1. 程式人生 > >對Hadoop2.7.2文檔的學習-Yarn部分(4)Yarn Application

對Hadoop2.7.2文檔的學習-Yarn部分(4)Yarn Application

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Writing YARN Applications


Application submission client向Yarn ResourceManager提交一個Application,RM、NM、AM處理流程 








一個callback handler處理Client的start,stop,status update以及error。



The general concept is that an application submission client submits an application to the YARN ResourceManager

(RM). This can be done through setting up a YarnClient object. After YarnClient is started, the client can then set up application context, prepare the very first container of the application that contains the ApplicationMaster (AM), and then submit the application. You need to provide information such as the details about the local files/jars that need to be available for your application to run, the actual command that needs to be executed (with the necessary command line arguments), any OS environment settings (optional), etc. Effectively, you need to describe the Unix process(es) that needs to be launched for your ApplicationMaster.

The YARN ResourceManager will then launch the ApplicationMaster (as specified) on an allocated container. The ApplicationMaster communicates with YARN cluster, and handles application execution. It performs operations in an asynchronous fashion. During application launch time, the main tasks of the ApplicationMaster are: a) communicating with the ResourceManager to negotiate and allocate resources for future containers, and b) after container allocation, communicating YARN *NodeManager*s (NMs) to launch application containers on them. Task a) can be performed asynchronously through an AMRMClientAsync object, with event handling methods specified in a AMRMClientAsync.CallbackHandler type of event handler. The event handler needs to be set to the client explicitly. Task b) can be performed by launching a runnable object that then launches containers when there are containers allocated. As part of launching this container, the AM has to specify the ContainerLaunchContext that has the launch information such as command line specification, environment, etc.

對Hadoop2.7.2文檔的學習-Yarn部分(4)Yarn Application