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Android BLE (低功耗藍牙)應用

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藍牙( Bluetooth? ):是一種無線技術標準,可實現固定設備、移動設備和樓宇個人域網之間的短距離數據交換(使用2.4—2.485GHz的ISM波段的UHF無線電波)。藍牙技術最初由電信巨頭愛立信公司於1994年創制,當時是作為RS232數據線的替代方案。藍牙可連接多個設備,克服了數據同步的難題。 如今藍牙由藍牙技術聯盟(Bluetooth Special Interest Group,簡稱SIG)管理。藍牙技術聯盟在全球擁有超過25,000家成員公司,它們分布在電信、計算機、網絡、和消費電子等多重領域。IEEE將藍牙技術列為IEEE 802.15.1,但如今已不再維持該標準。藍牙技術聯盟負責監督藍牙規範的開發,管理認證項目,並維護商標權益。制造商的設備必須符合藍牙技術聯盟的標準才能以“藍牙設備”的名義進入市場。藍牙技術擁有一套專利網絡,可發放給符合標準的設備。 一、藍牙的分類
  目前為止藍牙分為兩類:一是經典藍牙(傳統藍牙),二是低功耗藍牙(BLE)。顧名思義低功耗藍牙功耗要比傳統藍牙低,所以廣泛使用在智能穿戴設備上。要使安卓設備連接上智能穿戴設備(如智能手表),通過經典藍牙的socket連接一般是連接不上的(為什麽說一般呢,因為有些不良廠家和雜牌智能手環用的不是低功耗藍牙,這個可以使用經典藍牙連接上),必須要使用BLE的 GATT連接才能連接上。 二、GATT中的服務、特征值、描述、UUID   GATT連接涉及到四個比較陌生的名詞:服務(service)、特征值(Characteristic)、描述(discript)、UUID,下面以智能手環為例分別來解釋一下這些名詞是什麽意思。
  • service:服務是包含了若幹個數據包(特征值)的集合,一個智能設備可能包含多個服務,使用之恩那個設備生產廠商提供的UUID碼來識別。比如之恩那個手環中有測心率的服務、步數的服務,心率和步數的數據包(特征值)都包含在服務中,通過指定的UUID來辨別到底是心率的服務還是步數的服務。
  • characteristic:特征值包含在服務裏面,顧名思義就是一種數據值,特征值包含一個或者多個描述。如心率是多少,今天走了多少步都可以放進特征值裏面,服務中有多個特征值,也是通過UUID來識別
  • discript:描述一般是對特征值的值進行描述,比如單位等等的描述,開發中一般用不到(我用不到)
  • UUID:由藍牙設備廠商提供的UUID,UUID是在硬件編程裏已經確定了的,想要草所特定的服務、特征值都需要通過UUID來找。




public class UartService extends Service {
    private final static String TAG = UartService.class.getSimpleName();
    List<BluetoothGattService> serviceList = new ArrayList<BluetoothGattService>();//發現的服務列表

    private BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter;//本地藍牙適配器
    private String mBluetoothDeviceAddress;//本地藍牙MAC地址
    private BluetoothGatt mBluetoothGatt;//GTAA
     * 假設生產商提供了一個服務,該服務裏面有兩個特征值
    private BluetoothGattService mBluetoothGattService;//gatt服務
    private BluetoothGattCharacteristic mBluetoothGattCharacteristic1;//gatt特征值1
    private BluetoothGattCharacteristic mBluetoothGattCharacteristic2;//gatt特征值2
    private int mConnectionState = STATE_DISCONNECTED;

    private static final int STATE_DISCONNECTED = 0;
    private static final int STATE_CONNECTING = 1;
    private static final int STATE_CONNECTED = 2;

    private static final UUID UUID_SERVICE = UUID.fromString("0000fff0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"); //服務
    private static final UUID UUID_CHARA1 = UUID.fromString("0000fff1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"); //特征值1
    private static final UUID UUID_CHARA2 = UUID.fromString("0000fff4-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"); //特征值2

    // Implements callback methods for GATT events that the app cares about.  For example,
    // connection change and services discovered.
    private final BluetoothGattCallback mGattCallback = new BluetoothGattCallback() {
        public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status, int newState) {
            if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED) {
                mConnectionState = STATE_CONNECTED;
                Log.i(TAG, "Connected to GATT server.");
                // Attempts to discover services after successful connection.
                Log.i(TAG, "Attempting to start service discovery:" +
            } else if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED) {
                mConnectionState = STATE_DISCONNECTED;
                Log.i(TAG, "Disconnected from GATT server.");

        public void onServicesDiscovered(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status) {//服務被發現
            if (status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {
                System.out.println("Service has bean discover.");
                mBluetoothGattService = gatt.getService(UUID_SERVICE);//發現服務
            } else {
                Log.w(TAG, "onServicesDiscovered received: " + status);

        public void onCharacteristicRead(BluetoothGatt gatt,
                                         BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic,
                                         int status) {
            if (status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {

        public void onCharacteristicWrite(BluetoothGatt gatt,
                                          BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic,
                                          int status) {

        public void onCharacteristicChanged(BluetoothGatt gatt,
                                            BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) {

    public class LocalBinder extends Binder {
        UartService getService() {
            return UartService.this;

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return mBinder;

    public boolean onUnbind(Intent intent) {
        // After using a given device, you should make sure that BluetoothGatt.close() is called
        // such that resources are cleaned up properly.  In this particular example, close() is
        // invoked when the UI is disconnected from the Service.
        return super.onUnbind(intent);

    private final IBinder mBinder = new LocalBinder();

