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how to upgrade ubnt unifi ac

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how to upgrade ubnt unifi ac


    • how to upgrade uap-ac-pro to okos image
      • Reference
      • Background
      • steps
    • Recovery it to UBNT Image
      • Background
      • Steps

how to upgrade uap-ac-pro to okos image


uap-ac-lite openwrt
unifiac on openwrt


there are two partitions, okos merge them into one, so we must split them.
partition name|size| offset in image



  1. ssh ubnt@<ip addr> # passwd:ubnt
  2. cd /tmp
  3. wget -O 1.tar.gz ‘http://a1.oakridge.io:8000/okos_v2.0.0_20170728142143_openwrt-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-unifi-pro-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin.tar.gz‘
  4. tar xzf 1.tar.gz
  5. rm -rvf 1.tar.gz
  6. dd if=openwrt-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-unifi-pro-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin of=kernel0.bin bs=7929856 count=1
  7. dd if=openwrt-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-unifi-pro-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin of=kernel1.bin bs=7929856 count=1 skip=1
  8. mtd write /tmp/kernel0.bin kernel0
  9. mtd write /tmp/kernel1.bin kernel1
  10. reboot

Recovery it to UBNT Image


ubnt bootloader provides the tftp server with ip, after press and hold the UniFi AP’s reset button when plug in power cable.


  1. download firmware from (https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ps-firmware/other/firmware/U7PG2/
  2. Set a static IP on your Computer’s NIC. A static IP of, subnet of and gateway of will work.
  3. Install tftp tool on PC. you can install this one pumpkin.
  4. Plug the UniFi PoE injector’s LAN cable directly to your computer.
  5. Using a paperclip press and hold the UniFi AP’s reset button. Make sure you can feel it being depressed by the paperclip. Do not release the button until lasts 12s. then AP setups the tftp server and waiting for file upload.
  6. Uses the Pumpkin TFTP software on PC, and click on “Put File”.
  7. In “Local Files” browse for the firmware you downloaded and saved previously
  8. In the “Remote host” field enter the gateway you had predetermined (, then click OK

[email protected] 2017-7-28

how to upgrade ubnt unifi ac