1. 程式人生 > >6.22我要移民7


glance RM brin 身體 Go yield 文憑 city atm


  1. 1. 動賓搭配在英語句子中做“謂語部分”;如果做“主語,狀語,賓語”則要加上“-ing”。
  2. 2. 以下的三個部分中的英文來自《高級英語》課本5-6冊和其他經典讀本。
  3. 3. 漢語部分是老師的翻譯,如有漏錯,敬請指出,及時更正。
  4. 4. 這些“地道搭配”的積累,是為了大家的“翻譯中的選詞”。希望大家認真背誦,積極運用在筆譯,口譯和寫作中。
  5. 5. 這些只是很少的一部分,僅作一個樣板給大家,提供一種“學習的思路和方法”。希望大家,潛心鉆研,在平時閱讀中,以此類推,歸納集結更多類似的“地道搭配”。

---Book 5

  1. 1. 發表演講deliver a speech
  2. 2. 開講座deliver a lecture
  3. 3. 訴諸暴力resort to violence
  4. 4. 禁錮思想enslave the mind
  5. 5. 提高社會福利 enhance the social good
  6. 6. 保證生活secure a living
  7. 7. 重塑社會restructure the society
  8. 8. 傳播知識extend knowledge
  9. 9.
    增強實力increase power
  10. 10. 豐富文學財富enrich literature
  11. 11. 升華思想 elevate thought
  12. 12. 推翻政府overthrow government
  13. 13. 寄予很高期望place high hopes on
  14. 14. 激化矛盾intensify the conflicts
  15. 15. 提出要求impose demands on
  16. 16. 制造緊張氣氛build up tension
  17. 17. 惡意攻擊bad-mouth someone
  18. 18. 聳肩square shoulders
  19. 19. 吵吵嚷嚷
    squabble over sth
  20. 20. 一意孤行follow one’s own mind
  21. 21. 維護自己意誌assert one’s will
  22. 22. 令人失望fall short of one’s expectation
  23. 23. 如釋重負remove a tremendous burden
  24. 24. 堵塞街道cramp the streets
  25. 25. 交通堵塞。Traffic crawls
  26. 26. 渴求理想aspire to some ideals
  27. 27. 搖呼啦圈 twirl Hula Hoops
  28. 28. 撫平皺紋flatten the crease
  29. 29. 進行商業和文化交流 weave the commercial and cultural connection
  30. 30. 遭遇阻力encounter obstacles
  31. 31. 歸功於take credit to someone
  32. 32. 環遊世界roam the world
  33. 33. 值得關註deserve attention
  34. 34. 駁斥某人論斷refute one’s argument
  35. 35. 某事出乎某人意料。 Something backfires on somebody
  36. 36. 在房間踱步pace the room
  37. 37. 情緒激動 excite the emotions
  38. 38. 情感戰勝理智。Heart rules head
  39. 39. 促進事業further one’s career
  40. 40. 鍛煉身體build the body
  41. 41. 看手表consult the watch
  42. 42. 絕食refuse one’s meals
  43. 43. 搖搖手指wag one’s finger
  44. 44. 彌補不足 supply the lack
  45. 45. 抓緊胳膊clutch the arm
  46. 46. 繃緊下巴、咬緊牙關set the jaw
  47. 47. 攤開手掌extend the hand
  48. 48. 忽閃睫毛bat the lashes
  49. 49. 磨牙、咬牙切齒grind the teeth
  50. 50. 眨眼睛 blink one’s eyes
  51. 51. 撓頭 snatch ones head
  52. 52. 博同情appeal to one’s sympathy
  53. 53. 引經據典 cite instances
  54. 54. 交叉胳膊 fold arms
  55. 55. 擠出笑容force a smile
  56. 56. 調整音調 modulate one’s voice
  57. 57. 摸摸下巴stroke one’s chin
  58. 58. 探秘probe into the mystery
  59. 59. 推動give impetus to something
  60. 60. 秉持科學態度maintain a scientific attitude
  61. 61. 發出信號yield a signal
  62. 62. 實現突破make a breakthrough
  63. 63. 激發樂觀fire optimism
  64. 64. 證實存在verify the presence
  65. 65. 提出觀點invent the idea
  66. 66. 修正觀點tweak the idea
  67. 67. 倒磁帶rewind the tape
  68. 68. 主持大會preside a conference
  69. 69. 開路chop a path
  70. 70. 謀生earn one’s living
  71. 71. 劫掠地球ravage the earth
  72. 72. 毒害水源poison the water
  73. 73. 汙染空氣foul the air
  74. 74. 支付費用cover the expense
  75. 75. 喚起記憶jog one’s memory
  76. 76. 引發思考provoke thought
  77. 77. 尋根seek roots
  78. 78. 迫於生計slave to the simple necessity of survival
  79. 79. 環抱take hold of
  80. 80. 編辮子braid the hair
  81. 81. 呈現take on the appearance of
  82. 82. 棲息於perch upon 。。。
  83. 83. 表達關切echo concerns
  84. 84. 表達祝福extend blessings to
  85. 85. 表達心情convey one’s mood
  86. 86. 輕輕揚鞭flick the whip
  87. 87. 加強民主strengthen democracy
  88. 88. 削弱民主weaken democracy
  89. 89. 發動戰爭wage a war
  90. 90. 宣戰 declare a war on
  91. 91. 懷抱希望nurture hopes for
  92. 92. 動搖信念shatter the sense
  93. 93. 尋求慰藉seek solace
  94. 94. 加強信心strengthen confidence
  95. 95. 用力揮鞭flourish the whip
  96. 96. 點燃燭火kindle the flame
  97. 97. 殺豬butcher the pig/hog
  98. 98. 靜思己過meditate on one’s sins
  99. 99. 磨咖啡豆grind the coffee beans
  100. 100. 傲視嚴寒defy winter


