1. 程式人生 > >Python與數據庫[2] -> 關系對象映射/ORM -> 利用 sqlalchemy 實現關系表查詢功能

Python與數據庫[2] -> 關系對象映射/ORM -> 利用 sqlalchemy 實現關系表查詢功能

none 標準 ica accounts like imp 函數 參數形式 char

利用 sqlalchemy 實現關系表查詢功能

下面的例子將完成一個通過關系表進行查詢的功能,示例中的數據表均在MySQL中建立,建立過程可以使用 SQL 命令或編寫 Python 適配器完成。


示例中將會通過已知的人物年齡和id通過個人信息表查出個人姓名(僅為參考示例,請忽略怪異的查找邏輯 :) ),隨後根據關系表得到的人物名字所對應的賬號id,再根據給定的賬號信息篩選出所需的賬號密碼結果。


from sqlalchemy import create_engine, exc, orm 2 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base 3 from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Table, ForeignKey, Column 4 from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import Integer, VARCHAR 5 from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.base import TINYINT 6 from sqlalchemy.orm import
relationship 7 8 9 # declarative_base function will return a class which using active record pattern 10 # It will combine object opeartion and data operation automatically 11 Base = declarative_base() 12 13 # This is rel table 14 t_PersonAccount_Rel = Table(personaccount_rel, 15 Base.metadata,
16 Column(name, VARCHAR(8), ForeignKey(person_info.name)), 17 Column(account_id, Integer, ForeignKey(account_store.account_id))) 18 19 # Create table based on Base obj 20 class PersonInfo(Base): 21 __table__ = Table(person_info, 22 Base.metadata, 23 Column(id, TINYINT(4)), 24 Column(age, Integer), 25 Column(name, VARCHAR(8), primary_key=True)) 26 27 # Need to search via person --> account 28 # So build up a relationship between person and account 29 # relationship(class_name, class, class_name) 30 AccountStore = relationship(AccountStore, 31 secondary=t_PersonAccount_Rel, 32 backref=PersonInfo) 33 34 class AccountStore(Base): 35 __table__ = Table(account_store, 36 Base.metadata, 37 Column(account_id, Integer, primary_key=True), 38 Column(items, VARCHAR(20)), 39 Column(account, VARCHAR(50)), 40 Column(password, VARCHAR(50))) 41 42 def __repr__(self): 43 return Items: %s\nAccount: %s\nPassword: %s % (self.items, self.account, self.password) 44 45 class SqlalchemyActor(): 46 def __init__(self, dsn): 47 try: 48 engine = create_engine(dsn, echo=False, max_overflow=5, encoding=utf-8) 49 except ImportError: 50 raise RuntimeError 51 engine.connect() 52 53 # sessionmaker is a factory obj, generate a Session instance, reload __call__ function 54 # __call__ function will return a session class each time 55 Session = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine) 56 # use Session() to create a class, and assign it to an attribute 57 self.session = Session() 58 # Assign costom table and engine to attribute 59 self.account = AccountStore.__table__ 60 self.engine = engine 61 # Bind engine and table 62 # Method one: assign manually one by one 63 self.account.metadata.bind = engine 64 # Method two: use reflect to map all/partly Table schema 65 #Base.metadata.reflect(engine) 66 67 class PersonInfoCriteria(): 68 """ 69 This is the criteria for PersonInfo 70 Replace None with input value 71 """ 72 def __init__(self, **kwargs): 73 self.id = None 74 self.age = None 75 self.name = None 76 self.result = None 77 78 for field, argument in kwargs.items(): 79 if str(field) == id: 80 self.id = argument 81 if str(field) == age: 82 self.age = argument 83 if str(field) == name: 84 self.name = argument 85 86 class PersonInfoService(): 87 """ 88 This is the service for PersonInfo 89 Generate condition and filter out expression for filter(SQL) according to criteria value 90 """ 91 92 # This function to build criteria(expression/clause) for filter(SQL) 93 # Note: PersonInfo is based on declarative_base, 94 # so PersonInfo.attr == value is an condition expression(clause) for sqlalchemy function 95 # also PersonInfo.attr.like(value) too, like function equal to "%" in SQL 96 # finally return the list of clauses 97 @staticmethod 98 def _criteria_builder(person_info_criteria): 99 clauses = [] 100 if person_info_criteria.id: 101 clauses.append(PersonInfo.id == person_info_criteria.id) 102 if person_info_criteria.age: 103 clauses.append(PersonInfo.age == person_info_criteria.age) 104 if