1. 程式人生 > >真愛 vs. 種姓:新一代印度人的婚戀觀

真愛 vs. 種姓:新一代印度人的婚戀觀

reason 這也 lds con internet 詞匯 vat net expressed




Q1: 新聞中提到了哪些印度結婚的傳統習俗?

Q2: privilege 和 entitlement 有什麽區別?

Q3: 是什麽原因導致印度年輕人思想的變化?



Intercaste marriages and groom
s who pay their way: welcome to the new India


Greater openness to intercaste marriage and an increased willingness among men to help with wedding costs point to the emergence of a more liberal generation in India, a study of young people’s attitudes in the country has found.



A “pulse of the nation” survey of 130,000 18- to 35-year-olds, carried out by Inshorts, a news app that has been downloaded by 10 million Indians, found 70% were happy with marriages between people of different castes, turning on its head the country’s entrenched caste hierarchy. In addition, 90% of men said that they were ready to split

the cost of the wedding – a dramatic departure from the traditional attitude that the bride’s family should pay for everything.

一項名為“國家動”的調查,將 13 萬名 18 歲至 35 歲的印度公民作為了樣本,該調查由在印度擁有一千萬下載量的新聞 app Inshorts 發起,調查發現 70%的人對不同種姓(等級)者之間的婚姻感到滿意,該結論顛覆了這個國家根深蒂固的種姓等級制度。除此之外,90%的男性表示他們準備分攤婚禮的費用——這也與新娘的家庭包攬一切花銷的傳統態度大相徑庭。

註:carry out:執行。split:分裂;分開;分擔。dramatic:引人註目的;戲劇的。

The findings appear at odds with the more conservative attitudes common in India about marriage, the role of wives, the privileges and entitlements accorded to men, and the importance of marrying someone of the same caste.



Hitesh Dhingra, co-founder of dating app TrulyMadly, believes there are two reasons for the enlightened views expressed in the survey. One is that young Indians, as users of the internet and social media, are exposed to new ideas that challenge traditional social mores. The other is that, as more millennials choose their partners using dating apps and websites, they are more likely to focus on personality and compatibility than caste and religion.

交友軟件 TrulyMadly 的聯合創始人 Hitesh Dhingra 認為,之所以該調查會反映出這樣開明的觀點,有兩個原因。其一是印度年輕人作為互聯網和社交媒體的使用者,接觸到了挑戰傳統社會習俗的新觀念;其二,隨著越來越多的千禧一代選擇使用交友 app 和網站來尋找伴侶,比起種姓和宗教,他們更傾向於註重伴侶的個性以及兩人是否處得來。


“What we are seeing are the markers of a new generation that has been shaped by the internet and influenced by attitudes and behaviour they see in developed countries,” said Azhar Iqbal, CEO of Inshorts.

Inshorts 的 CEO Azhar Iqbal 表示:“我們正在見證的是新一代誕生的標誌,這一代人被互聯網塑造,又受到發達國家的觀念與舉止的影響。”

————— 文章來源 / 衛報 ?


caste /k?st/ n. 種姓

openness /?o?p?nn?s/ n. 開放 e.g. the openness of American society

emergence /i?m??rd??ns/ n. 出現

entrenched /?n?trent?t/ adj. 根深蒂固的 e.g. It‘s very difficult to change attitudes that have become so deeply entrenched over the years.

hierarchy /?ha??rɑ?rki/ n. 等級制度 e.g. social hierarchy

departure /d??pɑ?rt??r/ n. 偏離;違背 e.g. There can be no departure from the rules.

privilege /?pr?v?l?d?/ n. 特權 e.g. Senior management enjoys certain privileges.

entitlement /?n?ta?tlm?nt/ n. 權利;資格 e.g. holiday entitlements

enlightened /?n?la?tnd/ adj. 開明的;擺脫偏見的

mores /?m??re?z/ n. 風俗;習慣 e.g. the mores of the Chinese

millennial /m??leni?l/ n. 千禧一代

compatibility /k?m?p?t??b?l?ti/ n. 兼容;共存 e.g. It was when they started living together that they found they just weren‘t compatible.

pay one‘s way 付(自己那部分的)費用 e.g. They will pay their way through college.

turn/stand (sth.) on its head 完全改變

be at odds 與...不一致


His version of the event was at odds with the police report.

They‘re at odds over the project.

accord to 給予 e.g. The supporters accorded him a hero‘s welcome.

be exposed to 暴露於... e.g. be exposed to radiation 輻射



種姓制度已經在印度有 3000 多年的歷史了,它根據人們所從事的工作與義務,將印度教徒劃分為等級不同且界限嚴明的四個種姓:地位最高的種姓是 Brahmins 婆羅門,主要由神職人員和教師組成;其次是 Kshatriyas 剎帝利,由戰士和統治者組成;第三等的種姓是 Vaishyas 吠舍,由農民和商人組成;第四等種姓是 Shudras 首陀羅,由勞工組成。此外還有最低一等的人群甚至被種姓制度排除在外,被稱為“賤民”,英文為 Dalits,又被稱為“不可接觸者”(the untouchable),一般是街道和公共廁所的清潔工。




印度許多邦都有施行對於跨種姓婚姻的激勵政策,補助金額從?5000~ ?100,000不等。近年來,許多邦還加大了補貼力度:

Odisha 邦政府將跨種姓補貼從原來的?50,000翻倍到了?100,000,並且不論這些新人的經濟狀況。在 2010 到 2016 年間,該邦有 4100 對新人拿到了補助,用來購置住房。

Haryana 邦則給那些涉及“不能接觸”人群的跨種姓婚姻提供?101,000的補助。目前,該邦已經資助了 161 對新人,超過 1 千萬盧比。

Himachal Pradesh 邦的補助也在 2013 年由?25,000調整至?75,000。

在 Karnataka 邦,如果女方來自“不可接觸者”,則可拿到?300,000補貼,如果男方來自最低種姓,則可獲得?200,000。

Rajasthan 則可能是全印度對此補貼力度最大的邦了,額度高達?500,000。

除了中央政府的補貼,一些社會組織也有自己的激勵政策。在印度社會公平與授權部(Ministry for Socal Justice and Empowerment )資助下發起的項目中,每年有 500 對名額,補助金額為?250,000。如果婚姻雙方有一方屬於“不可接觸者”,兩人年收入之和少於?500,000(約合人民幣 5 萬元),並且都是首婚,則可以在婚禮舉行的一年內申請補助。

真愛 vs. 種姓:新一代印度人的婚戀觀