1. 程式人生 > >php <5.5 curl post and file 請求

php <5.5 curl post and file 請求

cep 文件上傳 output errno accep dir 適配 add loaded

     * 跨域post請求(適配文件上傳)
     * @param $url 上傳地址
     * @param $post_data 請求數據
     protected function sendPost ($url,$post_data)
        /*$url = "";
        $post_data = array(
            "dir" => "wechat",
            "upload" => ‘@/alidata/www/15c56d316166c1fccfb036a9337d0caeChrysanthemum.jpg‘
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_URL , $url);
        curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);
        $output = curl_exec($ch);
        return $output;



* 跨域文件接收
class fileAccept
	protected $dis = ‘/alidata/www/cdnappota/‘; 
	protected $ur = ‘http://cdn.multiopen.cn/‘;
	// Function to get the client IP address
	function get_client_ip() 
	    $ipaddress = ‘‘;
	    if (getenv(‘HTTP_CLIENT_IP‘))
	        $ipaddress = getenv(‘HTTP_CLIENT_IP‘);
	    else if(getenv(‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR‘))
	        $ipaddress = getenv(‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR‘);
	    else if(getenv(‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED‘))
	        $ipaddress = getenv(‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED‘);
	    else if(getenv(‘HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR‘))
	        $ipaddress = getenv(‘HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR‘);
	    else if(getenv(‘HTTP_FORWARDED‘))
	        $ipaddress = getenv(‘HTTP_FORWARDED‘);
	    else if(getenv(‘REMOTE_ADDR‘))
	        $ipaddress = getenv(‘REMOTE_ADDR‘);
	        $ipaddress = ‘UNKNOWN‘;
	    return $ipaddress;

	function uploadFile($files,$dir=‘images‘)

		if ($files) {
		 	$time = time();
	        $newname = md5(uniqid().$time);
	        if (!file_exists($this->dis.$dir.‘/‘)) {
	       	$res =  move_uploaded_file($files[‘tmp_name‘],$this->dis.$dir.‘/‘.$newname.$files[‘name‘]);
			if ($res) {
				echo json_encode([‘errno‘=>0,‘data‘=>[$this->ur.$dir.‘/‘.$newname.$files[‘name‘]]]);
				echo json_encode([‘errno‘=>1]);


$files = $_FILES[‘upload‘];
$dir = $_POST[‘dir‘];

$acc = new fileAccept();
$ip = $acc->get_client_ip();
$whiteIp = [‘‘];
if (in_array($ip,$whiteIp)) {
	echo $acc->uploadFile($files,$dir);


php <5.5 curl post and file 請求