person_info_criteria.name: 105 if % in person_info_criteria.name: 106 clauses.append(PersonInfo.name.like(person_info_criteria.name)) 107 else: 108 clauses.append(PersonInfo.name == person_info_criteria.name) 109 return clauses 110 111 @staticmethod 112 def find(person_info_criteria, session): 113 # Build clauses for session filter 114 clauses = PersonInfoService._criteria_builder(person_info_criteria) 115 # Query PersonInfo and filter according to clauses, use all() function to return as list 116 person_info_criteria.result = session.query(PersonInfo).filter(*clauses).all() 117 return person_info_criteria.result 118 119 class AccountStoreCriteria(): 120 def __init__(self, **kwargs): 121 self.items = None 122 self.account = None 123 self.password = None 124 self.account_id = None 125 self.person_info = None 126 self.result = None 127 128 for field, argument in kwargs.items(): 129 if field == items: 130 self.items = argument 131 if field == account: 132 self.account = argument 133 if field == password: 134 self.password = argument 135 if field == account_id: 136 self.account_id = argument 137 if field == person_info: 138 self.person_info = argument 139 140 class AccountStoreService(): 141 142 @staticmethod 143 def _criteria_builder(account_store_criteria): 144 clauses = [] 145 if account_store_criteria.items: 146 clauses.append(AccountStore.items == account_store_criteria.items) 147 if account_store_criteria.account: 148 if % in account_store_criteria.account: 149 clauses.append(AccountStore.account.like(account_store_criteria.account)) 150 else: 151 clauses.append(AccountStore.account == account_store_criteria.account) 152 if account_store_criteria.password: 153 clauses.append(AccountStore.password == account_store_criteria.password) 154 if account_store_criteria.account_id: 155 clauses.append(AccountStore.accout_id == account_store_criteria.account_id) 156 157 # person_info from PersonInfoService filter 158 # Note: pnif.AccountStore is an instrumentedList type obj 159 # sqlalchemy use instrumentedList to simulate one-to-many and many-to-many relationships 160 # sqlalchemy does not support in_ many to many relationships yet 161 # in_() function to filter out account id in range 162 # SQL: SELECT * FROM account_store WHERE account_store.account_id in (...) 163 if account_store_criteria.person_info: 164 account_ids = [] 165 for pnif in account_store_criteria.person_info: 166 for acid in pnif.AccountStore: 167 account_ids.append(acid.account_id) 168 clauses.append(AccountStore.account_id.in_(account_ids)) 169 170 return clauses 171 172 @staticmethod 173 def find(account_store_criteria, session): 174 clauses = AccountStoreService._criteria_builder(account_store_criteria) 175 account_store_criteria.result = session.query(AccountStore).filter(*clauses).all() 176 return account_store_criteria.result 177 178 if __name__ == __main__: 179 #dsn = ‘mssql+pyodbc://ItpReadOnly:@[email protected]\itp:0/ITP‘ 180 dsn = mysql+mysqldb://root:root@localhost/test_db 181 ses = SqlalchemyActor(dsn) 182 session = ses.session 183 184 # Filter out the person information according to id and age 185 id, age = 2, 7 186 clauses = PersonInfoCriteria(id=id, age=age) 187 # re is an obj list of PersonInfo, use obj.attr to fetch value 188 person_info = PersonInfoService.find(clauses, session) 189 name = person_info[0].name 190 print(Filter out user: %s % name) 191 192 # Filter out the account id according to name via relation table 193 items = [WeChat, Qq] 194 for it in items: 195 clauses = AccountStoreCriteria(items=it, person_info=person_info) 196 account_info = AccountStoreService.find(clauses, session) 197 for ac in account_info: 198 print(30*-+\n%s % name) 199 print(ac)
View Code


from sqlalchemy import create_engine, exc, orm
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Table, ForeignKey, Column
from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import Integer, VARCHAR
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.base import TINYINT
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship

