1. 程式人生 > >在同一個服務器(同一個IP)為不同域名綁定的免費SSL證書


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購買完成,並分別綁定www.a.com和www.b.com 後,訪問a.com一直提示CA錯誤,發現CA證書來自www.b.com 一度懷疑自己綁定錯誤了域名,吊銷證書又重新購買,問題依舊。在IE中沒有有用的提示信息,在谷歌中會提示證書錯誤,且可以發現錯誤證書信息:

技術分享圖片 技術分享圖片

這個問題早在2012年就被發現並且提出的解決辦法,參考英文請點擊跳轉。 阿裏雲的解決方案。


As more e-commerce sites come on line and more businesses are storing and sharing sensitive documents online, the ability to host and scale secure sites are increasingly more important. Prior to Windows Server 2012, there were a couple of challenges when it comes to hosting secure sites:

隨著更多電子商務網站上線,越來越多的企業在線存儲和分享敏感信息,托管和確保安全網站的能力變得尤為重要,win server 2012之前,當托管SSL站點時有兩個挑戰:

SSL Scalability: In a multi-tenanted environment, such as a shared hosting, there is a limitation as to how many secure sites can be hosted on Windows Server, resulting in a low site-density.


IPv4 scarcity: Because the network end-point can only be identified with IP:Port binding, where tenants request to use the standard SSL port, 443, hosting a secure site often means offering a dedicated IP address per tenant.



On Windows Server 2012, IIS supports Server Name Indication (SNI), which is a TLS extension to include a virtual domain as a part of SSL negotiation. What this effectively means is that the virtual domain name, or a hostname, can now be used to identify the network end point. In addition, a highly scalable WebHosting store has been created to complement SNI. The result is that the secure site density is much higher on Windows Server 2012 and it is achieved with just one IP address.

It should be noted that in order for this feature to be used, your client browsers have to support SNI. Most modern browsers support SNI; however, Internet Explorer (of any version) on Windows XP does not support SNI.

解決方案是針對win server 2012的II7-IIS8,具體辦法可以參考原文,本文僅針對IIS8.5來說明:

文中提到的SNI(Server Name Indication)中文名稱是:需要服務器名稱指示(如圖), 這是一個一般人很難理解的中文翻譯,記住,他就是SNI。


  1. 無論你訪問任指向本服務器的域名,如果所有網站都沒有勾選SNI,那麽任何針對這個IP:Port的CA請求,都將返回第一個綁定的CA證書。
  2. 如果第一個站點沒有勾選,效果同第一條相同。


