1. 程式人生 > >Leetcode:1-Two Sum

Leetcode:1-Two Sum

n) 一個 indices code dice ict cau nbsp hat

Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target.

You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the same element twice.


Given nums = [2, 7, 11, 15], target = 9,
Because nums[0] + nums[1] = 2 + 7 = 9,
return [0, 1].




 1 ‘‘‘
 2 日期:2017-12-12
 3 實現思路:先排序,再設置頭尾指針,從兩頭遍歷,直到相加等於target
 4 ‘‘‘
 5 class Solution:
 6     def twoSum(self, num, target):
 7         numtosort=num[:]  #
復制num數組 8 numtosort.sort() #對復制的數組進行排序 9 i=0 #頭指針 10 j=len(numtosort) - 1 #尾指針 11 index = [] #存放索引 12 while i<j: 13 if numtosort[i]+numtosort[j]==target: #找到滿足條件的元素 14 for k in range(len(num)): #
在原數組中找第一個元素的位置(從左往右遍歷) 15 if num[k]==numtosort[i]: 16 index.append(k) 17 break 18 for k in range((len(num)-1),-1,-1): #在原數組中找第二個元素的位置(從右往左遍歷) 19 if num[k]==numtosort[j]: 20 index.append(k) 21 break 22 index.sort() #將存放索引的list進行排序 23 break 24 elif numtosort[i]+numtosort[j]<target: #移動頭指針 25 i=i+1 26 elif numtosort[i]+numtosort[j]>target: #移動尾指針 27 j=j-1 28 return (index[0],index[1]) 29 30 if __name__==__main__: 31 num=[2,7,11,15] 32 target=9 33 solution=Solution() 34 print(solution.twoSum(num,target))


 1 ‘‘‘
 2 日期:2017-12-12
 3 實現思路:hash。
 4 時間復雜度:O(n)
 5 ‘‘‘
 6 class Solution:
 7     def twoSum(self,num,target):
 8         d = {}  #創建一個空dict
 9         for i in range(len(num)):    #遍歷num數組
10             x = num[i]               #數組num的當前值
11             if target-x in d:        #若另一個數已經存在於dict中,則兩個數都已找到,輸出即可
12                 return (d[target-x],i)
13             d[x] = i                 #若另一個加數還沒在dict中,則將當前數存入dict中,其中數是key,索引是value
14 if __name__==__main__:
15     num=[7,11,15,2]
16     target=9
17     solution=Solution()
18     print(solution.twoSum(num,target))

Leetcode:1-Two Sum