  1. 1. 提出解決方案bring up solution
  2. 2. 加劇兩極分化exacerbate the polarization
  3. 3. 消滅貧窮abolish /cast off/ eliminate/get rid of the poverty
  4. 4. 推廣醫療democratize health care
  5. 5. 救助窮人succor the poor
  6. 6. 擴大入學enhance educational opportunities
  7. 7. 打擊民心、士氣destroy the morale
  8. 8. 破壞婚姻break up the marriage
  9. 9. 推卸責任relieve sb. of responsibility
  10. 10. 荒廢光陰idle away the time / while away/ dawdle away
  11. 11. 逃避責任escape the responsibility for
  12. 12. 控訴商人charge against the businessman
  13. 13. 保持和擴大社會與政治穩定preserve and enlarge the social and political tranquility
  14. 14. 應對挑戰 live up to the challenge
  15. 15. 補給replenish the stock
  16. 16. 瞄準draw a bead on
  17. 17. 行醫鄉裏doctor the county
  18. 18. 逗弄孩子tease the kid
  19. 19. 毗鄰小店adjoin the store
  20. 20. 寵養小貓pet a cat
  21. 21. 弄清賬目settle an account
  22. 22. 拍打蚊子slap the mosquitoes
  23. 23. 品嘗苦果taste the bitter fruits
  24. 24. 達成公共意識attain the public awareness
  25. 25. 提高公共意識heighten the awareness
  26. 26. 免責exempt …from responsibility
  27. 27. 施加影響exert the influence on
  28. 28. 發電generate the electricity
  29. 29. 維持生態系統sustain the ecosphere
  30. 30. 排放汙物emit the pollutants
  31. 31. 歷經考驗survive the test
  32. 32. 制定方案 concoct a scheme
  33. 33. 踩單車petal the bike
  34. 34. 彌補差距bridge the gap
  35. 35. 討論重要問題address the essential problems
  36. 36. 展現實力display the strength
  37. 37. 企圖騷擾intend the harassment
  38. 38. 包紮傷口dress the wounds
  39. 39. 發福put on weight
  40. 40. 口若懸河launch out on a rampage of talk
  41. 41. 關閉腦海snap the mind shut
  42. 42. 擁抱創新embrace innovation
  43. 43. 提出異議/嗆聲voice one’s opposition to /air different views
  44. 44. 促進經濟發展facilitate the economic development
  45. 45. 發揮潛力develop potentialities
  46. 46. 開發個人才智fulfill talents
  47. 47. 發揮個人能量release one’s energies
  48. 48. 歪曲事實falsify reality
  49. 49. 預見未來forecast the future
  50. 50. 貪食crave food
  51. 51. 反過來,遭到破壞的生態系統威脅著人類:洪水沖毀城市,富饒的農田幹涸,汙染食物水源,毒害身體,大大降低人類維持生存的能力。In turn, the altered ecosphere threatens to flood our great cities, dry up our bountiful farms, contaminate our food and water, and poison our bodies---catastrophically diminishing our ability to provide for the basic human needs.
  52. 52. 能源驅動工業系統。The energy sources power the technosphere.
  53. 53. 人類對生態系統的攻擊已經引發其反擊。

