1. 程式人生 > >python實現 --工資管理系統

python實現 --工資管理系統

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = hjianli
# import re
import os

info_message = """Alex 100000
Rain 80000
Egon 50000
Yuan 30000
xulie_dict = {}

gongzi_dict = {}

file_name = "info.txt"

Path = os.getcwd()

def flush_info_txt(file_name, info=info_message):
    with open(file_name, 
"wt", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(info + "\n") #追加新用戶信息使用函數 def add_info_txt(file_name, info=None): with open(file_name, "a+", encoding="utf8") as f: f.writelines(info) #讀取用戶和工資信息函數 def read_file_txt(file_name): with open(file_name) as f: f = f.read() return f
#將讀取出來的姓名和工資形成字典對應 def info_user(): with open(file_name) as f: file = f.read().strip().split() keys = [x for x in range(len(file)) if x % 2 == 0] value = [x for x in range(len(file)) if x % 2 == 1] for x, y in zip(keys,value): gongzi_dict[file[x]] = file[y]
return gongzi_dict #檢測初始文件是否存在。不存在就創建,存在就忽略 def check_file(): if not os.path.exists(file_name): flush_info_txt(file_name) else: pass check_file() #檢測輸入是否合理 def check_error(shuru): if len(shuru) == 0: print("您輸入的為空,請檢查輸入!") elif str(shuru).isdigit() == False : print("輸入了錯誤的字符,請輸入數字") else: return True #檢測輸入的用戶名是否在字典的keys中 def check_user(shuru): if shuru not in gongzi_dict.keys(): pass elif len(shuru) == 0 or int(len(shuru)) > 6: print("用戶姓名輸入錯誤!不符合姓名的格式.超過6個字段.") else: print("您輸入的用戶出現沖突,用戶姓名必須唯一,請核對該用戶的信息") choice_exit = True def check_choice(choice): if (len(choice) != 0) and (int(choice) in list_num): for i, q in enumerate(list_choice): xulie_dict[i+1] = q for key, value in xulie_dict.items(): if int(choice) == 4: print("......程序正在退出..........") exit(2) elif int(choice) == key: input_user_name = input("您選擇的是:({}),請輸入想要{}的員工姓名:".format(key, value[0:2])) dict_name = info_user() if input_user_name in dict_name.keys(): if key == 1: print("{}的工資是:{}\n******************************".format(input_user_name,dict_name[input_user_name])) break elif key == 2: dict_name = info_user() old_gongzi = dict_name[input_user_name] # print(old_gongzi) update_gongzi = input("請輸入修改後的工資金額:") check_error(update_gongzi) dict_name[input_user_name] = update_gongzi update_gongzi = dict_name[input_user_name] str_info = read_file_txt(file_name) str_info = str_info.replace(old_gongzi, update_gongzi) # print(str_info) flush_info_txt(file_name, info=str_info) print("修改成功!") else: pass elif key ==3: new_gongzi = input("請輸入他的工資: ") check_user(input_user_name) new_user_info = str(input_user_name) + " " + new_gongzi add_info_txt(file_name, new_user_info) print("新用戶增加成功") else: print("您輸入的用戶名不存在,請檢查後重新輸入!") break else: print("您輸入了錯誤的數字,請檢查重新輸入是否在{}範圍內".format(list_num)) while choice_exit: list_choice = ["查詢員工工資", "修改員工工資", "增加新員工記錄", "退出"] for i, q in enumerate(list_choice): print(str(i+1) + "." + str(q)) list_num = [x+1 for x in range(len(list_choice))] input_number = input(">>>>請輸入您要進行的操作: ") if str(input_number).isdigit(): check_choice(input_number) else: check_error(input_number) continue
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python實現 --工資管理系統