1. 程式人生 > >vue 中 直接操作 cookie 及 如何使用工具 js-cookie

vue 中 直接操作 cookie 及 如何使用工具 js-cookie

如何 tps doc basic del window image nor 工具

vue 中直接操作 cookie


set: function (name, value, days) {

    var d = new Date;

    d.setTime(d.getTime() + 24*60*60*1000*days);

    window.document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ";path=/;expires=" + d.toGMTString();


get: function (name) {

    var v = window.document.cookie.match(
(^|;) ? + name + =([^;]*)(;|$)); return v ? v[2] : null; }, delete: function (name) { this.set(name, ‘‘, -1); }

使用 js-cookie 工具:(比較方便,推薦使用)


cnpm i js-cookie
import Cookies from js-cookie



Basic Usage

Create a cookie, valid across the entire site:

Cookies.set(name, value);
Create a cookie that expires 7 days from now, valid across the entire site:

Cookies.set(name, value, { expires: 7 });
Create an expiring cookie, valid to the path of the current page:

set(name, value, { expires: 7, path: ‘‘ }); Read cookie: Cookies.get(name); // => ‘value‘ Cookies.get(nothing); // => undefined Read all visible cookies: Cookies.get(); // => { name: ‘value‘ } Delete cookie: Cookies.remove(name); Delete a cookie valid to the path of the current page: Cookies.set(name, value, { path: ‘‘ }); Cookies.remove(name); // fail! Cookies.remove(name, { path: ‘‘ }); // removed! IMPORTANT! when deleting a cookie, you must pass the exact same path and domain attributes that was used to set the cookie, unless youre relying on the default attributes. Note: Removing unexisting cookie does not raise any exception nor return any value

vue 中 直接操作 cookie 及 如何使用工具 js-cookie