1. 程式人生 > >hadoop環境搭建與測試


sla pre person n! count track 查看 4.2 lin

搭建參看: http://blog.csdn.net/w13770269691/article/details/16883663/ 查看集群狀態:
[[email protected] bin]# hdfs dfsadmin -report 
Configured Capacity: 36729053184 (34.21 GB) 
Present Capacity: 13322559491 (12.41 GB) 
DFS Remaining: 13322240000 (12.41 GB) 
DFS Used: 319491 (312.00 KB) 
DFS Used%: 0.00% 
Under replicated blocks: 0 
Blocks with corrupt replicas: 0 
Missing blocks: 0 

Datanodes available: 2 (2 total, 0 dead) 

Live datanodes: 
Name: (slave2) 
Hostname: slave2 
Decommission Status : Normal 
Configured Capacity: 18364526592 (17.10 GB) 
DFS Used: 45056 (44 KB) 
Non DFS Used: 11702558720 (10.90 GB) 
DFS Remaining: 6661922816 (6.20 GB) 
DFS Used%: 0.00% 
DFS Remaining%: 36.28% 
Last contact: Thu Nov 06 21:26:34 CST 2014 

Name: (slave1) 
Hostname: slave1 
Decommission Status : Normal 
Configured Capacity: 18364526592 (17.10 GB) 
DFS Used: 274435 (268.00 KB) 
Non DFS Used: 11703934973 (10.90 GB) 
DFS Remaining: 6660317184 (6.20 GB) 
DFS Used%: 0.00% 
DFS Remaining%: 36.27% 
Last contact: Thu Nov 06 21:26:31 CST 2014
[[email protected] bin]# hdfs fsck / -files -blocks 
Status: HEALTHY 
Total size: 219351 B 
Total dirs: 11 
Total files: 12 
Total symlinks: 0 
Total blocks (validated): 10 (avg. block size 21935 B) 
Minimally replicated blocks: 10 (100.0 %) 
Over-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %) 
Under-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %) 
Mis-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %) 
Default replication factor: 1 
Average block replication: 1.0 
Corrupt blocks: 0 
Missing replicas: 0 (0.0 %) 
Number of data-nodes: 2 
Number of racks: 1 
FSCK ended at Thu Nov 06 21:27:34 CST 2014 in 29 milliseconds 

The filesystem under path '/' is HEALTHY 
[[email protected]
/* */ bin]# [[email protected] hadoop2.2]$ 查看各節點狀態: 查看ResourceManager上cluster執行狀態:
在環境搭建的過程中,假設出現不論什麽問題。都要去查看日誌 日誌路徑是:/home/hadoop/hadoop2.2/logs
在配置完畢HADOOP_HOME之後,而且使之生效,那麽接下來就進行測試,啟動hadoop 首先在/文件夾下創建input文件
[[email protected]
/]# vim input。在該文件裏輸入例如以下內容:I am a very good person! I love you America ! 將之上傳到hdfs上:[[email protected] /]# hadoop fs -put /input /input 在hadoop的bin文件夾下運行:[[email protected] bin]# ./yarn jar ../share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.2.0.jar wordcount /input /output 這樣運行完成之後能夠看到:output文件夾下有兩個文件 [[email protected] ~]# hadoop fs -ls /output Found 2 items -rw-r--r-- 1 root supergroup 0 2014-11-06 21:21 /output/_SUCCESS -rw-r--r-- 1 root supergroup 64 2014-11-06 21:21 /output/part-r-00000 接著能夠查看Wordcount的統計結果: [[email protected] bin]# hadoop fs -cat /output/part-r-00000 ! 1 America 1 I 2 a 1 am 1 good 1 love 1 person! 1 very 1 you 1 [[email protected] bin]#
