1. 程式人生 > >sql查詢總記錄以及 查詢每條光纜下的所涉及到表的信息

sql查詢總記錄以及 查詢每條光纜下的所涉及到表的信息

進行 line 長度 產生 損壞 表關聯 conn sql查詢 cas

select a.光纜條數 as glcount,a.光纜長度 as gllength,b.正常端口 as yesdk,b.損壞端口 as nodk,
b.業務已使用 as yesyew,b.業務未使用 as noyew,c.經過標石 as biaoshi,d.隱患 as yinhuan from
(select count(*)as ‘光纜條數‘, sum(CONVERT(int,cable_length)) as ‘光纜長度‘ from Optic_Cable) a,
(select COUNT(case status when ‘0‘ then ‘正常‘ end) as ‘正常端口‘,
COUNT(case status when ‘1‘ then ‘損壞‘ end) as ‘損壞端口‘,
COUNT(case when connect_content=‘‘ or connect_content is null then ‘未使用‘ end)‘業務未使用‘,
COUNT(case when connect_content is not null then ‘已使用‘ end)as ‘業務已使用‘
from Optic_Cable_Port ) b,
(select COUNT(c.F_Id) ‘經過標石‘from Optic_Cable a /*光纜*/
left join Optic_LinePat b/*光纜巡檢線路*/
on a.F_Id=b.F_Id
left join Optic_LinePat_Sub c/*光纜線路子表(標石)*/
on b.F_Id=c.F_Olp_Id
where b.F_Id is not null) c,
(select COUNT(*)as ‘隱患‘ from Optic_Cable a /*光纜*/
left join Optic_LinePat b/*光纜巡檢線路(光纜表中有個軌跡巡檢的名稱兩者進行關聯)*/
on a.F_Id=b.F_Id
left join Optic_LinePat_Sub c/*光纜線路子表(軌跡巡檢條數下有標石,在標石表中有軌跡的關聯編號)*/
on b.F_Id=c.F_Olp_Id
left join Optic_LinePat_Rec d/*在線路巡檢表中有標石的編號f_well_id*/
on c.F_Well_Id =d.F_well_id/*拿標石去查詢產生的隱患,兩者關聯*/
where b.F_Id is not null and d.F_Env_State=‘隱患‘)d

select a.glcount,a.gllength,b.duankouYes,b.duankouNo ,
b.yewuYes,b.yewuNo ,c.biaoshi ,d.隱患 as yinhuan from
(select count(*)as glcount, sum(CONVERT(int,cable_length)) as gllength from Optic_Cable) a,
(select COUNT(case status when ‘0‘ then ‘正常‘ end) as duankouYes,
COUNT(case status when ‘1‘ then ‘損壞‘ end) as duankouNo,
COUNT(case when connect_content=‘‘ or connect_content is null then ‘未使用‘ end)yewuNo,
COUNT(case when connect_content is not null then ‘已使用‘ end)as yewuYes
from Optic_Cable_Port ) b,

(select COUNT(c.F_Id) biaoshi from Optic_Cable a
left join Optic_LinePat b
on a.F_Id=b.F_Id
left join Optic_LinePat_Sub c
on b.F_Id=c.F_Olp_Id
where b.F_Id is not null) c,

(select COUNT(*)as ‘隱患‘ from Optic_Cable a
left join Optic_LinePat b
on a.F_Id=b.F_Id
left join Optic_LinePat_Sub c
on b.F_Id=c.F_Olp_Id
left join Optic_LinePat_Rec d
on c.F_Well_Id =d.F_well_id
where b.F_Id is not null and d.F_Env_State=‘隱患‘)d

sql查詢總記錄以及 查詢每條光纜下的所涉及到表的信息