1. 程式人生 > >Eclipse中出現JS文件前有紅叉的解決方法


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  1. Right click your project (右單擊工程屬性)
  2. Select Properties -> JavaScript -> Include(選擇JavaScript下的include菜單)
  3. Select Source tab (It looks similar to the Java Build Path Source tab)(選擇SOURCE標簽)
  4. Expand source folder(展開菜單)
  5. Highlight Excluded pattern(選擇Excluded)
  6. Click Edit button(點擊edit按鈕)
  7. Click Add button next to Exclusion patterns box.在新對話框中點擊add按鈕
  8. Click Browse button and select the JavaScript source by name.(找到需要排除的javascript文件)
技術分享圖片 技術分享圖片 轉載自:http://blog.csdn.net/hao00zzb/article/details/8496448
