1. 程式人生 > >[記錄]mscorlib recursive resource lookup bug解決方法

[記錄]mscorlib recursive resource lookup bug解決方法

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Expression: [mscorlib recursive resource lookup bug]
Description: Infinite recursion during resource lookup within mscorlib. This may be a bug in mscorlib, or potentially in certain extensibility points such as assembly resolve events or CultureInfo names. Resource name: Word_At





Hi all:
I‘ve found a simple solution to cleanup the error: I noticed that VS2010 crashes when trying to open the Solution/Project so I deleted my [solution_name].suo hidden file BEFORE opening VS and "voila" problem solved! When VS opens the

Solution creates a new .suo file
Hope this helps


[記錄]mscorlib recursive resource lookup bug解決方法