1. 程式人生 > >golang 結構體中的匿名接口

golang 結構體中的匿名接口

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golang 結構體中的匿名接口


golang 中,可以給結構體增加匿名field,可參考 unknwon 大神的書。


但,golang同時也可以給結構體定義一個匿名interface field,用法:

標準庫 sort 中,有下面的寫法:

type Interface interface {
    Len() int
    Less(i, j int) bool
    Swap(i, j int)

type reverse struct {

func (r reverse) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return r.Interface.Less(j, i)

func Reverse(data Interface) Interface {
    return &reverse{data}

卻沒有提供 Len, Swap 的定義。

首先,根據結構體內嵌其它匿名字段的定義,可以推知,理論上,調用reverse.Len, reverse.Swap
肯定是會直接傳遞到 reverse.Interface.Lenreverse.Interface.Swap



Meaning of a struct with embedded anonymous interface?


  1. In this way reverse implements the sort.Interface and we can override a specific method without having to define all the others.
  2. 結構體創建時,可以使用任何實現了Interface的obj來初始化,參考:
package main

import "fmt"

// some interface
type Stringer interface {
    String() string

// a struct that implements Stringer interface
type Struct1 struct {
    field1 string

func (s Struct1) String() string {
    return s.field1

// another struct that implements Stringer interface, but has a different set of fields
type Struct2 struct {
    field1 []string
    dummy bool

func (s Struct2) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%v, %v", s.field1, s.dummy)

// container that can embedd any struct which implements Stringer interface
type StringerContainer struct {

func main() {
    // the following prints: This is Struct1
    fmt.Println(StringerContainer{Struct1{"This is Struct1"}})
    // the following prints: [This is Struct1], true
    fmt.Println(StringerContainer{Struct2{[]string{"This", "is", "Struct1"}, true}})
    // the following does not compile:
    // cannot use "This is a type that does not implement Stringer" (type string)
    // as type Stringer in field value:
    // string does not implement Stringer (missing String method)
    fmt.Println(StringerContainer{"This is a type that does not implement Stringer"})

golang 結構體中的匿名接口