1. 程式人生 > >sql獲取表的所有字段及屬性


isn when sele length object obj 屬性 表名 inner

 1 select
 2      c.name as name,t.name as type
 3      ,convert(bit,c.IsNullable)  as isNULL
 4      ,convert(bit,case when exists(select 1 from sysobjects where xtype=PK and parent_obj=c.id and name in (
 5          select name from sysindexes where indid in(
 6              select indid from
sysindexkeys where id = c.id and colid=c.colid))) then 1 else 0 end) 7 as isKey 8 ,convert(bit,COLUMNPROPERTY(c.id,c.name,IsIdentity)) as isIdentity 9 10 ,COLUMNPROPERTY(c.id,c.name,PRECISION) as length 11 ,ISNULL(CM.text,‘‘) as defualtVal 12 ,isnull
(ETP.value,‘‘) AS describe 13 --,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY C.name) AS [Row] 14 from syscolumns c 15 inner join systypes t on c.xusertype = t.xusertype 16 left join sys.extended_properties ETP on ETP.major_id = c.id and ETP.minor_id = c.colid and ETP.name =MS_Description 17 left join syscomments CM on
c.cdefault=CM.id 18 where c.id = object_id(表名)


select * from sys.all_objects where type=U