The human attack on the ecosphere has instigated an ecological counterattack.

  1. 54. 自然萬能。

Nature knows best.

  1. 55. 電流貫穿全身。

A wire zings through the whole body.

  1. 56. 美國獨立的理想在伴隨其誕生的文獻中得到了詮釋。

The ideals of American independence found expression in the classical documents which accompanies the birth of the nation.

  1. 57. 實用主義戰勝了絕對主義。

Pragmatism has triumphed over the absolutism.

  1. 58. E.B.White 的文章充滿幽默。His humor permeates his essay.
  2. 59. 豬生病了。The pig took sick.
  3. 60. 天空烏雲密布。The sky overcast.
  4. 61. 拯救豬脫離苦海是我唯一的心思。The task of trying to deliver the pig from the misery became a strong obsession.
  5. 62. 掙脫貧苦的桎梏 break the bonds of mass misery
  6. 63. 擺脫貧困的枷鎖cast off the chains of poverty
  7. 64. 心懷敵意bear ill-will
  8. 65. 提出建議formulate proposal
  9. 66. 探索星球explore the stars
  10. 67. 征服沙漠conquer the desert
  11. 68. 消除疾病eradicate disease
  12. 69. 開發深海tap the ocean depths
  13. 70. 服兵役answer the call to service
  14. 71. 推卸責任shrink from the responsibility


  1. 1. 引起爭論stir up debate
  2. 2. 就業land a job
  3. 3. 發畢業文憑issue diplomas
  4. 4. 忘到九霄雲外throw …into the winds
  5. 5. 皇天不負苦心人。 Heaven rewards persistence
  6. 6. 蒼天不負有心人。Heaven does not let down the one who has a will.
  7. 7. 料事如神have a crystal ball
  8. 8. 沁人心脾seep into one’s heart
  9. 9. 無事生非concoct something out of nothing
  10. 10. 磨練意誌toughen one’s willpower
  11. 11. 飽經風霜go through thick and thin in life/weather the storms/ weather the vicissitudes
  12. 12. 發誓cross one’s heart
  13. 13. 快餐短命。 Fast food shortens life
  14. 14. 酒後話多。(酒後吐真言。)Wine soon loosens one’s tongue
  15. 15. 減輕經濟負擔ease financial burden
  16. 16. 哼著小曲hum a tune
  17. 17. 勒緊褲帶tighten the belt
  18. 18. 跑腿run errands
  19. 19. 泄密spill the beans
  20. 20. 散布流言dish the dirt
  21. 21. 豐滿打敗骨感。Curves beat bones
  22. 22. 中斷學業disrupt education
  23. 23. 停課suspend the class
  24. 24. 培養想象力 nourish an imagination
  25. 25. 呼風喚雨summon up wind and rain like spirits
  26. 26. 長嘆一聲heave a long sigh
  27. 27. 偷看一眼steal a glance at
  28. 28. 炒熱氣氛 brighten / liven up the atmosphere
  29. 29. 緩和尷尬ease the embarrassment
  30. 30. 冰鎮西瓜ice watermelon

學好英語, 無需智商,只需“勤商”。


Success in learning English requires

more diligence than intelligence.