隨後利用聲明層函數產生一個聲明層類,這個聲明層類使用了Active Record設計模式,能夠自動將對象的修改變為表格的修改

# declarative_base function will return a class which using active record pattern
# It will combine object opeartion and data operation automatically
Base = declarative_base()


# This is rel table
t_PersonAccount_Rel = Table(personaccount_rel, 
                            Column(name, VARCHAR(8), ForeignKey(person_info.name)),
                            Column(account_id, Integer, ForeignKey(account_store.account_id)))


# Create table based on Base obj
class PersonInfo(Base):
    __table__ = Table(person_info,
                        Column(id, TINYINT(4)),
                        Column(age, Integer),
                        Column(name, VARCHAR(8), primary_key=True))

    # Need to search via person --> account
    # So build up a relationship between person and account
    # relationship(class_name, class, class_name)
    AccountStore = relationship(AccountStore,

class AccountStore(Base):
    __table__ = Table(account_store,
                        Column(account_id, Integer, primary_key=True),
                        Column(items, VARCHAR(20)),
                        Column(account, VARCHAR(50)),
                        Column(password, VARCHAR(50)))

    def __repr__(self):
        return Items: %s\nAccount: %s\nPassword: %s % (self.items, self.account, self.password)


Note: 由於使用的是聲明層,因此此處的metadata的綁定可以省略,這部分可參考聲明層表對象的兩種建立方式。

class SqlalchemyActor():
    def __init__(self, dsn):
            engine = create_engine(dsn, echo=False, max_overflow=5, encoding=utf-8)
        except ImportError:
            raise RuntimeError

        # sessionmaker is a factory obj, generate a Session instance, reload __call__ function
        # __call__ function will return a session class each time
        Session = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)
        # use Session() to create a class, and assign it to an attribute
        self.session = Session()
        # Assign costom table and engine to attribute
        self.account = AccountStore.__table__
        self.engine = engine
        # Bind engine and table
        # Method one: assign manually one by one
        self.account.metadata.bind = engine
        # Method two: use reflect to map all/partly Table schema



class PersonInfoCriteria():
    This is the criteria for PersonInfo
    Replace None with input value
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.id = None
        self.age = None
        self.name = None
        self.result = None

        for field, argument in kwargs.items():
            if str(field) == id:
                self.id = argument
            if str(field) == age:
                self.age = argument
            if str(field) == name:
                self.name = argument

接著建立起一個個人信息的處理服務類 PersonInfoService,在這個類中將建立起兩個靜態方法,首先是_criteria_builder靜態方法(確切來說應該算是clauses_builder),該靜態方法會根據屬性的存在,來建立起一個clauses條件語句的列表,隨後再定義一個查找函數,利用query獲取表格信息,再利用filter函數及前面的clause條件語句進行篩選得到最終的結果。

Note: 此處值得註意的是,由於此處的PersonInfo是一個聲明層表格類,因此其==號兩邊的返回結果將不是bool值的True或False,而是一個等價於SQL條件的語句,一般用於filter函數中實現條件篩選。參考filter()函數的傳入參數形式。

class PersonInfoService():
    This is the service for PersonInfo
    Generate condition and filter out expression for filter(SQL) according to criteria value

    # This function to build criteria(expression/clause) for filter(SQL)
    # Note: PersonInfo is based on declarative_base, 
    # so PersonInfo.attr == value is an condition expression(clause) for sqlalchemy function
    # also PersonInfo.attr.like(value) too, like function equal to "%" in SQL
    # finally return the list of clauses
    def _criteria_builder(person_info_criteria):
        clauses = []
        if person_info_criteria.id:
            clauses.append(PersonInfo.id == person_info_criteria.id)
        if person_info_criteria.age:
            clauses.append(PersonInfo.age == person_info_criteria.age)
        if person_info_criteria.name:
            if % in person_info_criteria.name:
                clauses.append(PersonInfo.name == person_info_criteria.name)
        return clauses

    def find(person_info_criteria, session):
        # Build clauses for session filter
        clauses = PersonInfoService._criteria_builder(person_info_criteria)
        # Query PersonInfo and filter according to clauses, use all() function to return as list
        person_info_criteria.result = session.query(PersonInfo).filter(*clauses).all()
        return person_info_criteria.result


