1. 程式人生 > >用裝飾器做一個登陸系統


賬號 nbsp else HR return 查重 user 軟件 hone

主頁分為四個板塊:原創軟件,精品軟件,灌水專區,福利專區。原創軟件,精品軟件可以瀏覽,灌水專區,福利專區需要登陸後瀏覽,支持qq登陸和本地登陸兩種方式,用戶系統支持增刪改查功能(學習完正則之後再修改),需要留用戶名密碼手機三個 選項。

logeinflag = False

def rand():  # 四位數字驗證碼
    import random
    randlist = []
    for i in range(4):
        c = random.randint(48, 57)
        b = ‘‘
.join(randlist) print(b) userrand = input(輸入驗證碼).strip() if userrand != b: print(驗證碼錯誤) rand() return True def reg(): # 註冊 global logeinflag, username, userpwd, userphone username = input(輸入用戶名).strip() userpwd = input(輸入密碼).strip() userphone
= input(輸入電話).strip() if rand() and same(): with open(base.txt, a+, encoding=utf-8) as regtxt: new = ^^.join([username, userpwd, userphone]) regtxt.write(\n + new) logeinflag = True print(註冊成功,已經登錄) main() else
: return reg() return True def same(): # 查重 with open(base.txt, r, encoding=utf-8) as sametxt: for i in sametxt: if username == i.split(^^)[0]: print(用戶名已經被占用,請重新輸入) return False return True def outer(func): def logein(): # 登陸 global logeinflag if logeinflag == False: choicelogein = input(選擇登陸方式:1.qq 2.本地賬號 3.註冊) if choicelogein == 1: with open(qq.txt, r, encoding=utf-8) as qq: username = input(輸入用戶名).strip() userpwd = input(輸入密碼).strip() for i in qq: if username == i.split(^^)[0] and userpwd == i.split(^^)[1]: logeinflag = True print(登陸成功) main() else: print(用戶名密碼錯誤) logein() if choicelogein == 2: with open(base.txt, r, encoding=utf-8) as base: username = input(輸入用戶名).strip() userpwd = input(輸入密碼).strip() for i in base: if username == i.split(^^)[0] and userpwd == i.split(^^)[1]: logeinflag = True print(登陸成功) main() else: print(用戶名密碼錯誤) logein() if choicelogein == 3: reg() func() return logein def soft(): print(歡迎進入精品軟件區) print(瀏覽選擇1,回帖選擇2) choiceitme = input(請輸入選擇的序號:) if choiceitme == 1: print(瀏覽內容) if choiceitme == 2: print(回帖內容) return main() def orig(): print(歡迎進入原創軟件區) print(瀏覽選擇1,回帖選擇2) choiceitme = input(請輸入選擇的序號:) if choiceitme == 1: print(瀏覽內容) if choiceitme == 2: print(回帖內容) return main() @outer def enter(): print(歡迎進入灌水專區) print(瀏覽選擇1,回帖選擇2) choiceitme = input(請輸入選擇的序號:) if choiceitme == 1: print(瀏覽內容) if choiceitme == 2: print(回帖內容) return main() @outer def welf(): print(歡迎進入福利專區) print(瀏覽選擇1,回帖選擇2) choiceitme = input(請輸入選擇的序號:) if choiceitme == 1: print(瀏覽內容) if choiceitme == 2: print(回帖內容) return main() def main(): print( Choice Zone .center(50, *)) print(‘‘‘ 1.精品軟件 2.原創軟件 3.灌水專區 4.福利專區 ‘‘‘) choicezone = input(請輸入選擇的序號:) if choicezone == 1: soft() if choicezone == 2: orig() if choicezone == 3: enter() if choicezone == 4: welf() main()
