.file  29.file  35.file  41.file  48.file  54.file  60.file  67.file  73.file  7.file   86.file  92.file  99.file
10.file   17.file  23.file  2.file   36.file  42.file  49.file  55.file  61.file  68.file  74.file  80.file  87.file  93.file  9.file
11.file   18.file  24.file  30.file  37.file  43.file  4.file   56.file  62.file  69.file  75.file  81.file  88.file  94.file
12.file   19.file  25.file  31.file  38.file  44.file  50.file  57.file  63.file  6.file   76.file  82.file  89.file  95.file
13.file   1.file   26.file  32.file  39.file  45.file  51.file  58.file  64.file  70.file  77.file  83.file  8.file   96.file
14.file   20.file  27.file  33.file  3.file   46.file  52.file  59.file  65.file  71.file  78.file  84.file  90.file  97.file
15.file   21.file  28.file  34.file  40.file  47.file  53.file  5.file   66.file  72.file  79.file  85.file  91.file  98.file
[[email protected] ~]# ls /bricks/thinvol2/brick/ | wc -w
[[email protected] ~]# ls /bricks/thinvol2/brick/ | wc -w
[[email protected] ~]# ls /bricks/thinvol2/brick/ | wc -w

5. 創建“分散卷”Dispersed volume

[[email protected] ~]# gluster volume create Test03 > disperse-data 2 redundancy 1 > servera.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol3/brick > serverb.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol3/brick > serverc.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol3/brick
volume create: Test03: success: please start the volume to access data
[[email protected] ~]# gluster volume start Test03
volume start: Test03: success
[[email protected] ~]# gluster volume info Test03
Volume Name: Test03
Type: Disperse
Volume ID: 78d23935-8d67-4eb1-86b6-e94c7c8866c9
Status: Started
Number of Bricks: 1 x (2 + 1) = 3
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: servera.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol3/brick
Brick2: serverb.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol3/brick
Brick3: serverc.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol3/brick
Options Reconfigured:
performance.readdir-ahead: on

將dispersed volume Test03 掛載到client server /mnt/Test03目錄下

[[email protected] Test02]# mkdir /mnt/Test03
[[email protected] Test02]# mount -t glusterfs servera.lab.example.com:Test03 /mnt/Test03
[[email protected] Test02]# df -h | grep Test03
servera.lab.example.com:Test03  4.0G   66M  4.0G   2% /mnt/Test03


servera.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol3/brick serverb.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol3/brick



[[email protected] Test03]# touch {1..100}.file
[[email protected] ~]# ls /bricks/thinvol3/brick/
100.file  16.file  22.file  29.file  35.file  41.file  48.file  54.file  60.file  67.file  73.file  7.file   86.file  92.file  99.file
10.file   17.file  23.file  2.file   36.file  42.file  49.file  55.file  61.file  68.file  74.file  80.file  87.file  93.file  9.file
11.file   18.file  24.file  30.file  37.file  43.file  4.file   56.file  62.file  69.file  75.file  81.file  88.file  94.file
12.file   19.file  25.file  31.file  38.file  44.file  50.file  57.file  63.file  6.file   76.file  82.file  89.file  95.file
13.file   1.file   26.file  32.file  39.file  45.file  51.file  58.file  64.file  70.file  77.file  83.file  8.file   96.file
14.file   20.file  27.file  33.file  3.file   46.file  52.file  59.file  65.file  71.file  78.file  84.file  90.file  97.file
15.file   21.file  28.file  34.file  40.file  47.file  53.file  5.file   66.file  72.file  79.file  85.file  91.file  98.file
[[email protected] ~]# ls /bricks/thinvol3/brick/ | wc -w
[[email protected] ~]# ls /bricks/thinvol3/brick/ | wc -w

6. 創建復合卷Combined volume


[[email protected] ~]# gluster volume create Test04 replica 3 > servera.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol4/brick > serverb.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol4/brick > serverc.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol4/brick > servera.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol5/brick > serverb.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol5/brick > serverc.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol5/brick
volume create: Test04: success: please start the volume to access data
[[email protected] ~]# gluster volume start Test04
volume start: Test04: success
[[email protected] ~]# gluster volume info Test04
Volume Name: Test04
Type: Distributed-Replicate
Volume ID: 45df998d-2d14-4af2-83c7-e497bd5a8dd0
Status: Started
Number of Bricks: 2 x 3 = 6
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: servera.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol4/brick
Brick2: serverb.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol4/brick
Brick3: serverc.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol4/brick
Brick4: servera.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol5/brick
Brick5: serverb.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol5/brick
Brick6: serverc.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol5/brick
Options Reconfigured:
performance.readdir-ahead: on

從上面可以看出volume Test04的類型為Distributed-Replicate


[[email protected] Test03]# mkdir /mnt/Test04
[[email protected] Test03]# mount -t glusterfs servera.lab.example.com:Test04 /mnt/Test04
[[email protected] Test03]# df -h | grep Test04
servera.lab.example.com:Test04  4.0G   66M  4.0G   2% /mnt/Test04


[[email protected] Test04]# touch {1..100}.file
[[email protected] thinvol4]# ls /bricks/thinvol4/brick/ | wc -w
[[email protected] thinvol4]# ls /bricks/thinvol5/brick/ | wc -w
[[email protected] thinvol4]#
[[email protected] ~]# ls /bricks/thinvol4/brick/ | wc -w
[[email protected] ~]# ls /bricks/thinvol5/brick/ | wc -w
[[email protected] ~]# ls /bricks/thinvol4/brick/ | wc -w
[[email protected] ~]# ls /bricks/thinvol5/brick/ | wc -w


Brick1: servera.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol4/brick
Brick2: serverb.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol4/brick
Brick3: serverc.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol4/brick


Brick4: servera.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol5/brick
Brick5: serverb.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol5/brick
Brick6: serverc.lab.example.com:/bricks/thinvol5/brick



本文出自 “不積跬步,無以至千裏” 博客,請務必保留此出處http://jiaxiaolei.blog.51cto.com/3117381/1950629

在Glusterfs上創建distributed volume,replicated volume,dispersed volume,combined volume