1. 程式人生 > >PHP寫接口的日常



public function commentList(){ $info = $this->getUserByToken(); $shop_id = $info[‘shop_id‘]; $page = I(‘post.page‘)?:1; $pagesize = I(‘post.pagesize‘)?:C(‘ROLLPAGE‘); $c_type = I(‘post.c_type‘); $serach = I(‘post.serach‘); $and = ""; if($c_type == 1){ # 商品 if($c_type != 0){ $and .= " and co.c_type=‘{$c_type}‘"; } if($search){ $and .= " and (c.c_name like ‘%{$search}%‘)"; } }else{ $sql0 = "select count(s.s_id) as itemcount from `erp_commod_comment` as co left join `erp_shopping_service` as s on co.c_id=s.s_id left join `erp_customer` as cu on co.customer_id=cu.customer_id where co.shop_id=‘{$shop_id}‘{$and}"; } if($c_type == 1){ # 商品 $sql0 = "select count(c.c_id) as itemcount from `erp_commod_comment` as co left join `erp_commod` as c on co.c_id=c.c_id left join `erp_customer` as cu on co.customer_id=cu.customer_id where co.shop_id=‘{$shop_id}‘{$and}"; }else{ $sql0 = "select count(s.s_id) as itemcount from `erp_commod_comment` as co left join `erp_shopping_service` as s on co.c_id=s.s_id left join `erp_customer` as cu on co.customer_id=cu.customer_id where co.shop_id=‘{$shop_id}‘{$and}"; } $itemcount = M()->query($sql0)[0][‘itemcount‘]; $pagecount = ceil($itemcount/$pagesize); $limit = ($page-1)*$pagesize; $offset = " limit {$limit},{$pagesize}"; if($c_type == 1){ # 商品 $sql1 = "select c.c_id,c.c_pic,c.c_name,cu.customer_id,cu.customer_name,cu.customer_type,cu.headimgurl,co.com_id,co.com_content,co.com_time,co.com_score,co.thumb_num,co.com_is_return,co.com_status from `erp_commod_comment` as co left join `erp_commod` as c on co.c_id=c.c_id left join `erp_customer` as cu on co.customer_id=cu.customer_id where co.shop_id=‘{$shop_id}‘{$and} order by co.com_status asc,co.com_time desc{$offset}"; }else{ # 服務 $sql1 = "select s.s_id,s.s_pic,s.s_name,cu.customer_id,cu.customer_name,cu.customer_type,cu.headimgurl,co.com_id,co.com_content,co.com_time,co.com_score,co.thumb_num,co.com_is_return,co.com_status from `erp_commod_comment` as co left join `erp_shopping_service` as s on co.c_id=s.s_id left join `erp_customer` as cu on co.customer_id=cu.customer_id where co.shop_id=‘{$shop_id}‘{$and} order by co.com_status asc,co.com_time desc{$offset}"; } $sql1 = ""; $data = M()->query($sql1); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $data[$key][‘shop_id‘] = M(‘commod‘,‘erp_‘)->where([‘c_id‘=>$value[‘c_id‘]])->getField(‘shop_id‘); } $ret = array(); $ret[‘data‘] = $data; $ret[‘page‘] = array( ‘pagecount‘=>(int)$pagecount, ‘itemcount‘=>(int)$itemcount, ); $this->ret(1,‘‘,$ret); }
