1. 程式人生 > >Python小代碼_3_購物車


bubuko one ppi sorry while avi color wan app

product_list = [
    (MacBook, 9000),
    (kindle, 500),
    (tesla, 900000),
    (book, 100),
    (bike, 2000),

saving = input("please input your money:")
shopping_car = []

if saving.isdigit():
    saving = int(saving)

    while True:
        for i, v in enumerate(product_list, 1):
print(i, ">>>", v) #引導用戶選擇商品 choice = input("choose goods that you want to buy[exit:q]:") #驗證輸入是否合法 if choice.isdigit(): choice = int(choice) if choice > 0 and choice <= len(product_list): #將用戶選擇商品通過choice選出 p_item = product_list[choice - 1]
#如果錢足夠,用saving減去商品價格,並將該商品加入購物車 if p_item[1] <= saving: saving -= p_item[1] shopping_car.append(p_item) else: print("-----------------") print("Sorry, your balance is not enough.")
print("Your balance: " + str(saving)) print("-----------------") continue print("-----------------") print("You have chose " + p_item[0]) print("Your balance: " + str(saving)) print("-----------------") else: print("Non existent") elif choice == q: print("---------------") print("You have chose the following goods:") print("Goods\t\tnumber\tPrice") num = 1 #循環遍歷購物車裏面的商品,購物車存放的是已買商品 for i in shopping_car: print(i[0] + "\t\t" + str(num) + "\t\t" + str(i[1])) print() print("balance :", saving) print("---------------") break else: print("invalid input")

