1. 程式人生 > >在Golang中實現有無限容量的同步Queue


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因此我在實際項目中經常使用一個同步的先入先出隊列(SyncQueue)。數據生產者調用隊列的Push函數將數據添加到隊列中,Push函數在任何情況下不會發生堵塞。數據消費者使用Pop函數獲得一個數據。如果隊列中當前為空,則Pop函數會掛起當前goroutine,直到有其他goroutine Push新的數據到隊列中。SyncQueue不需要提前生成一個巨大的緩存,因此不會占用大量的內存,並且提供無限(除非內存滿)的隊列長度。



 1 package xnsyncutil
 3 import (
 4     "sync"
 6     "gopkg.in/eapache/queue.v1"
 7 )
 9 // Synchronous FIFO queue
10 type SyncQueue struct {
11     lock    sync.Mutex
12     popable *sync.Cond
13     buffer  *queue.Queue
14 closed bool 15 } 16 17 // Create a new SyncQueue 18 func NewSyncQueue() *SyncQueue { 19 ch := &SyncQueue{ 20 buffer: queue.New(), 21 } 22 ch.popable = sync.NewCond(&ch.lock) 23 return ch 24 } 25 26 // Pop an item from SyncQueue, will block if SyncQueue is empty 27 func (q *SyncQueue) Pop() (v interface{}) { 28 c := q.popable 29 buffer := q.buffer 30 31 q.lock.Lock() 32 for buffer.Length() == 0 && !q.closed { 33 c.Wait() 34 } 35 36 if buffer.Length() > 0 { 37 v = buffer.Peek() 38 buffer.Remove() 39 } 40 41 q.lock.Unlock() 42 return 43 } 44 45 // Try to pop an item from SyncQueue, will return immediately with bool=false if SyncQueue is empty 46 func (q *SyncQueue) TryPop() (v interface{}, ok bool) { 47 buffer := q.buffer 48 49 q.lock.Lock() 50 51 if buffer.Length() > 0 { 52 v = buffer.Peek() 53 buffer.Remove() 54 ok = true 55 } else if q.closed { 56 ok = true 57 } 58 59 q.lock.Unlock() 60 return 61 } 62 63 // Push an item to SyncQueue. Always returns immediately without blocking 64 func (q *SyncQueue) Push(v interface{}) { 65 q.lock.Lock() 66 if !q.closed { 67 q.buffer.Add(v) 68 q.popable.Signal() 69 } 70 q.lock.Unlock() 71 } 72 73 // Get the length of SyncQueue 74 func (q *SyncQueue) Len() (l int) { 75 q.lock.Lock() 76 l = q.buffer.Length() 77 q.lock.Unlock() 78 return 79 } 80 81 func (q *SyncQueue) Close() { 82 q.lock.Lock() 83 if !q.closed { 84 q.closed = true 85 q.popable.Signal() 86 } 87 q.lock.Unlock() 88 }

Category: Golang 標簽:chan, golang, queue, sync
