1. 程式人生 > >C# 獲得word中某一段落所在頁的頁碼

C# 獲得word中某一段落所在頁的頁碼

打開文檔 gpo span 多個 proc hat 獲得 ber get

方式一:通過openxml 從xml結構裏獲得
A footer is not on a page and a page number in a footer is a field that potentially identifies with multiple pages. In a Word document file, there are no pages. Pages are set as a part of the printing process.
It is possible with the file open in Word to identify a page number using vba but it is not part of the xml.


方式二:通過vba --因為vba需要打開word,所以是可以獲得頁碼的

/// <summary>
        /// 得到Paragraph所在頁碼
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pa"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
public static int GetPageNumberOfParagraph(Paragraph pa) { return GetPageNumberOfRange(pa.Range); } private static int GetPageNumberOfRange(Range range) { return (int)range.get_Information(WdInformation.wdActiveEndPageNumber); }

C# 獲得word中某一段落所在頁的頁碼