1. 程式人生 > >測試過程中常用的linux命令之【查看文件指定行的內容】


sed head tail


  • 準備工作



touch ./$FileName

while [ $i -le $1 ]
        echo "the line number is $i" >> $FileName
        let "i=$i+1"

[[email protected] scripts]# head -n 5 TestFile.log 
the line number is 1
the line number is 2
the line number is 3
the line number is 4
the line number is 5


[[email protected] scripts]# head -n -6 TestFile.log 
the line number is 1
the line number is 2
the line number is 3
the line number is 4
the line number is 5
the line number is 6
the line number is 7
the line number is 8
the line number is 9
the line number is 10
the line number is 11
the line number is 12
the line number is 13
the line number is 14


[[email protected] scripts]# head TestFile.log 
the line number is 1
the line number is 2
the line number is 3
the line number is 4
the line number is 5
the line number is 6
the line number is 7
the line number is 8
the line number is 9
the line number is 10


-v ,在首行打印文件名稱
[[email protected] scripts]# head -n 5 -v TestFile.log 
==> TestFile.log <==
the line number is 1
the line number is 2
the line number is 3
the line number is 4
the line number is 5


[[email protected] scripts]# tail -n 4 TestFile.log 
the line number is 17
the line number is 18
the line number is 19
the line number is 20


[[email protected] scripts]# tail -n +5 TestFile.log 
the line number is 5
the line number is 6
the line number is 7
the line number is 8
the line number is 9
the line number is 10
the line number is 11
the line number is 12
the line number is 13
the line number is 14
the line number is 15
the line number is 16
the line number is 17
the line number is 18
the line number is 19
the line number is 20


[[email protected] scripts]# tail TestFile.log 
the line number is 11
the line number is 12
the line number is 13
the line number is 14
the line number is 15
the line number is 16
the line number is 17
the line number is 18
the line number is 19
the line number is 20



tail -f /var/log/messages


-v ,在首行打印文件名稱
[[email protected] scripts]# tail -v -n 3 TestFile.log 
==> TestFile.log <==
the line number is 18
the line number is 19
the line number is 20


[[email protected] scripts]# head -n 15 TestFile.log |tail -n 5
the line number is 11
the line number is 12
the line number is 13
the line number is 14
the line number is 15


[[email protected] scripts]# sed -n ‘10p‘ TestFile.log 
the line number is 10

[[email protected] scripts]# sed -n ‘11,14p‘ TestFile.log 
the line number is 11
the line number is 12
the line number is 13
the line number is 14


[[email protected] scripts]# vi +12 TestFile.log


[[email protected] scripts]# more -4 TestFile.log 
the line number is 1
the line number is 2
the line number is 3
the line number is 4


[[email protected] scripts]# more +4 TestFile.log 
the line number is 4
the line number is 5
the line number is 6
the line number is 7
the line number is 8
the line number is 9
the line number is 10
the line number is 11
the line number is 12
the line number is 13
the line number is 14
the line number is 15
the line number is 16
the line number is 17
the line number is 18
the line number is 19
the line number is 20


[[email protected] scripts]# less +4 TestFile.lo


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