Note: 此處應當註意的是,由於需要通過關系表的查詢,因此需要在這個篩選標準類中多增加一項篩選標準,即傳入的PersonInfo篩選結果,若傳入了person_info項目,則說明需要對個人信息進行關系篩選。

class AccountStoreCriteria():
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.items = None
        self.account = None
        self.password = None
        self.account_id = None
        self.person_info = None
        self.result = None

        for field, argument in kwargs.items():
            if field == items:
                self.items = argument
            if field == account:
                self.account = argument
            if field == password:
                self.password = argument
            if field == account_id:
                self.account_id = argument
            if field == person_info:
                self.person_info = argument

Note: 此處的表格服務類值得註意的是,在創建條件子句時,對於中間表的處理。由於在sqlalchemy的in_()函數尚且不支持多對多篩選,此處sqlalchemy利用instrumentedList來處理一對多或多對多的情況,在之前建立的Account_Store關系對象中,AccountStore即是instrumentList類型,可以利用instrumentList.in_(list)建立條件語句。此處利用for循環首先獲取所有需要的account_id信息,生成一個列表,隨後利用id列表建立等價於SQL的IN條件語句,添加到clause中。關於instrumentedList,參考stackoverflow的答案。

class AccountStoreService():
    def _criteria_builder(account_store_criteria):
        clauses = []
        if account_store_criteria.items:
            clauses.append(AccountStore.items == account_store_criteria.items)
        if account_store_criteria.account:
            if % in account_store_criteria.account:
                clauses.append(AccountStore.account == account_store_criteria.account)
        if account_store_criteria.password:
            clauses.append(AccountStore.password == account_store_criteria.password)
        if account_store_criteria.account_id:
            clauses.append(AccountStore.accout_id == account_store_criteria.account_id)

        # person_info from PersonInfoService filter 
        # Note: pnif.AccountStore is an instrumentedList type obj
        # sqlalchemy use instrumentedList to simulate one-to-many and many-to-many relationships
        # sqlalchemy does not support in_ many to many relationships yet
        # in_() function to filter out account id in range
        # SQL: SELECT * FROM account_store WHERE account_store.account_id in (...)
        if account_store_criteria.person_info:
            account_ids = []
            for pnif in account_store_criteria.person_info:
                for acid in pnif.AccountStore:

        return clauses

    def find(account_store_criteria, session):
        clauses = AccountStoreService._criteria_builder(account_store_criteria)
        account_store_criteria.result = session.query(AccountStore).filter(*clauses).all()
        return account_store_criteria.result


if __name__ == __main__:
    dsn = mysql+mysqldb://root:root@localhost/test_db
    ses = SqlalchemyActor(dsn)
    session = ses.session

    # Filter out the person information according to id and age
    id, age = 2, 7
    clauses = PersonInfoCriteria(id=id, age=age)
    # re is an obj list of PersonInfo, use obj.attr to fetch value
    person_info = PersonInfoService.find(clauses, session)
    name = person_info[0].name
    print(Filter out user: %s % name)

    # Filter out the account id according to name via relation table
    items = [WeChat, Qq]
    for it in items:
        clauses = AccountStoreCriteria(items=it, person_info=person_info)
        account_info = AccountStoreService.find(clauses, session)
        for ac in account_info:
            print(30*-+\n%s % name)


Filter out user: LIKE  
Items: WeChat  
Account: hereisac  
Password: 12345  
Items: Qq  
Account: re32isac  
Password: 123435



1. ORM 與 sqlalchemy 模塊

2. sqlalchemy 的基本使用

Python與數據庫[2] -> 關系對象映射/ORM -> 利用 sqlalchemy 實現關系表查詢功能