     * Initializes a reference to the local Bluetooth adapter.
     * @return Return true if the initialization is successful.
    public boolean initialize() {//初始化
        // For API level 18 and above, get a reference to BluetoothAdapter through
        // BluetoothManager.
        mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
        if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Unable to obtain a BluetoothAdapter.");
            return false;

        return true;

     * Connects to the GATT server hosted on the Bluetooth LE device.
     * @param address The device address of the destination device.
     * @return Return true if the connection is initiated successfully. The connection result
     *         is reported asynchronously through the
     *         {@code BluetoothGattCallback#onConnectionStateChange(android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt, int, int)}
     *         callback.
    public boolean connect(final String address) {//連接服務
        if (mBluetoothAdapter == null || address == null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "BluetoothAdapter not initialized or unspecified address.");
            return false;

        // Previously connected device.  Try to reconnect.
        if (mBluetoothDeviceAddress != null && address.equals(mBluetoothDeviceAddress)
                && mBluetoothGatt != null) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Trying to use an existing mBluetoothGatt for connection.");
            if (mBluetoothGatt.connect()) {
                mConnectionState = STATE_CONNECTING;
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

        final BluetoothDevice device = mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice(address);
        if (device == null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Device not found.  Unable to connect.");
            return false;
        // We want to directly connect to the device, so we are setting the autoConnect
        // parameter to false.
        mBluetoothGatt = device.connectGatt(this, false, mGattCallback);
        Log.d(TAG, "Trying to create a new connection.");
        mBluetoothDeviceAddress = address;
        mConnectionState = STATE_CONNECTING;
        return true;

     * Disconnects an existing connection or cancel a pending connection. The disconnection result
     * is reported asynchronously through the
     * {@code BluetoothGattCallback#onConnectionStateChange(android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt, int, int)}
     * callback.
    public void disconnect() {
        if (mBluetoothAdapter == null || mBluetoothGatt == null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "BluetoothAdapter not initialized");

     * After using a given BLE device, the app must call this method to ensure resources are
     * released properly.
    public void close() {
        if (mBluetoothGatt == null) {
        mBluetoothGatt = null;

     * Request a read on a given {@code BluetoothGattCharacteristic}. The read result is reported
     * asynchronously through the {@code BluetoothGattCallback#onCharacteristicRead(android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt, android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic, int)}
     * callback.
     * @param characteristic The characteristic to read from.
    public void readCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) {
        if (mBluetoothAdapter == null || mBluetoothGatt == null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "BluetoothAdapter not initialized");

     * Request a read on a given {@code BluetoothGattCharacteristic}. The read result is reported
     * asynchronously through the {@code BluetoothGattCallback#onCharacteristicRead(android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt, android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic, int)}
     * callback.
     * @param characteristic The characteristic to read from.
    public void writeCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) {
        if (mBluetoothAdapter == null || mBluetoothGatt == null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "BluetoothAdapter not initialized");
    public boolean writeCharacteristic1Info(String s){
            return false;
        mBluetoothGattCharacteristic1 = mBluetoothGattService.getCharacteristic(UUID_CHARA1);//獲得特征值1
        return true;

     * Enables or disables notification on a give characteristic.
     * @param characteristic Characteristic to act on.
     * @param enabled If true, enable notification.  False otherwise.
    public void setCharacteristicNotification(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic,
                                              boolean enabled) {
        if (mBluetoothAdapter == null || mBluetoothGatt == null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "BluetoothAdapter not initialized");
        mBluetoothGatt.setCharacteristicNotification(characteristic, enabled);

     * Retrieves a list of supported GATT services on the connected device. This should be
     * invoked only after {@code BluetoothGatt#discoverServices()} completes successfully.
     * @return A {@code List} of supported services.
    public List<BluetoothGattService> getSupportedGattServices() {
        if (mBluetoothGatt == null) return null;

        return mBluetoothGatt.getServices();
    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
        System.out.println("UartService Start");
        return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);

ps:在發現服務後,最好把特征值取出來成一個列表,然後使用 setCharacteristicNotification(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic,boolean enabled)方法對所有特征值進行設置,確保服務的特征值都可讀可寫。

 mBluetoothGattService = gatt.getService(UUID_SERVICE);//發現服務
 List<BluetoothGattCharacteristic> characteristics = mBluetoothGattService.getCharacteristics();
 for (BluetoothGattCharacteristic bluetoothGattCharacteristic : characteristics) {
      setCharacteristicNotification(bluetoothGattCharacteristic, true);
 mBluetoothGattCharacteristic1 = characteristics.get(0);
 mBluetoothGattCharacteristic2 = characteristics.get(1);



  1. 在activity中綁定服務或者開啟服務。綁定服務時,當activity銷毀時服務跟著銷毀;開啟服務時,activity銷毀,service不會跟著銷毀
  2. 初始化本地藍牙設備

  3. 連接
    mUartService.connect(String MacAddress);//通過遠程設備地址鏈接到遠程設備

  4. 鏈接後,回掉service中的onConnectionStateChange方法,其他的回掉方法也是字面意思,非常簡單
  5. 給設備發送數據
    writeCharacteristic1Info(String s);


  1. 要使用service
  2. 拿到服務之後馬上設置特征值為可讀可寫,否則有可能導致收發數據不正常
  3. UUID不一定是我的這個,是藍牙廠商提供的,找硬件編程的小夥伴要UUID
  4. 有什麽問題望各位指教

Android BLE (低功耗藍牙)應用