1. 程式人生 > >macOs升級到10.13.1Beta || JAVA升級到最新版之後PhpStorm菜單欄問題

macOs升級到10.13.1Beta || JAVA升級到最新版之後PhpStorm菜單欄問題

cos cli 窗口 -m ora comm 出現 php tel

macOs升級到10.13.1Beta || JAVA升級到最新版之後PhpStorm菜單欄會消失,估計不止出現在PhpStorm,一系列jetbrains的產品可能都會有這個問題,包括eclipise。



I also did lost, here‘s what I did to temporarily fix the problem:

Open/Create a new file ~/idea.properties with the following line:

apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar = false

Now the menu appears on the window, like in MS Windows, but hey... it works...


即找到idea.properties,然後插入 apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar = false 這一句。



macOs升級到10.13.1Beta || JAVA升級到最新版之後PhpStorm菜單欄問題